10 Favourite Tropes
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10 Favourite Tropes

Hello reader! After writing Least Favourite Tropes or Trope that everyone dislike but I’m okay with, I wanted to write post on my favourite tropes. There are many tropes I enjoy but here are the 10 Favourite Tropes that are my all time favourites and I never get tired of them.

10 Favourite Tropes

Prophecy and Quests

Books that made me fall in love with read and fantasy genre had this trope. So obviously it’s going to have special place and one of the tropes that makes want want to read book instantly without even knowing what other thing there is in book. I love good adventure book and there isn’t any trope that can make story adventurous other than prophecies and quests.

Forbidden magic/romance

I basically like anything forbidden. It makes story interesting and me extra curious to know why it was forbidden and why characters break the rules or how they fall for each other even though it’s forbidden. I have read few books with this trope and enjoyed all of them. I guess I’ll never get tired of it.

Enemies to Lovers /Hate to Lovers

I don’t thing any reader needs much description or explanation why this makes amazing trope. Nothing is better than two people with differences slowly developing feelings for each other.

Celebrity dating

I’m always fascinated by this trope in romance or rom-com. I never dated a rich person and it already creates lots of possibility in my mind without reading it in fiction. It is also kind of part of forbidden romance, not exactly forbidden but one of the character is always going to think ‘oh how can I date someone who is out of league’ or something along the line. And let’s not forget the drama and fancy dates.

Arranged marriage trope

This one fascinates me in fictions. Being Indian I have seen many arranged marriages in real life and I don’t really like them. Some turns out real bad but in books I enjoy reading them. Somehow they give more hope and positivity in fiction and after reading books I don’t dislike it that much.

Second Chance

This has been my favourite trope for long time. I love to see characters drifting apart due to various reasons even hating each other after little spell of love and then getting back together after certain time period, rekindling feelings and love they had and clearing whatever misunderstanding they had in mind.

Kingdoms at war / Royal Politics

Cliched but I enjoy it. It makes story extra interesting with royal politics and when they throw in arranged marriage trope along with this one.

Veiled magical world / Parallel world

I liked Veiled magical world ever since Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and it’s never going to get old for me. Parallel world is something I have started to enjoy in recent years. I enjoy the contrast between real world and parallel magical world. Portals appearing characters learning things in new world… there is always abundance of imagination.


Another trope that doesn’t need to have why. Only mention is enough for me to get the book.

Forced proximity / Found Family

These two were fighting to get on list and I just couldn’t leave one behind. I have always enjoyed forced proximity in romance no matter how cliched it has become. They make story extra entertaining and I live for entertainment. Nothing can go wrong with Found family. They makes stories meaningful and uplifting.

‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

What do you think about this post? Do you like any of these tropes? Which are your favourite tropes?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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