My Book Blog is 6 years old
Wrap-Up,  Discussion post

My Book Blog is 6 years old! Highlights, goals, and dreams…

Hello Readers! My Book Blog is 6 years old! It still feels unbelievable! Last week on the 15th was the 6th blog birthday. Like every year I thought I would publish a post on the same day but I couldn’t and this milestone sure deserves a post as I love spending time in this space I created for myself. Rather than writing just another thank you post I thought I would I would look back on the Past 6 Years with blog highlights, what I changed over time, goals, and what I’m looking forward to… So here they are-

My Book Blog is 6 years old

Blog Highlights

Blogging started as a hobby for me. I had lots of time on my hand, so I started the blog to talk about books I read and also make my writing better (of course, I’m not going to be an author nor do I plan to). To be honest, I didn’t expect to enjoy blogging, I didn’t expect for having readers who like to read what I have to say, nor did I think it to be a part of my life. So every year when I say “I can’t believe it’s ‘x’ blog birthday” I am genuinely surprised to achieve another milestone.

It has been a journey filled with ups and downs, learning lots of new things regularly, making changes, keep it interesting for myself and also for readers… Yes, I never thought it would be so much work to keep the blog running. It’s not a job and many times it felt like a job as a blog takes a lot of time from my daily life.

I have people in my life, some even close, who don’t get my love for blogging and reading or how much it gives me something to do for myself. Most of the time I could mute them but often voices reach the ears and mind and it’s not easy, I almost considered giving up but I’m happy I didn’t and I’m happy to continue another year doing something that matters to me.

I’m always grateful for all the support I get from readers and friends I made through blogging.

I also feel lucky to have made it to publishers’ mailing list. I only occasionally get physical books (being an international blogger sucks and somehow publishing branches in my own country still don’t reply or give me a chance) but I’m never short of eARCs.

I’m happy to discover sites like Blogchatter (it’s for Indian bloggers) that gives reward point for reviews and participating in challenges that I happily use to buy more books.

Over the time I made many changes to my blog-
– I don’t like tags, awards, or memes anymore. They feel monotonous now.
– I stopped participating in promo posts and blog tours as after my kid I can’t possibly read and reviews books with a timeline.
– I started writing discussion posts or interactive posts which was a challenging and fun experience.
– I turned my blog to a self-hosted site that initially gave me tough time but now it’s a smooth experience.
– I also love how my blog looks now. I still get itchy for a change in appearance but I haven’t found a better alternative so I’m to keep the look same for now.

One biggest thing I have achieved that I didn’t dream of is reaching monthly 5k views. I know it still isn;t enough to earn through ads but it’s still huge. I started with 200-500 views a month I quickly made it to 1k or 2k but that required posting almost daily or 5 days a week, now I don’t post that much, hardly 2-3 posts per week, and it is still enough!

Goals for Blog

– One goal I have in mind for this year and I still need to work on it is, posting shows and movie reviews. I keep saying I will do it but then I don’t write the post, I think it still isn’t in a habit like I have for book reviews but It’s something I want to do.
– Write more recommendation posts.
– I also would like to discuss the theme or characters in the series or book or a book-specific discussion. Thanks to Pages Unbound I have written one such post. – Why I didn’t like Mal in the Grisha Trilogy
– I have had this idea for a long time to make a character for series like fandom sites. But I’m not sure if it’s something you all would like to read (let me know if you would).

Dreams for Blog

– I know many would say numbers are not important but I still would like more growth. I hope I can reach 5k followers but it seems far looking at the current 2.1k number.
– I hope to make something from the blog.
– I still dream of getting physical ARC (as I said I don’t get them regularly being an international blogger).
– I also dream my post gets published or gets a mention in big magazines or local newspapers. (too much? Well, there is no tax on dreaming)

That’s it! I will end this post here before I get carried away in unachievable dreams and would like to give humongous, gargantuan, astronomical, and monstrous thanks to all readers, old and new alike, for showing support every day, for reading my posts, leaving comments, and sharing it to more readers and helping me keep this teeny tiny blog alive in the ocean of the internet.

Here, I’m sharing some posts that I personally enjoyed writing –

My Good and Bad Bookish Habits

10 Funny Reasons Why I prefer Physical Books

Book Reviews Are Important & Book Reviews Can Be Enough For Book Blog 

Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo – Review and discussion

5 Reasons Why I Love Rule of Wolves as much as Six of Crows – Review and Discussion

There are many other posts I liked and enjoyed but these are the best for me.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How long have you been blogging for?
What are your goals and dreams as a book blogger?
Tell me what you would like to see more on my blog?

Or Just leave feedback!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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