
Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book

I have seen posts on Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book around the blogosphere last week, one of the topic of Top Ten Tuesday meme, created by The Broke and the Bookish and then was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl last year. I’m not participating this meme but I found this topic interesting to talk as everyone has their own criteria for choosing a book. So here are mine-

Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book

Cover– isn’t it obvious! I mean who doesn’t look at cover first and then decide to see what the book is about! And if the cover is bright, colorful, catchy fitting the blurb… it’s cherry on the top.

Blurb– Obviously! Interesting, intriguing synopsis that makes me want to know more about the story.

Popularity and Reviews – I read most of popular books. Let’s just be honest, if LOTR, Harry potter, Percy Jackson and many more were not this much popular I wouldn’t have heard about them. I buy most of popular books and for that I definitely look at reviews.

Mythology– big YES! I blindly go into book if it’s mythology specially Greek and Egyptian. I still haven’t forgotten my love for Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan.

Retelling– Another big Yes! Just see the fever of Lunar Chronicle among YA retelling lovers. I simply blame Disney movies for my love for fairy tales. And if there is retelling with strong female character who hardly needs a Prince to save her life or to fight her vicious step mothers or to fulfill her dream… I’m in!

Fantasy– another get away! A realm of magic, warlocks, shadow hunters, fairy folks, blood sucking vampires (I might be thinking Shadowhunter Chronicles as it includes all of these) or let’s got to more darker world – futuristic novels, oppressing government, forbidden rules (you can’t read, you can’t speak, you can’t fall in love and so on…). All high, epic and heroic fantasies and Dystopian novels are ways to win my heart.

Women’s fiction / Chick Lit / Strong Female protagonist– It might sound sexist but I simply love books around women empowerment, leading strong female protagonist who don’t need to be defined by men and marriage, fighting their own demon or fighting life crisis. Those humorous and lighthearted women centered books are all I need when I’m upset, to forget all the life problems. If the book is with ‘coming out of shadow’ or ‘coming out of her own shell’ or ‘happily-ever-after’ arc, it’s just awesome.

Murder mysteries and Psychological thriller. As much as I’m fan of happily-ever-after, there is part of me who likes to read those dark, twisted, complicit mindset and solve cases with detectives or see the world through victim/suspect’s eyes.

Series– I love good series. 5 books in series is like a normal number for me. It’s not too much as long as I’m enjoying it. I don’t mind waiting next book in series. In fact, I wait till all books are out and then I start reading the series. And I read them in order.

Tome– a big weighty book. ‘For a person who doesn’t show much patience in life it’s remarkable how she can read such big books!’ words spoken by my dearest husband showing his tremendous patience limited to reading newspaper headline but could be patient with all other things that doesn’t include reading! Yes we are polar opposite in this matter!

What do you think about the post and my points? Do we have same points from this list? If not, what are the things that make you read a book?

Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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