No Plain Rebel (No Ordinary Star #2) by M.C. Frank
Published: December 2nd 2015 by CreateSpace
Read Date: Aug 5th 2017
Stars: 5/5
No Plain Rebel is second installment of ‘No Ordinary Star’.
Blurb (in my words)-
No Ordinary Star– Year 2525. Dystopian world, where no one sleeps, no illness and no hunger, where humanity, feelings and festivals are obsolete, where two person Felix and Astra are born different who are going to change everything. Death of the Clock master bring Felix to his icy shack, where he saved Astra and Both Astra and Felix discovered library in the basement of the shack.
No Plain Rebel– The library that brings out the truth of their life they never knew. Felix is struggling with the truth he just discovered. When Karim, Felix fellow soldier discovers the shack, Astra leaves Felix. With growing feeling for Astra and the truth, Felix cannot concentrate on clock.
Why clock is so important? What’s the truth?
Book Description: Inspired by the short stories of Ray Bradbury, this futuristic novel is set in a world where Christmas -among other things- is obsolete and a Clock is what keeps the fragile balance of peace.
Written in three installments, this is the breathtaking and sensual story of how two unlikely people change the world, and each other, one book at a time.
Immerse yourself into the icy cold world of this scorching hot new novel.
My view:
This book This whole series is going to be in my cover love list. Those colors used in the cover are so beautiful. <3 And so is this book. The book started where the first one ended.
Beauty of this series is that in each installment it gives new questions and those are answered in the next one. I had a questions in the first part of No Ordinary Star- How Felix was in the box while his grandfather was alive and how he saved him? What are the colonies? What was the crime of Astra’s father? The history of these characters I wanted to learn and that this second installment of the book gave.
My favorite line from the book:
“…nothing beats the real thing. Because you can’t control nature,… You can’t predict the course your life will take. That’s the beauty of it.”
Characters and what I liked– Felix! I so loved him in this part of the book. In the first one Astra was all smart, with survival instinct and made me stick to book with her sarcastic remarks while in this installment most of the narration was from Felix’s point of view with all sweetness, and got all the sympathy from me. Uncovering secrets, finding himself alive with his first actual heartbeat, all innocence, and his feelings… Damn! He was so sweet! I won’t say him stupid like Astra did just because he wasn’t unaware of the truths. In fact, he was much smarter than Astra gave a credit to him.
I so loved these two characters Felix and Astra. And that first feeling of love in them.. Wow! That was the sweetest moment of the book. I was smiling like fool while reading the growing love between them, characters who don’t understand its meaning, made it even more meaningful. I understood why Astra was hesitant and what she gone through in the box was horrible. As for why Astra left Felix at first place and running away from him, hopefully I will get answer in the next installment. So basically this book was focused on Felix and the history of characters.
All secondary characters were nicely described. Ah, that one line by Karim, “The first moment I saw you, I said to myself, this idiot will be the death of me.”, he won my heart. Oh like that dude that very moment. The development in Felix and Karim was most noticeable and I liked how they both grew by the end of this installment.
Story of tin man and match girl was mesmerizing. I didn’t know Tin man story but it reminded me again of Little Match Girl story from Hans Christian Andersen collection. The library was so cool and I like that bunker under shack. You seeing that library on the cover that’s Library of Truth in the book. The books and music that were banned by new world, will rebel this new world. I loved the importance of book portrayed in such unique way in the book and how it helped to bring back humanity that this dystopian world lost. The painting Astra made and its description was amazing. Colorful and enchanting!
In last few chapters, when Felix reached stadium, the questions he realized about the world and chairman was brilliant, it didn’t cross my mind ever throughout the book. The climax was just perfect. I knew what was coming but was not that much sure. I loved that ‘just Man’ theory and other ideas taken from Greek books. And that final explanation of why Felix’s grandfather called him his hope. Awesome!
End – It was just like the first one ended. Another broken point of the book.
Overall, this installment bring out all curiosity present in the world into me. I loved this series and can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.
Who should read it? YA, Science Fiction, dystopian world lovers.
Author: M.C. Frank
Know more about author click HERE.
Buy Here: Amazon.com / Amazon.in
*** Note: I received review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I’m really grateful to be part of NOS street team ***
What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read this book or any book by this author? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
Happy Reading! 🙂
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James J. Cudney IV
Great analysis of this book!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, James! 😊
Sounds great! Love the cover too. ❤ Great review…
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thanks, Mischenko! 😊