Monthly Wrap Up

Weekly wrap and Monthly Wrap-up // July 2021 in Reading

Hello readers! I hope you all had joyful July. I feel like this month went in haze, all I remember is my husband having fever, spending 2 weeks at my mom’s and reading a lot. Weekend was busy and I didn’t open my laptop until this morning. Saturday we took my daughter to Children’s park. She enjoyed her there specially when they started musical fountain. I was going to write this wrap up post on Sunday but I wasn’t at home until late in evening. We went for our second dose of vaccine. There is no side effect so far for both me and my husband and then went to shopping that I haven’t done ever since this COVID. It was fun day with family.

I added lots of NetGalley books to TBR and I read 12 books.

Reading Stats

Books Read – 12
Pages Read – 3863

Blog Stats

July 2021 in Reading

Now that wasn’t as good as last month as I didn’t write any discussion posts and also I didn’t post 5 days a week as usual. I guess it might be the case from now on until December as we are going to have more social gathering with birthdays and festival coming and also more shopping as my brother’s marriage is coming in November.

Books Read and reviewed

(click on title to read full review)

5 stars ★★★★★

The Sign of Four (Sherlock Holmes, #2) by Arthur Conan Doyle // The Sign of Four was intriguing, suspenseful, and well written historical fiction and mystery. I see why it’s a classic. I highly recommend this. if you enjoy,
Murder mystery
Quirky character
descriptive narration
some interesting quotable lines

Cast in Firelight (Wickery, #1) by Dana Swift // Cast in Firelight was impressive, well written, action-packed, and adventurous YA fantasy romance. I highly recommend this if you enjoy,
Hidden identity trope
Hate-to-lovers trope
arranged marriage trope
political conspiracy
fiery and feisty main character
Interesting magical world with no info dump and only necessary info
Well written romance
Wizards and Witches

Six Crimson Cranes (Six Crimson Cranes, #1) by Elizabeth Lim // Six Crimson Cranes was amazing the way author seamlessly woven retellings of Grimm’s The Six Swans/Andersen’s The Wild Swans with East and West Asian folklores. I highly recommend this if you like,
Hidden identity
Forbidden magic
Curses and journey to lift them
Intriguing world and characters
Great family dynamic
Arranged marriage trope
Foody Main Character

The Beach Reads Book Club by Kathryn Freeman // The Beach Reads Book Club was delightful, uplifting, entertaining and sexy romance with many hilarious moments and wonderful characters. review will be up on 3rd Aug.

The Promise of Summer by Bella Osborne // The Promise of Summer was uplifting, delightful, entertaining and lovely romance with amazing characters and plot. I highly recommend this if you enjoy,
Slow developing romance
will they won’t they trope
Great employer-employee bond
Amazing friendship
Dog adoption and training in story
Cozy plot
Steady pace
Quirky character
Hero different from any romance you have read

The Night of Many Endings by Melissa Payne // The Night of Many Endings was heart touching, deep, and emotive fiction with heavy topic making it perfect book club read. I highly recommend this if you like,
Character driven stories
steady pace
emotional stories
group read worthy
heavy topics
set in library
sad but very hopeful story
satisfactory ending

Ozma (Faeries of Oz, #3) by Candace Robinson, Amber R. Duell // Ozma was adventurous, entertaining, sexy and dark retelling of Wizards of Oz. You will like this if you enjoy,
new adult books
dark fantasy
Main character lying about identity

4 stars ★★★★

John Eyre: A Tale of Darkness and Shadow by Mimi Mathews // The Promise of Summer was uplifting, delightful, entertaining and lovely romance with amazing characters and plot. I highly recommend this if you enjoy,
Slow developing romance
will they won’t they trope
Great employer-employee bond
Amazing friendship
Dog adoption and training in story
Cozy plot
Steady pace
Quirky character
Hero different from any romance you have read

Paris is Always a Good Idea Jenn McKinlay // Paris is Always a Good Idea was refreshing, entertaining, uplifting and enjoyable romance. You will enjoy this if you like,
falling in love with co-worker/rival
Dislike to love trope
journey to self-discovery
more than just romance
lovely and hilarious moments

Delia Suits Up by Amanda Askel // Delia Suits Up was humorous, fun, refreshing and well written contemporary fiction with lovely and developed characters with Body swap trope and friends-to-lovers romance. Review will be up next week.

The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass // This was interesting YA paranormal with horror elements and it dealt with some important topics. I enjoyed this for most part but I did struggle a bit with structure and pacing. It got a little confusing initially. I still need to write review on this but I’m sure I’ll give this 4 stars.

3.5 stars ★★★1/2

YA thriller

Fright Night by Maren Stoffels // Fright Night was enjoyable, fast paced and interesting YA thriller. I recommend this if you like,
Story taking place in few hours
Quick read
Escape room or scary games trope
psychological drama
Munchausen by Proxy rep
Character driven story

Best book of the month

Last Week I Read

Next this Week

The Barrister and the Letter of Marque by Todd M. Johnson

As a barrister in 1818 London, William Snopes has witnessed firsthand the danger of only the wealthy having their voices heard, and he’s a strong advocate who defends the poorer classes against the powerful. That changes the day a struggling heiress, Lady Madeleine Jameson, arrives at his door.

In a last-ditch effort to save her faltering estate, Lady Jameson invested in a merchant brig, the Padget. The ship was granted a rare privilege by the king’s regent: a Letter of Marque authorizing the captain to seize the cargo of French traders operating illegally in the Indian Sea. Yet when the Padget returns to London, her crew is met by soldiers ready to take possession of their goods and arrest the captain for piracy. And the Letter–the sole proof his actions were legal–has mysteriously vanished.

Moved by the lady’s distress, intrigued by the Letter, and goaded by an opposing solicitor, Snopes takes the case. But as he delves deeper into the mystery, he learns that the forces arrayed against Lady Jameson, and now himself, are even more perilous than he’d imagined.

Love Life by Nancy Peach

Dr Alice Carter is no starry-eyed Jane Austen heroine. After all, if your dad left without a backward glance and you found your last boyfriend in bed with another guy, you wouldn’t believe in romance either. And the voices in Alice’s head – you know, the ones that tell you you’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough – well, these voices are very loud. Very loud indeed. Especially when the proud and disagreeable son of one of her patients starts challenging her every decision.

Edward Russell might have a big job and a posh voice, but Alice is determined not to let him get to her, especially if she can get her inner monologue to stop with the endless self-sabotage. And Edward, it turns out, may be less of a prat than he first appears; he’s certainly handy in a crisis.

In the real world, where gentlemanlike manners and out-of-the-blue declarations of love are a story-book fantasy, it’s up to Alice to decide whose voice to listen to … and how to make her own heard.

‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

Have you read any of these books or added to TBR? How was your month in reading? What are you planning for August?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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