Halfway through 2021 – Life, Reading, and Blogging Mid Year wrap up

Hello readers! So I didn’t want to do the Mid-Year Freak out book tag and I also wanted to make that tag look like a wrap up or update, a way to list books I enjoyed so far, series I read, and so on but at the same time giving me space to add my own thing so I came up with, Halfway through 2021.
Let’s start with how was year so far
COVID really disturbed things in life this year. I was okay in 2020, it didn’t make huge impact but with my kid growing this year was difficult. There is not proper schedule in my life and my kid is driving me crazy. I’m really worried about her speech delay. It doesn’t help when everyone relatives, doctor, even those who are loved ones, directly or indirectly, blame it on parents that is, ME! Because I’m mother and stay-at-home parent (it doesn’t matter my husband is working from home as well, basically at home all the time!). Trust me when I say we try, I try, to communicate with her but she is so inattentive, wouldn’t even hear what I’m saying! All she wants all the time is play. She is smart kid, her motor skills are perfect and she even says words we teach her but wouldn’t do the normal conversations or try to speak two word sentences. Hoping it might help her communication and I also she could play with kids of her age, we thought we would enrol her for playgroup/activity class or something but we still can’t find one because of COVID.
Changes in Life and Blog
We settled in hometown. We did came back last year in August, bought house (that is under construction) moved everything to hometown in December but it’s in January we actually got settled in rental house. Summer was terrible here and it made us rethink our decision but we don’t regret it.
I turned my blog to self-hosted. Main reason for me was I wanted to save as much money as I can (we are tight and like I said our house under construction, all out money is going there) and by going self hosted and leaving WordPress plans, I could get freedom and more control in just half of premium plan. It wasn’t easy thing for me as non-IT person and I did make huge mistake in understanding things and had to get new domain, transfer things again. It sure gave me hard time and headache but that made me learn things I didn’t know before.
I completed 4 years of blogging in April and now I want to change what I post. I’m slowly limiting spotlight and blitz posts and trying to write more discussion posts and list/recommendation posts. I have to say I really enjoyed them.
I can’t really tell which I enjoyed most so here are all Discussion or list post I wrote so far-
- 10 Reasons Why I Don’t Listen Audiobooks
- Book Reviews Are Important & Book Reviews Can Be Enough For Book Blog
- Least Favourite Tropes & Tropes Everybody Hates/dislike But I’m Okay With It
- Rating Book Low Because Of Character, Fair Or Unfair?
- Book Blogging rules/advices I Follow and Don’t Follow
- Bookstagram Tools I Love and Recommend
- Pride Month Book Recommendations
- 5 Books Set On Sea or Ship
Goals / Challenges
I didn’t make any goals this year except Goodreads challenge. Turns out I don’t stick to goals so why to bother!
I’m doing good this year. I started reading short stories, children’s books again so that might also a reason I’m ahead with Goodreads challenge. But they are not huge in number maybe 3 or 4 so far, I manage to read 2 full Novels per week most of the time so I’m still doing well.

Shows I Watched and enjoyed
I couldn’t watch many as my daughter hardly gives me time and then I had to catch up reading. Let’s not start how behind I am with it but I still managed to watch 2 shows. New episode in season 5 of Lucifer. (Lucifer is going to be my all time favourite show) and Bridgerton.

Book Series/ Duology/ Trilogy I finished
Waiting for Tom Hanks by Kerry Winfrey

This was entertaining and lovely romcom I read this year. Also first book was my most favourite so far.
Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

I finally finished this trilogy and now I can start Six of Crows. Unlike most readers, I actually enjoyed this series. I believe most readers didn’t like this series as they read SOC before this one and I might agree with some points like Mal and Alina weren’t best and romantic aspect was not strong in the series but hey, it wasn’t as bad as people were making it out. World and author’s writing were worth reading this series. I fan of Leigh Bardugo already and I enjoyed the conclusion of trilogy.
Best Sequel I read

White Horse (Jess Bridges Mystery #2) by Joss Stirling
White Horse was amazing sequel of Black River that revolved around another missing case Jess was looking into that again got tangled with Leo’s murder case. If you love murder mysteries with layers, interesting characters, and right balance between dark and humorous, plot and characters, I highly recommend this book. But note that it should be read in order.
Crow (Faeries of Oz #2) by Candace Robinson, Amber R. Duell
I enjoyed this Wizards of Oz retelling. First book Tin was amazing and Crow was fantastic sequel. Loved exploring more of this dark lands of Oz, Reva’s story and her fight with Locasta.
Most anticipated books
I’m not exactly anticipating person. I’m always busy in catching up books I already have and like I said I’m really behind in it and struggling to keep NetGalley ratio to required 80%. But there are two books I really want to get and read releasing in next half of the year.

