Rating Book Low Because Of Character, Fair Or Unfair? #DiscussionPost
Hello Readers! I might not be the first to discuss this. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any related post to backlink but I do remember me commenting on someone’s blog on topic something like…
Book Blogging rules/advices I Follow and Don’t Follow
Hello Readers! I’m trying to write a discussion post, something out of comfort zone and to make it happen I made a resolution overnight. I know this is a much discussed topic and…
Bookstagram Tools I Love and Recommend
Hello Readers! Reading many creative posts, watching booktubes made me want to get out of my comfort zone and try to come up with idea for the post that is not reviews, tags,…
Horrible Friends in Books I read
Hello Readers! I wrote this Horrible Bosses in Books I read post a month ago. After few days I had horrible friends list so I thought I will share them as well. I…
Why I Read Multiple Genre
Hello Readers! So here is my first ever discussion post. Not something new. It will take more years for me to think something original and I’m not waiting for those year so let’s…
Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book
I have seen posts on Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book around the blogosphere last week, one of the topic of Top Ten Tuesday meme, created by The Broke and the Bookish…
5 Women's Fiction books I recommend on International Women's Day
Happy Women’s Day!! I have grown to love women’s fiction since last year because books in this genre feels so relatable and realistic. Through these stories we know someone out there must have…
5 Women’s Fiction books I recommend on International Women’s Day
check out my favourite Women's Fiction books in this post.