Review,  Romance

The Beach Reads Book Club by Kathryn Freeman // romance with book store setting @rararesources @0neMoreChapter_ @KathrynFreeman1

The Beach Reads Book Club was delightful and uplifting romance with book store setting and book club in story that any romance lover wouldn’t want to miss.

Romance with book store setting

The Beach Reads Book Club by Kathryn Freeman

Publication Date : 30th June 2021

Publisher : One More Chapter

Genre : Romantic comedy

Pages : 400

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Disclaimer : Many thanks to Rachel @Rachel’s Random Resources for tour invite and author and publisher for providing e-ARC via NetGalley.
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Other book I have read by the same author-

Mr Right Across the Street


Welcome to the Beach Reads Book Club…where love is just a page away…

When Lottie Watt is unceremoniously booted out of her uptight book club for not following the rules, she decides to throw the rulebook out the window and start her own club – one where conversation, gin and cake take precedent over actually having read the book!

The Beach Reads Book Club soon finds a home for its meetings at Books by the Bay, a charming bookshop and café owned by gorgeous, brooding Matthew Steele, and as the book club picks heat up, so too does the attraction between Matt and Lottie.

If there’s anything Lottie has learned from the romances she’s been reading, it’s that the greatest loves are the ones hardest earned.

A love letter to chicklit, romance, romcoms, whatever you want to call them!


The Beach Reads Book Club was heartwarming and uplifting romance that revolved around Lottie Watt, her book club, and bookstore owner Matthew Steele. The story was about unlikely friendship, love for books and reading, getting over guilt and regrets, coming out of insecurities, family, and love.

Writing was entertaining, engaging and fast paced. It was written in third person alternative narrative from Matt and Lottie’s perspective. I loved some chapter titles with monthly meeting and book characters were discussing. Setting of ‘Books by the Bay’ book store overlooking the sea was great.

Plot was simple and yet lovely and fun. It started with Lottie tired of reading heavy literary books and quitting the book club run by strict librarian at library. She decided to start her own book club with like-minded readers deciding to read only uplifting books that one takes to vacation and called it “Beach Reads Book Club”. All she needed was place for her book club meeting and what can be better than a book store with a café on seaside, Books by the Bay. Book store was run by new owner gorgeous and brooding Matthew Steele (Matt). Matt agreed to the book club but problem was attraction between them and sexual tension in the air and both weren’t ready for romance or commitment after their past, they are still trying to get over.

It was interesting to see how Lottie’s book club will turn out, who would join her book club, how characters’ life will change with book club, what was Matt and Lottie’s past, why there was issue between Matt and his family, how they were going to get over the family issue, and if Matt and Lottie will find their happy ending or not.

Characters were lovely and realistic. I rooted for both Matt and Lottie from the beginning. Lottie was lovely, lively, kind, supportive and selfless electrician. She was people person, loved talking and helping people and her this ability changed life of characters around her. She was fiercely independent, had little insecurity, and never allowed any one to help her. I liked how being with book club members and Matt, she learned to allow people help her when needed.

Matt was serious, brooding, and mysterious hero. He was introvert and kept his thought to himself. He wasn’t good with people and never good at letting others know his feelings and sharing his thoughts. As the story progressed, we know more about his past mistakes, guilt and regrets that gave his character more depth. His development was great. It was great to see how his time with Lottie turned him slowly from serious, uptight, and reticent to happy, relaxed, and expressive. He was such caring, big hearted and gentleman. There were many moments that earned him lots of points and with each point I loved him more and more.

I loved Matt’s family. At first, I couldn’t get why Matt kept blaming himself and why his sister, Amy, and dad, Jim, were being rude to him when all he wanted was to help them settle and move on in life. But as story progressed, I loved how Lottie and her book club not only helped Matt but helped in development of his family. Once they all got over their issues and started talking, I loved seeing their love for each other.

Meet the other book club members
– Gira, the introvert and quiet one. Heidi was single mom who had amazing baking skill. Sally was newbie mom, Lottie’s best friend, outspoken, whose mouth ran faster than her brain and without any filters. Audrie was best of all. She was 80 yrs old lonely lady who loved reading and talking sex. She was priceless and made story most hilarious.

Best part of the book was book club. This book club had alcohol, cakes, take outs and of course books. What made this book club fantastic was, it wasn’t just book club discussing books but they were group of close-knit, like-minded friends who also shared their life and supported each other in ups and downs. Book club formed strong bond and brought each character closer. I loved their view on books and romance and their discussion was so hilarious. I so wanted to join this club!

Romance was lovely and steamy. There was spark between Lottie and Matt but I liked author made them friends first. They were both polar opposite and yet I loved how both understood each other and brought balance in each other life. They both didn’t want serious relationship but readers can see it was hard to resist growing attraction and relationship. Their dates were lovely and I enjoyed chemistry between them.

Twist and turns were predictable but I still enjoyed reading them. I felt sad for Matt and wanted to shake Lottie for a moment but I was glad she was no fool, she was sure of her feeling, only problem was understanding Matt. Climax was fun with book they were discussing so apt to their situation and loved how Lottie realised it’s okay to accept help. End was lovely and uplifting with happily ever after.

Overall, The Beach Reads Book Club was delightful, uplifting, entertaining and sexy romance with many hilarious moments and wonderful characters.

I highly recommend this book if you like,
Book club in story
Book store setting
swoon-worthy romance
beach read book
book about books
brooding hero

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About Author

A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a sexy hero. 

With a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes come in many disguises.

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‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 

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