Weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap Up #WeekinReading

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great week. Last week felt slow to me. I don’t why I finished books I decided I would read but still I somehow felt it wasn’t as productive as I would have liked.

I’ve have signed up for Blogchatter Half Marathon challenge. It’s starting from tomorrow till end of the month and for this challenge I need to write 10 posts on any topic or theme in 15 days. I just needed a push to come up with discussion post much discussed or original (that’s hardly going to be possible). I have thought of around 5 topics, wrote 3 already but I can’t think what will be rest of the 5 posts. I thought I would do some research in weekend but I couldn’t.

If you have any book or book blog related topic in mind that you would like to see on my blog for this challenge, please do leave suggestions. Of course, I would mention you if I decide to write on your suggested topic.

Last Week I Read

The Prince And The Nightingale by Abhishek Bhatt

historical romance

This was much better than I expected. I loved love story of main character interwoven with time period and history around independent India. I thought I knew what will happen with main characters and their love story but I was wrong and author managed to surprise me often. Check Full Review Here.

Everyday Magic by Charlie Laidlaw

This was heartwarming story of Carole who was happy as mother and wife until recently. She was filling not content with life, unhappy with monotonous chores and feeling lack of purpose and to figure out her present her feelings she revisits places that held importance in life and have special place in her heart that made her who she was now. It was amazing to read her journey, phases in her life and what she found at the end of this nostalgic journey.

Marcus Makes a Movie by Kevin Hart, David Cooper (Illustrator)

This was lovely, fun and informative with diverse and relatable characters with interesting plotline and messages for kids/middle grade readers. Marcus wasn’t likable at first, he had anger and behavioural issue but as he starts working on his superhero movie, it was easy to figure out why. It was great how author showed the stages of making movie in way that kids could understand and loved the way Marcus’ character developed.

Next I’ll be Reading –

The Ancient Evil Versus The Good Boy by Zachary Finn

When Jon Riley begins volunteering at the Richter Street Animal Shelter, he hopes it will help bring some purpose to is life. After all, who doesn’t like hanging out with a few dogs after a tough day at work?

Jon quickly finds himself befriending, and eventually adopting, a mysterious dog named Desmond. But that’s when the problems start, and soon Jon and Desmond find themselves fighting for their lives against The Ancient Evil and its Shadow People.

Filled with possessions, flour-drenched battles, ancient cliff tombs, and a shadowy underworld, The Ancient Evil Versus the Good Boy follows Jon and Desmond through a gripping adventure and proves the lengths people will go to for their beloved pets. Especially when they’re under attack from something sinister…

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar by Payal Doshi

It all begins on the night Rea turns twelve. After a big fight with her twin brother Rohan on their birthday, Rea’s life in the small village of Darjeeling, India, gets turned on its head. It’s four in the morning and Rohan is nowhere to be found.

It hasn’t even been a day and Amma acts like Rohan’s gone forever. Her grandmother, too, is behaving strangely. Unwilling to give up on her brother, Rea and her friend Leela meet Mishti Daadi, a wrinkly old fortune-teller whose powers of divination set them off on a thrilling and secret quest. In the shade of night, they portal into an otherworldly realm and travel to Astranthia, a land full of magic and whimsy. There with the help of Xeranther, an Astranthian barrow boy, and Flula, a pari, Rea battles serpent-lilies and blood-sucking banshees, encounters a butterfly-faced woman and blue lizard-men, and learns that Rohan has been captured. Rea also discovers that she is a princess with magic. Only she has no idea how to use it.

Struggling with the truth her Amma has kept hidden from her, Rea must solve clues that lead to Rohan, find a way to rescue him and save Astranthia from a potentially deadly fate. But the clock is ticking. Can she rescue Rohan, save Astranthia, and live to see it all?

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar is Payal Doshi’s stunning middle-grade fantasy debut about understanding complex family dynamics, fighting for what is right, discovering oneself, and learning to make friends.

Posts on Blog

The Winter Song by Saurav Dutt- Book review

Red House by jess Stirling – Book review

The Prince and The Nightingale by Abhishek Bhatt – Book review

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo – Book Review

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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