10 New Blogs I Discovered
Discussion post,  Listopia

10 New Blogs I Discovered in 2021

Hello Readers! Yes, one more and last post with 2021 list. This is actually the second prompt of Support Book Bloggers 2022 Challenge that Pages Unbound (Check out their post for this prompt HERE) is hosting but I changed the title from Find 10 Book Bloggers That Are New-to-You to 10 New Blogs I Discovered in 2021. I was going to list blogs I discovered in 2021 but then I particpated in this challenge so why not to combine it! And as It’s not more than a year I’m following these blog I would say they are new-to-me compared to blogs I have been following for more than two years.

So here are 10 New Blogs I Discovered in 2021. If I miss any please know that I love your blog and the list is of 10 blogs only.

10 New Blogs I Discovered

1. Tessa Talks Books

I enjoy Tessa’s reviews, Tuesday list posts, mini reviews, and bloggerhop posts. Tessa is really supportive and it’s always great to interact with her through comments.

2. Carla Loves To Read

Carla’s blog features reviews, list posts and weekly memes. Like me, Carla read a variety of genres so there is something for all kind of readers.

3. The Bashful Bookworm

Wendy’s blog features reviews, list posts, tags, and weekly memes. She is really supportive and we have very similar taste in fantasy and romance. It also makes me happy she has enjoyed books I have recommended and it’s also great to talk about books in common.

4. Chapters of May

Most aesthetically pleasant blog I have come across. Not just that there are varieties of posts from reviews, discussions, to recommendations and list posts like one I have included in link of blog title. And I love Anika’s Instagram. (I just wish I could make mine half as good)

5. the wordy habitat

My recent favorite blog. I enjoy reading her discussion posts, recommendations, and of course reviews. I also love aesthetics.

6. Not Just Fiction

A blog I discovered though discussion posts but I have come to enjoy reviews and recommendation lists as well. If you love YA fantasy and contemporary you should check out this blog.

7. Eternity Books

Rukky features Adult and Young Adult mysteries/thrillers and diverse books discussion. Her Let’s Talk Bookish meme co-hosted with Literary Lion is amazing and look forward to those posts every week.

8. Bookish Brews

I love Amanda’s style of writing reviews. Amanda features diverse books, highlight BIPOC authors, and books that include other marginalized groupon on her blog and I enjoy reading recommendation and discussion posts along with reviews.

9. Inking & Thinking

Very recent blog I’m following and I already enjoy reading detailed reviews, TBR and recommendation posts. We have common favorite genres- Fantasy, Romance, Historical Fiction, and sci-fi.

10. The Suspected Bibliophile

Review, recommendations and much more on Laurel’s blog who mainly reads fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary.


Thank you for reading! Let’s chat

Are you following any of these blogs?
Are you participating in Blogger Support Challenge?
What blogs you have recenlty followed or tell me your 3 recent favorite blogs?


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Just in case you missed

A Perfect Equation by Elizabeth Everett  – Book Review
Weekly Wrap Up

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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