stress-free cozy read
Review,  Women Fiction

Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan // stress-free cozy read

Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery was such a delightful, stress-free, cozy read that you can ask for Christmas.

stress-free cozy read

Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery (Little Beach Street Bakery #3) by Jenny Colgan

Publication Date : October 20th 2016

Publisher : Sphere

Genre : Chick-Lit / Holiday fiction / Women’s fiction

Pages : 325

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Previous books in Series-

Little Beach Street Bakery (Book 1)

Summer At Little Beach Street Bakery (Book 2)


It’s Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne – a time for family, friends and feasting.

Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She’s at her happiest when she’s creating delicious treats and the festive season always inspires her to bake and knead something extra special for the village residents. In fact, the only thing she loves more than her bakery is curling up with her gorgeous boyfriend, Huckle. She’s determined that this Christmas is going to be their best one yet, but life doesn’t always work out as planned…

When Polly’s best friend Kerensa turns up with a secret that threatens the life Polly and Huckle have built together, the future begins to look uncertain. And then a face from Polly’s past reappears and things become even more complicated. Polly can usually find solace in baking but she has a feeling that’s not going to be enough this time. Can she get things back on track so that everyone has a merry Christmas?


delightful, stress-free, cozy read

Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery was lovely final book in this series that revolved around Polly anxious taking next step in her relationship with Huckle and dealing with all drama that came with her best friend Kerensa, family, and Christmas. The story was about friendship, family, love, complexity of relationships and life, hope, faith, and lots of baking.

Writing was beautiful, vivid, and delightful. I’m officially fan of author’s writing. I took time between second and third books of this series and I have to say I missed author’s writing, it has its own charm. Even though there were some stressful moments for characters reading this book was such stress-free experience. The story was written in third person omniscient narrative. The setting of Mount Polbearne was definitely best.

This can definitely read as standalone as author gave brief but very amazing summary of what happened so far along with beautiful vivid description of Mount Polbearne. If you have read first book in this trilogy you would love this one, you wouldn’t be missing much from second book but if you haven’t read any book in this series, I suggest you should read at least first book as it introduced characters, setting and the community of Mount Polbearne so well.

Plot was interesting. Unlike first two books, this time we have issues other than the bakery and Polly and Huckle’s jobs. Of course, they are still struggling with money and financial thing is always in their mind but they got by and there were more pressing issues than just money which started with Huckle dropping constant hints that they should get married or think about babies, Kerensa and Reuben’s fight that led to Kerensa doing something stupid and ended up pregnant, and Polly suddenly being contacted by her father.

Of course, plot was predictable and yet author made it interesting to read how Polly would find her father, what she would discover from her mother and how that would affect her relationship with her mother; what Kerensa did and how that would affect her relationship with Reuben and friendship with Polly and Huckle; why Polly was anxious for taking her relationship with Huckle to next stage; would she get closure and move on in life after meeting her father; and would Christmas make things right or worse.

It was great to meet all characters along with some new ones. Polly was lovely heroine. She was happy with her bakery, but living in lighthouse was pain, specially in winter, and yet she loved it as she get to live in tower with her hulk like prince, Huckle, and had peacefully content life even though they weren’t in the best financial situation. She was hardworking soul who hate to confront anything and ignored situations and things that made life sour. At first, I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t ready for marriage but as plot progressed and read more about her family situation, I could understand her dilemma better, but at the same time it was little annoying too as I couldn’t see how she could say no to Huckle or doubt life with him. I liked to see her develop, how she realized she cannot sweep things under carpet forever and had to confront things to move on in life, she cannot wait for the right time and had to just grab the opportunity as life is unpredictable. I absolutely loved Polly for supporting Kerensa and finally understanding her mother and how this Christmas brought her more close to her.

Huckle was amazing boyfriend and also desperate to get married and have future with Polly but I loved how he was also seeing the topic made Polly uncomfortable and patiently waited for her to say yes. I could feel his uncertainty when Polly finally said she wasn’t sure she was ready. I didn’t like he fought with her for something that wasn’t exactly her fault and she had right to keep something that wasn’t exactly his concern even though he felt worse because of his past.

Kerensa was great in this. I felt for her, not for exactly her stupidity, but I empathised with her. It was mistake that could happen in unfortunate situation and could happen to anyone and she genuinely felt bad for that and was beating herself throughout her pregnancy. I so loved her surprise for Polly after climax. Reuben was just being himself throughout the story but I didn’t like him for making the whole baby thing about himself with his ‘MY kid’ thing and forgetting it was Kerensa’s too.

At last we meet Reuben’s family, they were worst than Reuben but were amusing to read. We Know Polly’s mother more in this and I liked reading what exactly happened to her and why Polly’s father never stayed in touch. Neil the puffin was absolutely amazing as always.

The best part was subplot of Kerensa’s pregnancy and Polly finally learning about her father and life message told through it. Mount Polbearne was, of course, another best thing in book and I also loved seeing the relationships of Kerensa-Reuben and Polly-Huckle facing issues as they prepared to take next step in life and how they all come out of it. I enjoyed reading all the drama caused by pregnancy, Reuben’s parents, Christmas faire at village, and puffin sanctuary facing issue.

Climax was predictable but at the same time exciting and tense with Polly and Huckle’s fight, baby arriving, Polly meeting her father, and snow storm all at the same time. It was amazing how author wrapped every drama, with all characters redeemed, and they finally getting their happy ending. I loved Kerensa’s surprise before end and how it made the end of this trilogy even more beautiful.

Why 4.5 star-

My small complaint was all characters managed to be annoying at some point but it was just a minor thing in comparison to overall enjoyment of the story.

Overall, Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery was delightful, heartwarming, lovely, and cozy fiction with beautiful writing and setting making it perfect for stress-free Christmas read.

I recommend this if you like,
vivid beautiful writing
third person omniscient narrative
lovely characters
amazing island setting
close-knit community
small town fiction
Story set on Island
great subplot
Christmas read

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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