Review,  YA

No More Maybes by Elizabeth Stevens

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Published: August 4th 2017 by Sleeping Dragon Books

Read Date: Aug 7th 2017

Star: 4/5

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Blurb (in my words)-

It’s Year 12 and it didn’t go as Aurora Daniels thought. Reason new boy at school, Cole Fielding. Apparently, all good in studies and soccer captain, Aurora is drawn this new guy the moment she saw him but turn out Cole is nothing like all steady and good guys she dated till now. He smokes, drinks, gets into fights and wears bad boy attitude all the time. But Aurora sees smart intelligent guy behind this façade that Cole hide putting all his efforts. As they come closer to each other so comes the past of Cole’s life.
What is this past of Cole? Will Aurora be with him after knowing about him? Will she stay with someone who doesn’t want to let go of his façade?
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Sweet! Lovely!  That’s how this love story was. This is simply a romantic love story that brought a smile on my face. So our heroine of the book loved to wonder in Maybe Land. Instead of approaching openly she used to get lost in the chain of ‘may be’ questions and end up getting nowhere and created a little drama too. That’s the story of the book and main character Aurora. She narrated her May be world very well in this book.
My favorite line:

You’re not the kind of girl to throw your life away for want of a man. You have dreams, you have ambitions. Follow them. Show him you might love him until the end of time, but you won’t let him ruin your life.

Characters– Our main characters, love birds, Cole and Aurora were nice and made a great couple in the book, though they were very different and opposite from each other. Cole– He seemed misunderstood character in this book. Bad personality but good inside that very few can find, kind of boy. I don’t know why but I like those kind of characters. He disappointed me though at some point in the book. But overall he was likable and hot dude. Aurora, soccer captain was smart and witty was more developed in than Cole. These two characters were best and good at one thing, they loved their siblings so dearly. I loved that in these two protagonists. Siblings were all the charm in the book. I so loved them. Aurora’s friends were so supportive and fun company that I wished to have them in my life.
What I liked? This was the second book by Elizabeth Stevens I read. And one thing I like about her books is the smoothness of her stories. I actually didn’t write any notes while I was reading this book, it was easy to read and flowing in steady and smooth way.
Elizabeth’s love for Pride and Prejudice was flashed in this book too. There is another classic mentioned in the book ‘Dorian Gray’ and these two classics was frequently discussed in this book. I’m tempted to read Dorian Gray after reading this book but I know I can’t digest that much heavy English, may be some day! But, yes the book discussion in book and few character resemblance or few characteristics takes from these books was real good.
The concept was not very different but I liked the way author has written it and much focused on feelings of characters, love, friendship and family. Humor in the book was natural. The coolness of Aurora’s parents and Cole’s grandmother was impressive and I was little amazed how open these adults of the book were but not our main characters.
Cole’s past life and his struggle with life and with himself was portrayed remarkably. I loved him for his protectiveness for his brother and how this character developed by the end. I could guess about Cole’s problem right from the point I got hint but it came almost after first half of the book. It made me keep reading because I wanted to see when and how Cole was going tell about it to Aurora which was turning point of the book. Damn, it came out much unexpected, author surprised me here. Not for what Cole said but how he said all that. And life of characters after that big revelation was a surprise for me. So I liked this turning point in the book. I liked how Aurora’s ‘May Bes’ turned into ‘No More Maybes’.
End– I liked it. It was little different because I expected it at earlier point.
Why 4? When I started focusing on this section, I couldn’t remember any other point except this one – Middle part of the story was little dragged. Exactly just before the turning point and after turning point. This story from Cole’s point of view, that author is planning to write, might make that portion less dragging.
Overall, it was nice, cozy, and clean YA Romance. And I enjoyed it.
Who should read it? If you enjoy this kind of romance stories, this book is for you.

Author: Elizabeth Stevens

To know more about author click HERE.

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*** Note: I received a review copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to author. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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