Nonfiction,  Review

#BookReview : I Have (Had) Enough by Jeff Jacobson

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I Have (Had) Enough by Jeff Jacobson
Publication Date : April 26th 2019
Genre: Non-Fiction / memoir
Pages: 195
Stars: Stars: ★★★★★

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“Jeff Jacobson is the greatest contemporary American author you’ve never heard of, but it’s time that changed.”

In this profoundly insightful collection, Jeff Jacobson presents a compelling portrait of marriage, parenthood, friendship, and faith.  At turns hilarious and excruciating, Jacobson’s stories illustrate our shared human experiences of love and loss and offer fresh insights into the twin dance of pain and grace. The author writes from the heart, gut, and spirit as he mines the everyday to discover life’s essential truths. 

“I Have (had) Enough” is better titled “I Have Enough” – enough love for everyone, enough courage to withstand the slings and arrows of outrageous fatherhood, and more blessings than a man deserves.

Honest and filled with joy, I Have (had) Enough is a master-class in love, devotion, and embracing grace wherever you find it.

“If Anne Lamotte and David Sedaris had a child, then put him up for adoption in the suburban Midwest, that child would grow up to be Jeff Jacobson.”

*** Note: I received e-copy this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. ***

I Have (Had) Enough was memoir, a collection of author’s reflection on life, memories lived as a friend, husband and majorly as a father. It was about life experiences, friendship, fatherhood, faith, hope, and love.

After a long time I don’t know how to construct a review. I knew I cannot write a good review of a non-fiction book and much less of an auto-biography and a memoir. It’s the reason I usually don’t read them. But when I got request for this book, I thought I should at least try. It looked different and so it was.

The book is not exactly a memoir of life story. It’s collection of memories and feelings written like all of it was poured in a letter or journal. When I read this, it felt like I was listening Jeff’s speech on stage about every member of his family and loved ones. You know that feeling on hearing a beautiful wedding toast, it was exactly like that. It was unique and beautiful way of telling story.

Book was written in 6 parts. First was introduction of Jeff’s family and loved ones and random childhood memories of Jeff’s four kids. Second part was dedicated to Jeff’s eldest son Gabe, third to twin kids- Tate and Levi, fourth to lovely daughter- Cloe, fifth to best friend Jimmy and sixth to Jesus.

Author started book introducing his wife whom he called hub of the wheel, a central part of his family who kept the family together and running. I got to know how Jeff met Kristie and his love for her. I wish there was more in this first chapter from where his story and his life began. Another person who held important place even after his death in World Trade Center attack was Jimmy, Jeff’s best friend. It was tragic to read about this wonderful person whom I could know through words and feelings of author.

All parts were filled with some lovely, some frustrating, some sad while some tense and worry-filled moments. They were magical to read, written with raw feelings that came alive out of my kindle screen. It showed Jeff’s struggle as parents, journey of life from friendship, marriage, birth of all his children, childhood and teenage years and how they turned into adults bursting Jeff with pride, love, and joy, how he revere Jesus for all he got in life keeping the faith alive.  Whether it was screaming and fighting kids or catching a daughter in cage of love, saving one of them from urinal penny or taking to dentist, being friends with their friends or getting their driving license, worry for a boy who is now a man and miles away from home to be marine or for daughter who is going to college… it was all written from heart and soul that I’m sure all parents will feel.

What I loved most was his letters to his eldest and future spouses of his all children. They told about what they should expect from his children, what were their plus points and what were their flaws and his tremendous love for them. I loved to read about Gabe more than any other children.

It was insightful collection of essays that inspired and motivated me to cherish the time I have, record all the wonderful moments I’m having with my daughter and at the same time be strong for the tough time and the time when they grow up to live their own life with the faith and trust in God.

Overall, it was thoughtful ocean of love and life of Jeff, I loved to read. I definitely recommend this book.

Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon
Affiliate Link: Book Depository

Let’s discuss!

What do you think about the book and review? Have you read this book already or any book by the same author? Which memoir or autobiography you loved most?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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