New domain name

New domain name // Trouble I faced because of technical misunderstanding

New domain name

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and is receiving this post in your feeds and emails. I am asking as there was huge mess because of domain issue and technical misunderstanding and I had to change old domain from booksteacupnreviews to new domain name – booksteacupreviews (removed ‘n’ from original).

A day before yesterday all of sudden my site went down and on checking I realised my old domain has expired. I had mini heart attack (not literally!) and I panicked (literally!).

You must be thinking how that happened, didn’t you get emails and all? I know I did receive the email but here is what went wrong – I misunderstood things related to domain.

As you all know I recently went for self-hosted WP and when I chose webhosting there was free domain in my plan but as I already had domain through I transferred things to already existing domain. With help of friend we did domain pointing from WP to webhosting site so I believed that’s all I need to do and so I let my WP plan along with domain expire. I didn’t know nor I read anywhere in articles when I was migrating my site that I should renew my domain from WP or should transfer it to webhosting’s registrar!!

At first I tried to renew domain but of course I couldn’t do it as it was totally expired, out of grace period and also I didn’t want to pay another extra penny so only option was claim that free domain I got with plan of webhosting that means get a new domain with something similar and very close to old domain and transfer all my files from old domain to new domain.

I didn’t have a clue how should I do that even though webhosting site sent series of steps to follow as I found that too much technical and complicated. Thankfully my husband’s friend is IT person and he had technician for his company who helped me in transferring things to new domain. After 2 days filled with panic and agitation finally I have my blog back.

Of course, all backlinks from all social media are gone but I will work on it slowly and as my friend Shalini said nobody look to far on blog or social media and pandemic taught us life is too short.

I’m ending my update or rather a rant here!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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