
#MonthlyWrapup : February 2020

Hello Readers! I hope you all had fantastic February. This month was good in reading and fantastic in life as well. I finished reading all books I wanted to read. I might not be around that frequent as now I have to do all the cleaning and dishes. We had maid but she was not doing her work and attitude was too much to handle. There isn’t money issue, I can look for another maid but frugality is instilled ever since I was small. Anyway, I need to lose that pregnancy weight, household work would be good additional exercise and my kid need more attention these days. I only have time to blog in morning 10-12 and at night 8-12.

So here is my month in numbers:

Books Read: 9
Book Reviewed: 10
Total Pages Read: 2455

What I read:

Books read in Jan but reviewed in Feb~

Cupidity by Lucinda Lamont — (Review) ★★☆☆☆ [2.5]

Cupidity was a historical fiction that revolved around a war widow and her life after loss of her husband. It was about what war does to people, how it affects them and change their lives, about love and lust, grief and loneliness, jealousy and betrayal, change in personality. I loved writing and some characters but had many issue with other things. It was good plot and had potential. I would have liked a closure or conclusion and a character development.

The Neighbours by Nicola Gill — (Review) ★★★★☆

The Neighbours was a women’s fiction that revolved around Ginny and her neighbor Cassie. It was about friendship, fighting depression, relationship, getting over fear, and working to achieve dream. What I liked most was the message conveyed here through Cassie and Ginny’s story. Depression can come to any one at any time. And the most common one- talk about your problem with concerning person, don’t just assume things and take decision that you might regret later. It was great read with strong message and friendship that all women’s fiction readers would love to read.

Affiliate Link: Amazon.com | Amazon.in | Book Depository

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1) by Jeff Kinney — (Review)  ★★★★☆

Diary of a Wimpy Kid was not a diary, it was his journal. It was about a middle school boy’s life at home and at school, about friendship, doing right thing. Writing was easy, age appropriate and entertaining. Those doodles… I just love them all. This book need to be seen from kid’s eye. I tell you kids are like this at this age, sometimes even worse! What I wanted was Greg learning more lesson than just his friendship. I hope he will develop in next books of the series. It was short, entertaining book with amazing drawings. It made me chuckle few times and reminded me my childhood and school days.

Affiliate Links: Amazon.com | Amazon.in | Book depository

Books Read and Review this month~

Friends First by Angela Lam — (Review) ★★★★★ [4.5]

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Friends First was contemporary fiction set in Atlanta that revolved around Maddy and Greg. It was about excessive eating and drinking habits, struggle in weight loss, PTSD but mainly it was about friendship, helping and supporting each other in friendship, living for yourself and your loved one, and giving second chance to love and life. character’s development was great. Along with this friendship and drama, author talked about PTSD and panic attacks and some people’s prejudice and behavior with person suffering from trauma, how much support, love and patience they need to come out of it through Greg’s story; and danger of eating and drinking disorder and how strong will and determination can help to overcome it through Maddy’s story.  I loved the message of giving a second chance to whom you love and it might surprise you. There was nothing wrong with the story and I actually enjoyed it.  But when I gave a thought later, I was skeptical about characters’ decision at the end. It was interesting, engaging contemporary dealing with good topics and characters that gives you so much to discuss over.

The Queen’s Assassin (Queen’s Secret #1) by Melissa de la Cruz — (Review) ★★★★☆

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The Queen’s Assassin was YA Fantasy that revolved around Queen’s secret and her assassin. It was about forbidden magic, romance, royal politics and saving kingdom from incursion and evil mages.

Now I haven’t read Sarah J Maas books but I have read stories that have somewhat similar outline. The world was original. I love mages and magic and blood vow, but rest of things was not fresh. Characters, queen’s secret and the end was a tad too predictable. It was fast paced, interesting fantasy with addictive writing and refreshing world. It gave same vibes as Children of Blood and Bone while reading this, so if you liked that book, you’ll enjoy this.

