Mini Short Story Reviews: The House Plant, Some Days, Ginger The Giraffe
I have read few short stories recently and instead of writing separate review posts I thought to write one single post- Mini short story reviews of The House Plant by Jeremy Ray, Some Days by María Wernicke, Lawrence Schimel (Translator), and Ginger The Giraffe by T. Albert.
The House Plant by Jeremy Ray

The House Plant by Jeremy Ray
Publication Date : December 14th 2020
Publisher : Infinite Ray Publishing
Genre : Fiction / Short Story
Pages : 30
George, a fern, doesn’t appreciate being bought by Brenda at Garden Palace.
And he certainly doesn’t appreciate being trapped in her house of humans. He yearns to be with the plants outside in the garden. With time, George learns to trust Brenda and think of her as his human. Then one day, tragedy strikes and George’s life will never be the same. What happens when a houseplant loses the thing he never knew he wanted?
You’ll never look at houseplants the same way again.
Disclaimer : I received e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. ***
Review of The House Plant
The House Plant was lovely and heartwarming short story of house plant, Fern named George and his life with his woman-human who brought him to her home. It was about feelings of plants, perception, kindness, love, loss and grief.
Writing was perfect, lucid, emotive and fun. The story was written from George’s perspective that made it most unique. I never read a book from a plant’s POV before. George’s voice was refreshing and touching.
I loved how story started with Brenda telling her book club friends how she found George in Garden Palace and how it was love at first sight for her but it wasn’t how George felt and he told what exactly happened On Brenda’s visit to nursery and how unhappy it was when Brenda picked him to take home.
It was lovely to read the fern’s feelings, how he felt at Garden Palace, how plant communicated with other plants, his perceptions towards humans and that slowly changed with love, kindness and care Brenda showed.
Twist in story at climax was heartbreaking. I wasn’t expecting that and it made me sad and teary for George. I loved how those he thought wouldn’t care for him showed change. End was perfect, lovely and uplifting.
The story brought out all emotions, it made me smile, warmed my heart, sad and happy, in this short 30 pages book. I love the message of love and kindness. It was amazing to see how nurturing plants can help in coming over loss and grief and how all plants need is love and care and in turn they show their gratitude and love by growing into beautiful plant even thought it doesn’t have any colourful flowers.
Overall, The House Plant was unique, refreshing, and heartwarming short story that reads of all age would enjoy. It made me want to take better care of plants, and try to learn about planting more. If you are plant lover, enjoy short stories, I highly recommend this book.
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The Houseplant is now available on Amazon! Link available in @jeremyraystories.”
Some Days by María Wernicke, Lawrence Schimel (Translator)

Some Days by María Wernicke, Lawrence Schimel (Translator)
Publication Date : November 1st 2020
Publisher : Amazon Crossing Kids
Genre : Children’s Picture book / Sequential Art
Pages : 48
From an Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award nominee comes a touching story of family, security, and loss.
A young girl tells her mother about a passageway in their yard. Down this passageway, it is not cold, there is no danger, and nothing bad can ever happen—and the person she longs for is with her again. The only problem is that, on some days, the passageway is not there. But maybe, together, mother and daughter can find a way to carry that feeling with them always.
First published in Argentina, this lovely picture book will tug on the heartstrings of anyone who knows what it means to miss a loved one.
*** this was free kindle book I downloaded on World Book Day. ***
Review of Some Days
Reading that Argentinian author María Wernicke is an Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award nominee, I was expecting some moving, amazing story but it turned out not as good as it sounded.
Honestly, this was first children’s book that I didn’t get in first time. I had to read it twice and still wouldn’t have figured out what the book was about if I haven’t read the synopsis.
There were few words, only one line on each page with big illustrations. It was actually illustrations that spoke more about mother and daughter were going through grief, missing loved one they lost and talking about it while doing hanging freshly washed bed sheet.
I can’t think how kid could figure out what’s in the book when I couldn’t as adult. The concept was great but it needed more words, explanations and emotions for kid to understand this hard and heavy topic.
One thing I liked was art. It was simple, beautiful and expressive.
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Ginger The Giraffe by T. Albert

Ginger The Giraffe by T. Albert
Publication Date : October 7th 2015
Publisher : Monkey Pen
Genre : Children’s fiction / Picture book
Pages : 15
Ginger is a kind giraffe and a good friend. When in trouble, the animals can be sure of having Ginger around for help. A book about the friendship and other important values that little readers need to learn.
*** I found this Monke y Pen site that has free PDF books to download. ***
Review of Ginger The Giraffe
This was lovely story about very helping Ginger the Giraffe who helped her friends when in need. When Ginger found out her friend Mickey the monkey and other animals were suffering from lack of rain and food and she helped them to travel near the forest but the journey wasn’t easy.
It was lovely to read how Ginger helped Mickey and all animals and when they faced danger how her quick thinking and advantage of long neck helped them get out of the problem.
I liked the message of being helpful to your friends. Even though Ginger didn’t have problem in finding food like other animals, she went out of the way and travelled with them so they all can have food and water.
It was easy to read. The descriptions of Ginger, other animals, and forest was well written. All pages were colourful and illustrations and expressions of animals were perfect and beautifully pictured.
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I recently read ‘Some Days’. The art is lovely. And yes the message is a little obtuse but it’s simple and explains what little children think and feel very lovingly.
Books Teacup and Reviews
It’s great you enjoyed it more than I could. Thank you for reading!
Lashaan Balasingam @ Bookidote
It’s so rare to see such a low-rating on anything by you! It does sound like Some Days had big ideas only adults could figure out though. Great mini reviews! 😀
Books Teacup and Reviews
I wasn’t alone who felt that about Some Days. Thank you, Lashaan! 😀
Lovely reviews. The House Plant sounds intriguing. Adding it to my TBR list. I agree with your views on Some Days. I didn’t get it. The cover of Ginger the Giraffe looks lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Tarang! I enjoyed the house plant. I’m sure you’ll like it. Glad to know felt same of Some Days. Happy reading!