

Hello readers! I hope you all had wonderful month.

Mine was not good in reading. I didn’t read or review like the usual but shifting and coming back to home, my daughter made it super busy month. I loved this new rental house and even tough she is giving tough time, I love being with her. I got 1 book main and yesterday I bought book case that will arrive tomorrow. I can’t wait to assemble it and organize shelves like those bookstagrammers I was seeing since ages. Okay, I admit I’m not that creative or have shelf decorating things but it can’t hurt to try, right?

In June, I managed to read and review:

Total books read : 4 
Books reviewed : 3
Pages read: 1340
Books received from author : 1 paperback, 2 e-copies
Blog tour :0
Owned : 0 
NetGalley : 1

1. The Unlikely Life of Maisie Meadows by Jenni Keer — (Review)
The Unlikely Life of Maisie Meadows was a beautiful women’s fiction that revolved around life of Maisie Meadows and mysterious, magical tea set that changed Maisie’s life and perspective. It was about family, friendship, and love; embracing life no matter how unlikely things happened and try to live fullest; social media vs reality, read interaction and connection; quirkiness and imperfection.
It was lovely, cozy, mysterious and magical women’s fiction with interesting characters and their unlikely life story. I surely recommend this book.

2. Snakes in the Meadows by Ayaz Kohli — (Review)
Snakes in the Meadows told about the horrific time of Pathri Aali village in Jammu and Kashmir when militants took over their holy shrine and turned it into graveyard. It was the horrific tale of the region that lacked recognition, faced ignorance of authorities, was crippled by militants and endured cruelty and tortures that turned their heaven like meadows into prison of hell. It was about true monstrosity in people, misery and suffering of innocents, legends and valour, limits of hope and endurance and power of belief and faith. It was about preserving dignity, protecting people, fighting the evil and reclaiming the peace and honor.
It was really impressive debut novel. Interesting, engaging, and heart-wrenching literary fiction with lots of characters, good writing and raw emotions that I recommend to readers of this genre.

3. The Secret of His Turquoise Eyes (Mindblood Series Book 1) by Praachi Verma — (Review)
It was mixture of fantasy, sci-fi, mystery and thriller that revolved around a turquoise-eyed hero of the book. It was about power meditation and yoga, spirituality, science and technology, greed and cruelty, adventure, and good vs evil, love, and saving the world.
Nice concept, interesting at places but I didn’t like overly descriptive writing.It was not for me.

I read this book last month but reviewed in June

4. Fallen Princeborn: Stolen by Jean Lee — (Review)
★★★★ 1/2
Fallen Princeborn: Stolen revolved around main character Charlotte, her fierce love and need to save her sister and Liam- the Princeborn and his awakening after a century of sleep, fighting the darkness and saving the innocent humans from it. It was about good vs bad, survival, trust issue, troubling past and childhood, overcoming the grief, fighting darkness, inner and external monsters, and love for family.
It was thrilling, engaging magical mysterious world of shape-shifting fairies and a page turner with great characters and world building. I definitely recommend this book to fantasy lovers.

Extracts / Blitz:

Resilient by Toni Cox — [POST]
The Thirteenth Guardian by K.M. Lewis — [POST]
Asylum II by Sian B. Claven — [POST]
Victoria to Vikings – The Circle of Blood by Trisha Hughes — [POST]
The Danger of Life by Ken Lussey — [POST]
Quest of Fire: The Gathering Dark by Brett Armstrong — [POST]
Passport to Happiness by Carrie Stone — [POST]
Another Shot by Stephen Anthony Brotherton — [POST]

Book of the Month:


Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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