Weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap up // I got my vaccine

Hello Readers! I hope you all are safe and had great week. I finally got my vaccine on 8th. We registered for it on 7th but then we got my slot was cancelled as there wasn’t any vaccine in centre I was allotted. But then by night government opened registration again and I got my slot in morning. It was better organised at centre I went to but the one my cousin got was full of chaos. People were not maintaining social distance, those who were given afternoon slot were standing in line since morning, they made 4 queue instead of one and then were fighting, swearing and shouting for which line should go first. It was fun to hear the way she was telling and we agreed next time we should see which centre we are getting before submitting the registration. Seriously people can be so idiotic and stupid! I was thanking my lucky stars I didn’t get that centre.

I managed to read 3 books last week. I thought wouldn’t able to read in weekends as many told I would have fever after vaccination but I was okay. No fever just little tired and spent whole weekend reading. No social media or wordpress. I missed that binge reading. I could finish 400 pages long book in just 2 days otherwise it takes me 3 or 4 days for me. Here is what I read…

Last Week I Read

The Berlin Zookeeper by Anna Stuart

historical fiction review

This was amazing read, so emotive and powerful historical fiction set in Berlin Zoo, written in dual timeline. Who can have thought war didn’t just affect humans but also animals and it reached to zoo as well. It was heart-breaking to read what those innocent animals had gone through and how tough and tiring it was for keepers for at zoo alive who risked their lives to keep the animals alive. Read full review HERE.

The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen

This was graphic novel. Yes, my first graphic novel. It wasn’t long and I loved it. I loved the theme of immigration and coming out to parents and concept of language barrier between kid and parents, Kid was born American while parents spoke Vietnamese and I loved how they decided to read a library book everyday after dinner that helped them communicate and discuss things.

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery (Little Beach Street Bakery #2) by Jenny Colgan

This was lovely, cosy and heartwarming read. I have to say I enjoyed first book more than this one. I wanted to shake both Polly and Huckle few times and put some sense in their head. But Neil was the star and sure steal the show. I loved that little puffin and I’m so glad author brought him back. There was drama and many entertaining moments. I loved close-knit community of Mount Polbearne and enjoyed reading ups and downs in Polly’s life and how people supported her. This might be 4 or 4.5 stars.

I’m starting

The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods

Dearest Nell, if you’re reading this letter, I’m already gone…

You’re my best friend in the world, and as my last request I’m asking you to lay me to rest hundreds of miles away, in my crazy gorgeous, totally one-of-a-kind hometown of Tansy Falls. I know you’re a born-and-bred city girl, but hear me out. After first losing Adrian, and then me… I know your heart is hurting, Nell. I think you’ll find that you need Tansy Falls as much as I do.

So, I’ve got it all planned out. For two weeks, you’ll be staying at the sweet, local inn and every day you’ll be trying something new. And if you follow my instructions to the letter, you may discover there’s more to my story than you think. A surprise something… or someone at the end of it? Only you can find out!

Some last advice before you set off, Nell. Don’t forget your sturdy boots and make sure to give Boomer, the inn’s resident dog, a belly rub from me. Stay well away from former quarterback Brody Knott (boy, do I have some stories about him!). And finally, let the future bring what it brings. While Tansy Falls may look small, I know better than anyone that new beginnings can be found in all kinds of places. That little Vermont town you’d never heard of? Well, it might suddenly begin to feel just like coming home…

If you love feel-good love stories by ReaAnne Thayne, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr, you’ll adore this gorgeous, heart-warming novel about starting over.

This is tour book and my stop is next week. I can read it in weekend but I want to start early and look at that synopsis, It’s tempting. I’m all in for bucket list written to follow, small cosy town and discovering new things in life.

Next I’ll be Reading

White Horse (Jess Bridges Mystery #2) by Joss Stirling

3000 years ago Iron Age people carved a White Horse on the Downs near Uffington Castle and now someone has dumped a body there. Laid out like a ceremonial killing, Detective Inspector Leo George isn’t convinced that the murder is what it appears.

He suspects the young female victim may have been a member of the Children of the White Horse, a secretive valley commune, but none of the cult members are talking. That is until he discovers his friend, Jess Bridges, is undercover in the commune, attempting to persuade a wayward young woman to leave the cult.

Leo is confronted by the fact that Jess is heading right into the heart of a mystery that has less to do with ancient gods than it does modern vices, and there is nothing old about spilling blood… 

I was saying I’ll continue series ever since I finished first book Black River. It’s high time I do it and finish the series before month end. I also have 3rd and 4th book and I haven’t taken any tour book for this month after I finish that The Inn at Tansy Falls. Yup, I’m going to binge read this series. It’s another reason I’m starting Tansy Fall early.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

How was your week? Have you red any of these books or planning to read? What are you reading this week?

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Just in case you missed…

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth
All Drama, No Queen by Andaleeb Wajid 
5 Books Set On Sea or Ship

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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