Monthly Wrap-Up : May 2020 & Weekly Wrap-Up (1/6/’20) #MonthlyWrapup #WEEKINREADING #WeeklyWrapup #BooksTeacupnReviews
Hello Readers! This month was good in terms of reading. I read 9 books. Thanks to being awake till late night or sometimes till early hours of morning. Half the time my daughter…
Monthly Wrap-Up : April 2020 #MonthlyWrapup #BooksTeacupnReviews
Hello readers! I hope you all are at home, safe and adjusted to this long lock down situation. It was difficult in the beginning but things has settled down in good way. Although…
#MonthlyWrapup : March 2020
Hello Readers! So this month was filled with bad news. Everyday something new and equally bad we hear. Looking at the constantly increasing cases and people constantly ignoring government and going out for…
#MonthlyWrapup : February 2020
Hello Readers! I hope you all had fantastic February. This month was good in reading and fantastic in life as well. I finished reading all books I wanted to read. I might not…
Hello readers! I hope you all had great week. I was moody this week I even took more than one day break in reading and exercise. But overall it was good. I bought…
#MonthlyWrapup : January 2020
Hello readers! I hope your 2020 started with amazing books and have managed to stick to your resolutions and read books from shelf that were sitting there for ages. Well, I haven’t done…
Year End Wrap-Up #2019Wrapup #ReadingStats #End oftheyearReadingchallengesupdate #2020Readingplans
Hey Readers! Happy New Year and I wish you all amazing 2020! 2019 was a good year. In terms of personal life it was great. The year started beautifully with my little one…
#MonthlyWrapUp : December 2019
Hello readers! Last month of the year and I read many books. It’s a different thing most of them were short books but anyway it’s all about finishing that Goodreads challenge and even…
#MonthlyWrapUp : November 2019
Hello Readers! This month was quite satisfactory. I finished all book I needed to read this month. I bought 2 books at 70% discount. I love it when I get book with best…
Hello readers! I hope you all had wonderful month. Mine was not good in reading. I didn’t read or review like the usual but shifting and coming back to home, my daughter made…