The Inn at Tansy Falls perfect armchair travel
Review,  Women Fiction

The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods // perfect armchair travel fiction @bookouture

The Inn at Tansy Falls was uplifting, delightful and feel good women’s fiction with beautiful picturesque setting and lovely the idea of following the itinerary to honour the wish of late best friend made it perfect armchair travel fiction and adventure.

The Inn at Tansy Falls perfect armchair travel

The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods

Publication Date : May 12th 2021

Publisher : Bookouture

Genre : Women’s Fiction

Pages : 268

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Dearest Nell, if you’re reading this letter, I’m already gone. You’re my best friend in the world, and as my last request I’m asking you to lay me to rest hundreds of miles away, in my crazy gorgeous, totally one-of-a-kind hometown of Tansy Falls. I know you’re a born-and-bred city girl, but hear me out. After first losing Adrian, and then me… I know your heart is hurting, Nell. I think you’ll find that you need Tansy Falls as much as I do.

So, I’ve got it all planned out. For two weeks, you’ll be staying at the sweet, local inn and every day you’ll be trying something new. And if you follow my instructions to the letter, you may discover there’s more to my story than you think. A surprise something… or someone at the end of it? Only you can find out!

Some last advice before you set off, Nell. Don’t forget your sturdy boots and make sure to give Boomer, the inn’s resident dog, a belly rub from me. Stay well away from former quarterback Brody Knott (boy, do I have some stories about him!). And finally, let the future bring what it brings. While Tansy Falls may look small, I know better than anyone that new beginnings can be found in all kinds of places. That little Vermont town you’d never heard of? Well, it might suddenly begin to feel just like coming home…

If you love feel-good love stories by ReaAnne Thayne, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr, you’ll adore this gorgeous, heart-warming novel about starting over.

*** Disclaimer :  Many thanks to Sarah for tour invite and publisher for providing review copy via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. ***


delightful and feel good armchair travel fiction

The Inn at Tansy Falls was hearwarming contemporary Women’s Fiction that revolved around Penelope Swift, aka Nell, and her visit to Tansy Falls that changed her life. The story was about rediscovering yourself, getting over grief and loss, finding happiness and place to belong, friendship, and love.

Writing was beautiful, vivid, picturesque, and captivating. It pulled me in right from the beginning. It was written in third person narrative from Nell’s perspective. The Setting of Tansy Falls was mind blowing.

The plot was lovely. I liked the idea of following the itinerary to honour the wish of late best friend.

It started with Nell embarking the flight from London to NY and from there to Tansy Falls, Vermont, introducing readers to meek, bereaved Nell telling why she was going to Tansy Falls, how her best friend Megan, who died a month ago from cancer left a letter telling her to scatter her ashes on Mount Maverick in Tansy Falls that held special place to her and also had given her itinerary that she has to follow to the letter.

But following the itinerary meant getting out of her comfort zone, meeting new people and interact with them that she hadn’t done for ages. Megan promised in letter she would find beginning at the end. It was interesting to read what was on the itinerary, what new things Nell would discover, what was the surprise and new beginning Megan was talking about, and what would she do at the end of her two weeks in Tansy Falls.

I so loved to meet all kind of characters in this book. Megan was really amazing. She was lively, bold, full of life, incredible soul with big heart. We meet her through her letters and Nell’s memory of her but it felt like she was there in the background all the time like Nell felt.

Darlene Fiske was 90 something old lady but was so young at heart with sharp mind. I loved her quirky, disorganised store and how she was running it. Jackson and his boy, Mallory and her in-laws, Connie and Piper at Cover Bridge Inn… they all crept in my heart so easily. Yup there wouldn’t be drama if there weren’t mean and selfish characters but you need to read the book to enjoy it.

Nell was great throughout the book. I’m very different from Nell more like Megan as we have taken risks, big decisions that put us out of comfort zone often but I get her. I can see it’s different for her and how challenging it might have been for her to get out of her comfort zone step by step. I admired her for doing everything her friend told out of love, faith and trust, never backing out no matter how tough it got at some point. I loved her development. It was amazing to see how she discovered herself, how far she came from the scared, bereaved, and meek woman evolving to be lively, brave and bold.

Tansy Falls was a fictional setting based on village in Vermont but it was no less than a character here. I fell in love with this place along with Nell. Mountain, river, waterfall, museum, disorganised but quirky general store, dairy farms, local businesses, even hotel-The Covered Bridge Inn- where Nell stayed… it was all so beautifully described. Close-knit community of the town was lovely. They all gossiped, bickered, knew each other’s business, had different opinions but supported and loved each other. They welcomed Nell like their own. I’m so ready to pack my bags and move there.

Best part of the book was letters. I loved reading Megan’s letters in between chapters telling about next place on Itinerary, why it held special place to her, and what Nell was supposed to do at this place. Not just that but this letter showed how deep Megan and Nell’s friendship was, how well they knew and loved each other.

I liked little bit of romance and drama, misunderstanding and misreading a person. It wasn’t heavy on romance but it’s something Nell discovered along with her journey to happiness.

Climax was great, not exactly shocking but yes I didn’t see it coming until it was obvious. The lovely moment after this point, Megan’s surprise and drama at Fiske’s store was all amazing to read. End was perfectly uplifting and feel good. I was actually expecting epilogue or something but I saw in author’s note this is going to be series so yay to that. Can’t wait to see what’s in the next book.

Overall, The Inn at Tansy Falls was uplifting, delightful and feel good women’s fiction with beautiful picturesque setting making it perfect armchair travel and adventure. If You like Finding Home by Kate Field, you would love this.

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Author Bio:

Cate Woods made the most of her university degree in Anglo-Saxon Literature by embarking on a career making tea on programmes including The Big Breakfast, Who Wants to be a Millionaire and French & Saunders. After narrowly missing out on the chance to become a Channel 5 weather girl, she moved into the world of magazine journalism, then ghostwriting and now writes novels under her own name. She has written two best-selling romantic comedies – Just Haven’t Met You Yet and More Than a Feeling – and a festive novel, The Christmas Guest, under the name Daisy Bell. Cate lives in London with her husband and two children.

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