
Year End Wrap-Up #2019Wrapup #ReadingStats #End oftheyearReadingchallengesupdate #2020Readingplans

Hey Readers! Happy New Year and I wish you all amazing 2020!

2019 was a good year.

In terms of personal life it was great. The year started beautifully with my little one in my arms, so small, cute and adorable. It was amazing to see her grow every single month, learning new things, making faces. I loved every freaking moment with her and now by the end of the year she is now 1 year old, running in house flattering everybody with her dazzling smile, and keeping us on our toes all the time. She is turning mischievous I tell you.

Reading and Blogging in 2019-

I got 300 new followers throughout the year! Views were only 100more than last year but visitors were little more. Not much progress there but my social medias grew nicely this year.

Total books I read – 87 I read 12 books less but page number were more than last year.
Total Pages – 26196
Avg Rating – 4
(Either I’m too lenient or I’m reading good books only -that can be good discussion point!)

Here is reading in graphs-

Romance – 10 (wow i didn’t realize I was reading this genre this much. Half must be those holiday and Christmas romance)
Fantasy – 9
Cozy Mystery – 8
Chick Lit -7
Psychological Thrillers – 6
Women’s Fic – 5
Mythical Fantasy -5 (That must be Percy Jackson series)
Historical Fic – 5
And there were other genres raging from 1 to 3 books that you can see in chart.

Books part of series35

That Freebie was a free kindle download

Challenge update-

Popsugar 2019 Challenge – Every year I get prints of Popsugar reading challenge and every year I don’t finish it! This year was the same but I could see many checks on prompts. I don’t take this very seriously, I don’t go and buy/download books that fits the prompt, I just read books I come across and see if it fits or not. That way there is no pressure and I can have fun with the challenge.

I guess I finished more than half of it. HERE is the link.

AtoZ Challenge – I also participated in 2019AtoZ challenge by Ginger mom and company. That too I didn’t complete!!! I finished all letters except J, Q, T, U, and X.

You can check out my AtoZ list HERE.

Anyway that is not going to stop me from getting another print of Popsugar 2020 challenge or signing up for 2020A to Z challenge. 😁

I failed in these two challenges but one challenge I completed was Goodreads 2019 Challenge. Yayyy for this one 😁

Plans for 2020:

1. I’ll again set 2020 Goodreads goal with 80 books.
2. Finish the books I bought throughout 2019 and last year. (I counted them and they are around 50! 😳 )
3. Finish AtoZ challenge this time
4. Get that 100 books NetGalley badge. I’ve been approved and read total75 titles. This is easiest goal so far)
5. Read books by the authors who apparently everybody had read but me- First on the list is Leigh Bardugo , Jay Kristoff , Agatha Christie , Marie Lu, Holly Black

So that’s it for now! I’ll post best of 2019 tomorrow!

Let’s discuss!

In what challenges did you participate in 2019? Did you finish them?
How was your reading stats in 2019?
Which Genre you read most? Did you set goals for 2020?
Do recommend me some challenges that you think I should join.

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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