Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap-up : June 2021 in Reading #Monthlywrapup

Hello Readers! I hope you all had jubilant June. June for me was both good and bad. I have said tons of times this month how my daughter is keeping us on our toes so I’m not going to write another rant of tired mother trying to balance things. Even with everything going on, all arguments, disappointments, and frustration I did read 11 and half books. Turns out I read more to escape real life.

I received 3 book mails this month. I can’t believe it! That’s first time this year I got physical books from authors. I wrote many discussion posts. I was satisfied with most of them and even came up with one that I haven’t seen anywhere so far. I really enjoyed writing them.

So here is how was my June 2021 in reading was-

Reading Stats

Books Read : 11
Pages Read : 3090

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June 2021 in Reading

Books Read and reviewed (June 2021 in Reading)

(click on title to read full review)

5 stars ★★★★★

The Prince And The Nightingale by Abhishek Bhatt – beautiful, touching and realistic historical romance that had much more than just romance and had great historical aspects. If you love to read books set in India with culture, history and sport, great character development and romance, I highly recommend this book.

Everyday Magic by Charlie Laidlaw – refreshing, though-provoking, fun, and heart-warming contemporary, women’s fiction. If you like slow and steady books, archaeology and history, and concept of past memories and how that shape present and future, I highly recommend this book. If you’re stay-at-home parent, you sure can relate to Carole.

Marcus Makes a Movie by Kevin Hart – fun, refreshing, realistic and uplifting illustrated middle grade novel with interesting storyline and great message for kids. If you love middle grade or children’s fiction, concept of film making and great message to learn, I definitely recommend this book.

The House Plant by Jeremy Ray – unique, refreshing, and heartwarming short story that reads of all age would enjoy. It made me want to take better care of plants, and try to learn about planting more. If you are plant lover, enjoy short stories, I highly recommend this book.

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3) by Leigh Bardugo – This was best book in this trilogy. It was impressive, fascinating, entertaining and perfectly written. It wasn’t as bad as most readers were making. Sure, some might not like pacing and romantic aspect but for me it was amazing.

Turtle in Paradise: The Graphic Novel – This was originally a novel written by author a decade ago. It was was lovely, heart warming and entertaining graphic novel with amazing characters and setting. If you enjoy stories set in Key West, great depression timeline, kids and their pranks and adventure, I highly recommend this.

4.5 stars ★★★★1/2

Grief of the Undying (Ichorian Epics 3) by Emilie Knight – This was mix of fantasy and mythology with murder mystery. It was interesting instalment in dark fantasy series. Characters and plot was well balanced. world was more explored. It was great but I felt there were lot included in this book and still some mysteries left unsolved for next books.

4 stars ★★★★

The Shadow Watch (The Shadow Watch #1) by S.A. Klopfenstein – it was impressive, action-packed YA fantasy with interesting characters and world. If you like world with elemental magic, politics, drama, grey and flawed characters, I recommend this book.

The Ancient Evil Versus The Good Boy – well written, impressive, and fast paced paranormal novel with interesting burial ritual in different culture, its history and touching bond between human and animal. If you’re dog lover, like paranormal books, myths and legends, and you don’t want horror books scary but a little gory details, I recommend this book.

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar (The Chronicles of Astranthia, #1) by Payal Doshi – enjoyable, refreshing, adventurous middle grade fantasy. If you love portal fantasy, parallel world, mesmerising world with lots of information, #ownvoice book with Indian culture, I recommend this book.

3.5 stars ★★★1/2

poignant fiction

The Winter Song by Saurav Dutt – it was well written, emotive, and layered fiction. If you are fan of literary/general fiction, flowery writing, like theme of loss and guilt, journey to self-realization, book set in picturesque part of India, I recommend this book.

Discussion Posts

Best book of the month

All 5 star books were great. It’s hard to choose just one or two.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

Have you read any of these books or added to TBR? How was your month in reading? What are you planning for July?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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