
Horrible Friends in Books I read

Hello Readers! I wrote this Horrible Bosses in Books I read post a month ago. After few days I had horrible friends list so I thought I will share them as well. I have also started listing horrible parents. I guess I will write horrible- this-and-that series! What do you think? Anyway, here are the worst friends in literature I came across that made me say out loud “thank goodness, I don’t have such friend in my life“, “I hope I never meet people like this“, or best “I don’t want friend, now, I better read a book and have my blogger friends“.

The Twin by Natasha Preston


This book had worst friend. They are on the top of my list. Poor, Ivy trusted them with life, never did anything wrong or she never meant to look like competitor, she was just best swimmer and worked hard to be best. All it took Iris pointing Ivy’s lap timing to them and suddenly they are jealous and hated her so much that they shut her out and started hanging with her twin. They did horrible things as well but I won’t say it as it will be a spoiler but you get my point, right?

The Lucky Ones by Liz Lawson

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A classic one dating ex-girlfriend. Zach’s best friend turned ex-friend as soon as he found his mother was defending the case of shooter in school. He didn’t just stop there but also started dating his ex-girlfriend as soon as Zach pushed her away. This horrible friend ex-friend didn’t leave any chance making him feel low and kissing his ex-girlfriend in front of him.

The Break Up by Tilly Tennant

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Another classic one, betraying for a boy. Lara’s best friend started loving and dating Lara’s boyfriend behind her back and then expected from her to forgive her. Not just that but when that ex-boyfriend came knocking at Lara’s door and Lara warned her now-ex-best-friend about it, she said nasty things to Lara. Definitely bad! Why a boy has to come in between friendship!

Cupidity by Lucinda Lamont

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So here main character was a horrible friend. Martha betrayed Mae- her best friend since childhood, who gave her roof over her head and supported her in her down time- by sleeping with Mae’s husband! I hated her for this and apparently this was not the best story I read. She kept sleeping with Mae husband and then regretting and then repeating the cycle.

I Know You Remember by Jennifer Donaldson


This should be on the top of the list because here best friend was a psychopath. I wouldn’t say who and how but know that this is worst kind you see who wouldn’t even hesitate in killing you.

The Accidental Life Swap by Jennifer Joyce

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This also shows it’s lovely cover in this list again. Apparently this book had not just horrible boss but horrible friend as well. Here, that friend was sneaky who not just betrayed Rebecca by telling her secret to her boss but also stole her ideas and job.

And a Sixpence for Luck by Lilac Mills

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This too made it to this list. Again a workplace best friend betrayal case. Here that friend plotted with horrible boss to take Daisy’s job who was sacked for using internet. And later was furious with Daisy for ruining her life.

Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

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Another case of friend going after her best friend’s fiance and then selling her to enemy. That horrible friend was Milly. She was so unpredictable and shocked me more when she accused Charlotte and called her monster while she should be thankful. Again why boy has to come in between friendship?

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1) by Rick Riordan


Villain of this series was actually a friend with Percy and Annabeth. It’s safe to say, right? Everybody knows who was the villain and what he did, right? If not I didn’t say who that was. 😁

What do you think about this post and horrible friends I mentioned? Which horrible friends you would like to add to this list? Are there any classic type you came cross often? If so which are those types?

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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