Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap-up : May 2021 in Reading

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Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had marvellous May. For me May was both good and bad. As I said in previous posts, because of silly misunderstanding I had problem with my site. Most of it is resolved but I still have issue with not seeing my posts in WordPress Reader. It feels like before my site was dead, it revived later and now it is crippled, lol. I hope this is solved soon. Back to main thing, here is how was my May 2021 in reading and blogging was-

Reading Stats

Books read: 9
Pages reads: 3023

Blog Stats

Views: 2963
Visits: 1247
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Comments: 281

Books Read and reviewed

(click on title to read full review)

5 stars ★★★★★

The Berlin Zookeeper by Anna Stuart

This was without doubt best book of the month. It was powerful historical fiction that revolved around the Berlin Zoo and its keepers. Best part was the history. I have read how things were during WWII in London, France, other countries but I never read how it was like in the heart of the Germany, what people have gone through, how they suffered, had to follow party command even though they resisted it in their heart, and how women kept things going in Berlin because only they were left, even 13 yr. old kids and 60 yrs. old men were forced to fight the bloody war, and lived constantly in fear of Russian army. Reading all that gave different perspective for Germany in wartime. I highly recommend this book to fans of this genre specially those who love this time period.

The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen

It was amazing coming of age LGBTQ graphic novel revolved around Vietnamese-American middle grade kid and his mother. Tiến was lovely. His feeling for not able to coming out to his parents fearing he might mess it up was realistic and touching. This wasn’t just about Tiến but also about Helen’s struggle as immigrant, how hard it was to leave her own country and family to have safety and future in other country and what it cost her. If you love graphic novels, diverse story, story about immigrant and coming out to parents, I highly recommend this.

The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods

It was hearwarming contemporary Women’s Fiction that revolved around Penelope Swift, aka Nell, and her visit to Tansy Falls that changed her life. Tansy Falls was a fictional setting based on village in Vermont but it was no less than a character. The plot was lovely. I liked the idea of following the itinerary to honour the wish of late best friend. Best part of the book was letters that showed how deep Megan and Nell’s friendship was, how well they knew and loved each other. If You like Finding Home by Kate Field, you would love this.

White Horse (Jess Bridges, #2) by Joss Stirling

White Horse was amazing sequel of Black River that revolved around another missing case Jess was looking into that again got tangled with Leo’s murder case. Jess was amazing. I could see the story becoming dark and serious if Jess didn’t give it light humorous touch. There were so many big and small thought-provoking things hidden under this light-hearted mystery. If you love murder mysteries with layers, interesting characters, and right balance between dark and humorous, plot and characters, I highly recommend this book. But note that it should be read in order.

The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley

The Invisible Husband of Frick Island was bittersweet fiction that revolved around a widow hallucinating her dead husband and a journalist/podcaster trying to understand why whole town was going along with it. I loved the premise and plot was well written with so many surprises and drama. All characters were realistic and relatable. Anders was my favourite character. Setting of Frick Island, Anders’ podcast and Piper and Tom’s past were best in the book. If you love this genre, setting of close-knit community on small island with many layers and mental health issue, I highly recommend this book.

4 stars ★★★★

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery (Little Beach Street Bakery #2) by Jenny Colgan

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery was lovely and cosy chick-lit that revolved around Polly and all the dramas and trouble she faced after buying lighthouse and running bakery at Little Beach Street. The best part of the book was of course Neil the puffin and setting. I loved scenes when Polly was interviewed, she went to get ‘Nan the van’, and everything from climax to end. I recommend to those who love this genre, want a relaxing cozy summer read that is not heavy on romance, and who love artisan baked food.

Red House (Jess Bridges Mystery, #3) by Joss Stirling (Review will be up this month)

Red House was entertaining whodunnit mystery that revolved around body found in central north Oxford, an affluent and quiet area in terms of crime, near the Red House where coincidently Jess has just moved in as house sitter. I so loved seeing development in Jess and Leo’s relationship.

Siege and Storm (Shadow and Bone, #2) by Leigh Bardugo (Review will be up this month)

Siege and Storm was enjoyable sequel to Shadow and Bone that revolved around Alina and Mal’s life on the run, their struggling relationship, Darkling on their tail, and Ravka’s situation making things complicated. World was best part of the book. I enjoyed reading more about world outside Ravka, more details on Ravka’s border, religion and belief, stories of saints, tales of Ravka, and other amplifiers. Royal politics was interesting. I still don’t understand what apparat wanted but I hope to have more clear idea on it in next book. I would have easily given this book 5 stars if it wasn’t for Mal and Alina. I just wanted to bang their head and put amplifier on them that could give them power of sense.

3.5 stars ★★★1/2

All Drama, No Queen by Andaleeb Wajid

All Drama, No Queen was fun and dramatic romance that revolved around Farida’s life and her love story. I enjoyed Farida’s past life and things she discovered in diary. Romance was okay. I still don’t understand why Irshad was in denial of his feelings. Main thing I didn’t like was immaturity of both Farida and Irshad and I couldn’t buy whatever happened in terms of romance in last 30% of the book. I mean I loved everything but I wish there was more. I sure felt like Priya, Farida forgave Irshad too easily and then it was too rushed. If you have read previous book by author and have enjoyed it, want fast paced read, with bit of fun, emotions and lots of drama, I recommend this book.

Discussion/recommendation/other Posts-

5 Books set on Sea/Ship

Book blogging rules/advices I follow and don’t follow

2021 May and June releases added to TBR

New domain name

Best book of the month

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

  • Have you read any of these books or added to TBR?
  • How was your month in reading?
  • What are you planning for May?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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