Best Books I read so far

Historical fictions are winning this year! I’m very picky with this genre and I’m surprised to see majority here. I have a thing for WWI/WWII theme books and I don’t miss a chance if I come across one. I have enjoyed all historical fictions I have read so far this year.
As for fantasy, I was going to choose Shadow and Bone but then I changed it to Ruin and rising. I think I ever loved last book in trilogy as much as Ruin and Rising. Like I said romantic aspect wasn’t strong but overall enjoyment made me overlook it.
Romance lovers are not going to question my choice on Waiting for Tom Hanks. It was amazing book and I wish to read more books by Kerry Winfey now.
I highly recommend Universe of Wishes for anthology and YA, diverse, LGBTQ readers. I’m surprised it’s not that popular.
Inn at Tansy Falls was utterly feel good. So uplifting, refreshing and heart warming. The concept was lovely and setting was just beautiful. It can shine anyone’s day better.
‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.’

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…
What do you think about this post?
How was your 2021 so far?
Which book you enjoyed most this year so far?
Which is your most anticipated book of 2021 releasing in next half of the year?

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I’m sorry to hear how your relatives are blaming you for your daughter’s speech delay. I hope things get better soon. I can relate to “words sting” because I face similar things.
Books Teacup and Reviews
I hope so. Even my reading and blogging becomes huge issue in that. They say you should put aside this ‘hobby’ until your daughter is big enough, which is most irritating. Why should I leave something when I’m trying balance both things.
Thank you, Satabdi!
I really enjoy your discussion posts. They make me think, and I like that. Also, I love Bridgeston too. It is a visually stunning production. My favorite book of the first half of 2021 was Pack Up the Moon by Kristan Higgins, even though I cried buckets reading it. I don’t have a favorite book that I’m anticipating for the second half, I’ll just see what happens.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Wendy! I feel same when i read discussion posts. No wonder every blogger want write them more. It was great show and now I want to read books as I enjoy historically romance.
Great post, Yesha. Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. I pray to God to give you strength to sail through this difficult period.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Debjani!
You’ve done amazing this year, Yesha, especially with everything going on. I hope things start to get easier for you with your daughter and also with the closing of this pandemic. I know it’s still pretty bad there for you all.
Happy reading and wishing you an amazing second half of 2021! ❤️ Hugs
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Mischenko! I hope it gets better soon. Happy reading!
I hear you when you say people aka relatives blame the mother for everything.. it is hard.. but a mother has a life too.. she cannot be just a mother.. hope these difficult times pass soon…
and you have read such an eclectic collection of books spread across genres.. wow.. and those book covers.. congrats.. its really amazing..
I have read recently The Inugami Curse – a murder mystery, it was so dramatic and jaw dropping amazing.. much recommended if you are into the genre…
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Pratikshya! Sadly people still believes it’s always mother’s or women’s job to do everything and they shouldn’t have any other life than their house and children. It’s futile to argue but words definitely stings.
I enjoy murder mysteries. I haven’t heard abut that one. I will look it up.
When it comes to the Grisha books, I do personally prefer the original Shadow and Bone trilogy. I think everyone expected Alina to have such a strong and feisty personality right until the end so when all she wants is no notoriety and a stable life, it threw them off. I thought it was nice and different that we had a character who realised the power was not everything. I also struggled to get through the SIx of Crows duology so that’s another reason!
Books Teacup and Reviews
I can see your point. Alina was complicated. she wanted simple life but also wanted power and she loved using it but at the same time she didn’t want to hurt anyone with it. She wanted simple life but also wanted to be seen or at least be noticed by Mal. Mal’s initial ignorance affected her negatively and I loved how her power made her feisty, determined and confidant eventually. She said she would give up everything but the end hurt her in some way as well. There was a lot in this trilogy and I don’t understand why some readers gave it just 2 stars!
Susy's Cozy World
Oh my, 2021 is being a handful and I am really sorry for that!! But you have managed to read some amazing books so far and you did great with the blog, even if it gave you nightmares for some time!! You really did an amazing job with it!! 😍
And I am sorry to read about the problems with your kid, but COVID is a nightmare for kids. They are having a ton of issues and are the ones who are suffering the most from this situation. And it reflects on a lot of aspects: their learning, their behavior and their relationship with other people in general. There are a lot of problems that are coming out only now that impact kids, sadly!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Susy! It has been trying but good year so far.
I agree about COVID impacting kids most! I thought maybe just three of living in different state until she was 1 and half year old might have impacted her learning to speak. I thought moving back to my hometown, staying with her grandparents in weekends, meet people who speaks our regional language, would be good for her. It will faster her language learning process but so far it hasn’t worked the way we thought. My mom and dad also couldn’t make her speak. She is turning 3 this November and I just hope she start speaking and understanding before her school starts next year this time.
Susy's Cozy World
I really wish for the best, and now that things are getting better in general I think they would start to look up for you, too.
Also, I don’t know if this is your case, but bilingual kids usually start to talk later (not always, sure, but more often than not)
Books Teacup and Reviews
I have observed she is watching English videos more, listen and understand English words more than my regional ones. I was considering that point and was happy she is gravitating to English but hearing she is behind in speaking from everyone made me doubt it.