2022 in Life, Books, and Blog

2022 in Life, Books, and Blog

Hello readers! I wish you all very amazing, happy, healthy, and the very best 2023. It feels like 2022 went by very fast. Except for last few months, most of my year has been good not just in reading but with blog and in life as well. So here is my 2022 in Life, Books, and Blog –

2022 in Life

I struggled balancing things in life. Often 2022 felt monotonous, also difficult as there was lots of pressure with my daughter’s progress and at the same time I didn’t want to compromise my blog and reading. I faced lots of judgments that made me doubt my decisions and choices. It wasn’t very pleasant going through it all (kind of alone as no one accuses a father of setbacks in kid’s milestones) but by the end of the year, I feel proud and happy with all the progress in my kid.

Now looking back at 2022, I feel my life revolves around my kid as you have notices lots of my highlights of months in year are about my kid and what she is doing in life. What can I say, she takes and demands huge space in life and I love it as she is a lot like me.

Reading and Blogging has always been my way of having ‘Me time’. and this year wasn’t different. I picked up an old hobby, Embroidery, and started small Literary Embroidery Projects. I am happy with few bookmarks and frames I made in 2022. Will I continue it? Yes, but only when I can have spare time.

There was lots of social gatherings with relatives, spent all festivals with family, and had many fun moments. I was ignoring my health which came to bite in form of a seasonal and allergic cold near the end of the year. But otherwise, my and my family’s health has been good throughout the year.

2022 in Books

I received many eARCs from publishers. After COVID for the first time, I received physical ARCs as well. Like the previous year, I didn’t chase publication dates, I read all books at my own pace. Half the time I could read and review books by publication date and half the time I couldn’t. NetGalley shelf kept getting bigger with all NetGalley widgets I received. As of now, it looks impossible and hopeless to clear that shelf and get back 80% ratio but I’m not reader if I don’t even try.

Normally I read avg 8 books a month and set my reading goal to 100 books on Goodreads but I knew 2022 will not be the same so I set it to 70 and I completed it in October. Here is how my year in books looks like –

My excel sheet shows total pages I read 30250 and avg length 364 so I’ll consider that.

As usual either I freely give away stars or I come across good books and I have great taste when it comes to books and later is a more positive thing to keep in consideration.

I read lots of ARCs. Like I said I keep getting NetGalley widgets that I can’t possibly pass. Thank to buddy read with Toni @ readingtonic I managed to read some of my own books from the shelf.

The format of books isn’t a surprise looking at how many eARC I get.

I think I made that General thinking it can be read by any age group and books like Ikigai and a few other non-fiction and classics were on that list.

Now that is definitely surprising. I knew I’m going to read more romance in 2022 but didn’t expect it to be more than Fantasy. I hope to read more Classic in 2023. That 3% looks very disappointing.

2022 in Blog

Avg views – 4107
Avg visitors – 2874
Avg Comments – 200

Top posts and Referrers

There is no surprise I get max visits from search engines but I’m really surprised by Top post views. I get views for 10 Fav Tropes almost daily. Here are links to first top five most visited/viewed posts-

10 Favorite Tropes

Every Summer After (review)

The Cruel Prince (review)

Rich People Problems (review)

The Keeper of Stories (review)

Regular comments from Blogs

Huge thanks to-
Lashaan @Roars and Echoes,
Teri @Books and Such,
Tessa @Tessa Talks Books,
Wendy @ the Bashful bookworm,
Carla @Carla Loves to Read, and
Susy @ Susy’s Cozy World
-for always reading my posts, sharing them and all the comments.

And also bloggers who has been reading and sharing my posts throughout the year –
Nicki @Secret Library Book Blog,
Cathy @between the lines book blog,
Toni @readingtonic
Jo @Jo’s Book Blog
Kristi @Confessions of a YA Reader
Susan @Susan Loves Books
Krysta & Briana @Pages Unbound
Laura @snazzy books
Emma @ 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜.𝚌𝚘𝚖
Emma @EmmabBooks
Yvonne @Me And My Books
– and many more… Sorry if I missed you, it’s not intentional and i have to limit this to few bloggers or there would be no end to the post.

I’m ending the post here. There will be posting plans for 2023, best books I read and other year-end list post throughout this month. (I still need to write them!!)

2022 in Life, Books, and Blog

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How was your 2022?
Which genre or format you read most?

Which Genre you wish to read more?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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