new adult fantasy
Review,  Fantasy

Ozma by Candace Robinson, Amber R. Duell @literarydust // adventurous new adult fantasy

Ozma was intriguing, adventurous, and well written new adult fantasy and retelling of Wizard of Oz with hot romance and amazing world.

Ozma (Faeries of Oz #3) by Candace Robinson, Amber R. Duell

Publication Date : June 2nd 2021

Publisher : Midnight Tide Publishing 

Genre : Dark Fantasy / NA

Pages : 226

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Disclaimer : I received e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review.
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Previous books in Series I read


At Ozma’s birth, the witch, Mombi, abducted and cast a spell on her, turning the infant into a male. Only when Ozma broke the witch’s curse did she discover who she is—the True Queen of Oz. Her freedom is short-lived when the Wizard, hungry for her power, imprisons her in a dark, brutal world, cut off from Jack and her magic.

Jack, too, was stolen as a child, forced to toil as Mombi’s slave. When he believes his lover died, Jack loses himself to an array of companions, while plotting his escape from Mombi.

Once Ozma is returned to the Land of Oz by a savior’s magic, she seeks to reunite with Jack while vowing to kill the two fae who ruined their lives. However, neither Jack or Ozma are the same as they once were. They must put their heartache aside to journey across the unforgiving land to stop the Wizard and keep evil from sweeping over the territories.

Perfect for fans of Laura Thalassa and Sarah J. Maas


adventurous, and well written new adult fantasy

Ozma was interesting third instalment in Faeries of Oz series that revolved around Ozma and Jack’s love story, Ozma seeking revenge and trying to get her powers back. The story was about revenge, power, greed, betrayal, forgiveness, and love.

Writing was gripping, lucid and fast paced. It was written in third person narrative from alternative perspective of Ozma and Jack. Setting was atmospheric. Plot was filled with adventure and romance.

I enjoyed the beginning describing how Ozma fell in love in her former male body as Tip with Jack with whom she grew up as prisoner of Mombi, working on Mombi’s pumpkin farm together, how Ozma discovered her true body and identity, cast to dark place by Wizard and now after returning from dark place with Reva she set out to find Jack unsure how he would react to her true identity. Finding Jack in compromising position with a prostitute was last thing she imagined and instead of telling him who she was she lied about her identity. She had more pressing matters than nurse her broken heart and to accomplish that she needed Jack’s help.

It was interesting to see when Ozma will reveal her true identity to Jack, how jack will react to it, how they will overcome their heart break, and how she is going to fight Mombi and the Wizard with no magic.

Ozma was fantastic character. I enjoyed reading how much she changed not just in body but from inside as well. I loved her transformation from Tip to Ozma. As Tip, she was timid, rule follower, always smiling, clumsy, and less confident but her time in dark place with Reva hardened her. She was more confident, nimble, reckless, brave, courageous, and knew how to survive and take care of herself. I felt for her for going through all the trouble and my heart broke with her on finding Jack like that. I could see why she didn’t want to reveal her identity even when she knew Jack would love her no matter what body she had. I admired her courage and the way she fought for getting back what was rightfully hers.

Jack didn’t make great first impression. He was cocky, sneaky, confident, and cheeky. I didn’t like the way he was mourning and treating the pain of losing Tip but at the same time I felt for him. He quickly won my heart. What was revealed about him was surprising. I have to say he didn’t have hard stomach like Ozma. 

Tik-Tok was nice surprise. He wasn’t exactly likable with his cunning nature but I have feeling there was more to him and I can’t wait to read about him in next books.

World was amazing. I enjoyed reading more land explored in this. Loland, it’s people, farm, and village was well described. There was deadly desert, nasty water faerie, tunnel filled with creatures, magical stag, trees with cave within, island full of dark fruits and zombie like people made the world more dark, adventurous, and atmospheric.

Romance was hot and steamy with sizzling chemistry. I enjoyed how both Ozma and Jack got back together and how their bond and love strengthened as the story progressed.

Climax was intriguing, tense and adrenalin filled. I was worried how they were going to face Wizard with dubious plan or should I say there wasn’t any plan. I was horrified when Wizard revealed his intentions but it was fun to see how Ozma turned the table. End was satisfying and lovely.

Overall, Ozma was adventurous, entertaining, sexy and dark retelling of Wizards of Oz.

You will like this if you enjoy
new adult books
dark fantasy
Main character lying about identity

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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