Affiliate Link: Book Depository | Amazon.in | Amazon.com

You Are Mine by Miranda Rijks — (Review) ★★★★★

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You Are Mine was creepy psychological thriller that had creepiest villain I ever read. It was about loveless and emotionless upbringing and its psychological effect, how it shapes a person, mindset of psychopath and mainly about limerence- extreme love obsession.  Author has knack for creating hell of twisted and demented psychopath. I could predict what he did to get Charlotte and why, some in the beginning and some within first half. There was no big suspense and still I couldn’t have guessed what happened in the second half. I thought first half was scary but my goodness, the second was epitome of scary. I lost the count how many times I cursed while reading it. It was dark twisted, riveting psychological thriller. I highly recommend this to fans of this genre.

Affiliate Link: Amazon.in | Amazon.com

Has Anyone Seen My Sex Life? by Kristen Bailey — (Review) ★★★★★ [4.5]

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It was quirky Women’s fiction that revolved around Meg and Danny’s married sex life and lot of sex related things but definitely not erotica or a pure romance. It was about uncertainty and questions related to sex life after marriage and kids, rekindling sex life, professional unhappiness, and honest portrayal of sex and how it’s different for everybody. I loved the message in the book. It say a lot about people’s mentality towards erotica and art related to it, how people jump to assumptions and think the worst about the person behind any sex related act. It told what love is, what sex is and how it can be different for everybody. It showed a difference between sexual exploration and perverseness. It was hilarious, entertaining, and enjoyable women’s fiction with a unique and quirky topic. I recommend to all readers of this genre.

Affiliate Links: Book Depository | Amazon.in | Amazon.com

The Celestial Assignment by Theresa Braun — (Review) ★★★★★

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It was a supernatural fantasy short, only 28 pages story. It was about understanding what true love is, respecting the love you find in life, not treating it selfishly but mainly it was about redemption. Overall, it was quick, interesting and intriguing short story.

Affiliate Links: Amazon.in | Amazon.com

Esme’s Gift (Esme Series #2) by Elizabeth Foster — (Review) ★★★★★

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It was fantastic middle grade fantasy, set in the parallel magical world and revolved around Esme’s efforts in saving her mother. It was about resilience, righteousness, good vs evil, friendship, greed of power, and using gift wisely. What I loved most about the book was world and adventure. There was hell lot of things in this world. I liked the way author represented horrors human can create and its consequences through political scheming, abusive parents, madness of scientist, greed for power and misuse of gifts. It was fun and wonderful fantasy with lots of adventure and magical gifts, interesting characters and broad world. I definitely recommend this book to all middle grade readers and fantasy lovers, but read it in order.

Affiliate Link: Amazon.in | Amazon.com | Book Depository

Unborn by Rachel McLean — (Review) ★★★★★

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It was thought provoking dystopia. It was about feminism, misuse and taking advantage of law against women, exploitation of women’s rights, will and consent, patriarchal government, laws and its consequences. The story was around three women who lived in world where abortion was outlawed… No equality, no women rights or human rights, a typical oppressive patriarchal government. All that happened in book made me so angry, disturbed my mind and feelings. Kate, Grace, and Cindee’s journey through prison in this dysopian world changed them and their perspective in good way, they turned out braver, stronger and confident women, ready to kick the world. It was unnerving, thought-provoking and powerful dystopia with controversial topic and brave characters. If you liked Vox, you’ll enjoy this.

Affiliate Links: Amazon.in |Amazon.com |Book Depository

Rewritten (Unwritten #2) by Tara Gilboy — (Review) ★★★★★


It was strong sequel of Middle Grade Fantasy series Unwritten. It revolved around story characters and author of the story who created them and gave them life. It was about forgiveness, accepting the way you’re, being yourself, freedom to live your dream, consequences of restraints and lack of appreciation, and good vs bad. Writing was intriguing, compelling and fast paced. All characters, setting and plot was well written and well described. It was better than its prequel. It was wonderful fantasy set in story world with a good message. I sure recommend this book and previous one to middle grade readers.

Affiliate Link: Amazon.in | Amazon.com |Book Depository

I also read Iron Heart that I’ll review this month.

Best book of the month-

Let’s discuss!

How was you month in reading?
What did you read this month?
Have you read any of these books?
Are you going add any to your TBR?
Which book(s) was your favorite this month?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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