Weekly Wrap Up #Weeklyupdate #Weekinreading
Hello Readers! I hope you all are well and had great weekend. My week was really tiring. I didn’t have much time to blog, my daughter wouldn’t let me sit with laptop. I…
Weekly wrap up #Weeklyupdate #Weekinreading
Hello Readers! I hope you and your family are well. Last week had been as usual. I couldn’t read some days because of lack of time. There is always so much to do…
Weekly Wrap Up #WeeklyUpdate #WeekinReading
Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great week. My week had been a little better. I read one book and finished one started last week. We took my daughter…
Weekly Wrap Up // my kid drives me crazy #WeekinReading
Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had amazing week. My week had been terribly slow. I didn’t get much time to read with all discussion posts I’m trying to write…
Weekly Wrap Up #WeekinReading
Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great week. Last week felt slow to me. I don’t why I finished books I decided I would read but still I somehow…
Weekly Wrap up
Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great weekend. It’s been a good week but it ended with sad news. My husband’s cousin, just 2 year older than him, was…
Weekly Wrap Up // Nightmare finally ended
Hello Readers! I hope you are well and had lovely week. My week was nightmarish and slow. I could only write 3 posts and didn’t even had mood to do anything much that…
Weekly Wrap Up
Hello Readers! I hope you all are well and had great weekend. I hope COVID gets under control and we can have some change in life. It’s getting hard to keep 2 yrs…
Weekly Wrap up // I got my vaccine
Hello Readers! I hope you all are safe and had great week. I finally got my vaccine on 8th. We registered for it on 7th but then we got my slot was cancelled…
Weekly wrap up // Week In Books, Blog And Life
Hello Readers! I hope you all had great week and you all are staying safe at home. COVID in India is spreading like wildfire. So many are getting positive and hospitals don’t have…