Why I Don't DNF Books
Discussion post

Why I Don’t DNF Books #DiscussionPost

Hello Readers! Another most discussed topic and my thoughts on it. This has been on my mind for a while and I remember commenting on posts with this topics as well. I’m sure everyone knows DNF means ‘Did Not Finish’ and many readers put down book and never pick it up again for various reasons. DNFing is getting really common and I get it when readers who DNF say, ‘time is precious’ and ‘why waste it on something you’re not enjoying or you’re not liking’. so why I still keep reading a book? Here is Why I Don’t DNF Books –

Why I Don't DNF Books

Why I Don’t DNF Books

I pick a book I’m sure I would like it

Biggest reason I don’t DNF is I’m picky with books and most of the time I enjoy what I decide to read. It’s also a reason my average rating is higher.

I finish the book once I decided to pick it

I don’t like it to leave things in middle. Also if I have committed to read the book to authors or publisher, it doesn’t feel good or professional going back on my commitment.

I’m optimistic when it comes to books

I believe there will be something to like in book. It can’t be total waste and so I keep reading hoping it will get better eventually and in my experience it is the case. Most books manage to surprise me even though it had poor start or I didn’t enjoy it up to certain points.

Curiosity gets better of me

I’m curious creature. Once I start reading a book I feel curious to gets answers, to see what happened to characters and what is happening in the world or at least to see if my guesses turns out right or not.

I feel it unfair to authors

If I’m author I wouldn’t like it if readers would just leave the book at 25% or 50%, without giving it a chance. I would prefer readers read it and rate it low than just leaving it in the middle.

Not DNFing doesn’t mean I haven’t come close to DNFing

I can’t be always lucky with books and there were times I have come across books that highly frustrated me and there were many things I didn’t enjoy in book.

So, what do I do if I’m not enjoying the book

For me, only thing that works for such books is read them simultaneously. I remember it took me a month to finish a book that was extremely slow and some of the things I didn’t like.

Would I ever DNF a book?

I hope not!

‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

What do you think about this post? Do you DNF books? Why and why not?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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