Weekly wrap up

Weekly wrap up // Week In Books, Blog And Life

Hello Readers! I hope you all had great week and you all are staying safe at home.

COVID in India is spreading like wildfire. So many are getting positive and hospitals don’t have enough bed or enough oxygen. Last week there was Oxygen leakage in one hospital and because of that over 20 people died. All the news here are showing how bad situation is here. Last week at least 5 out of 18 houses in my street were in quarantine. We haven’t gone out this whole week and will not step out of the house until vaccination starts in first week of May. I didn’t watch any series or movie but I’ll watch Shadow and Bone once I finish whole trilogy.

I read 2 book, 1 children’s story for blog tour last week. I did finally started to at least write draft in the weekend for whole week. Sleeping schedule is getting unpredictable and I often can’t wake up early enough for the things I have to do including writing post.

Last Week I Read

The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams

This was fabulous historical fiction about fiction character, Esme’s life journey along with making of Oxford English Dictionary which had so many real historical fact. It started slow but I enjoyed every bit of this book. It tests patience but at the same time never felt boring. I didn’t know how much was real or fictional but once I read that in author’s note I admired author’s work and this book even more. It’s too costly in India right now, otherwise I would have bought this book. Review will be up next week.

I Think I Love You by Auriane Desombre

This was lovely heart-warming, super fast paced, diverse, LGBTQ, YA, romance with f/f relationship and enemies-to-lovers trope. I enjoyed balance between friends, family and romance. Bisexual representation was really great and characters were realistic and relatable. It wasn’t wow but definitely enjoyable. Review will be up later this week or maybe in first week of May.

Sir Lambalot by Jude Lennon, Holly Bushnell

This was cute, beautifully illustrated children’s book written in rhymes. I enjoyed the message in the book. My review will be up on 27th.

Currently Reading

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth

The Good Sister, Mystery Thriller novel

From the outside, everyone might think Fern and Rose are as close as twin sisters can be: Rose is the responsible one and Fern is the quirky one. But the sisters are devoted to one another and Rose has always been Fern’s protector from the time they were small.

Fern needed protecting because their mother was a true sociopath who hid her true nature from the world, and only Rose could see it. Fern always saw the good in everyone. Years ago, Fern did something very, very bad. And Rose has never told a soul. When Fern decides to help her sister achieve her heart’s desire of having a baby, Rose realizes with growing horror that Fern might make choices that can only have a terrible outcome. What Rose doesn’t realize is that Fern is growing more and more aware of the secrets Rose, herself, is keeping. And that their mother might have the last word after all.

I had this book for long time and I almost forgot about it until I started seeing it near publication date. I’m 20% through this and it’s different than last book I read by the author, The Mother-in-law. Fern is funny but there is something wrong and I can’t believe what horrible mother she and Rose had. I want to see where this is going.

Next I’ll be Reading

Soul Lanterns by Shaw Kuzki, Emily Balistrieri (Translator)

The haunting and poignant story of a how a young Japanese girl’s understanding of the historic and tragic bombing of Hiroshima is transformed by a memorial lantern-floating ceremony.

Twelve-year-old Nozomi lives in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. She wasn’t even born when the bombing of Hiroshima took place. Every year Nozomi joins her family at the lantern-floating ceremony to honor those lost in the bombing. People write the names of their deceased loved ones along with messages of peace, on paper lanterns and set them afloat on the river. This year Nozomi realizes that her mother always releases one lantern with no name. She begins to ask questions, and when complicated stories of loss and loneliness unfold, Nozomi and her friends come up with a creative way to share their loved ones’ experiences. By opening people’s eyes to the struggles they all keep hidden, the project teaches the entire community new ways to show compassion.

Soul Lanterns is an honest exploration of what happened on August 6, 1945, and offers readers a glimpse not only into the rich cultural history of Japan but also into the intimate lives of those who recognize–better than most–the urgent need for peace. 

I enjoy middle grade books more these days. I liked the sound of this book and look at that cover, isn’t it lovely?

If you missed, here are the last week’s posts

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

How was your week?
Have you red any of these books or planning to read?
What are you reading this week?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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