Book Tag/Award

Unique Blogger Award!

I was nominated for this award by – Stephanie @ Stephanie’s Novel Fiction
Dawlyn and Krista @ Little Blind Book Finds
and, Mischenko @ ReadRantRock&Roll
They are awesome unique bloggers visit their blogs if you haven’t yet.
You can read their answers to this award here – Stepanie’s answers / Dawlyn and Krista’s answers / Mischenko’s Answers.
Thank you for nominating me for this awards.  Heart for each of you <3 <3 <3 <3

The Rules:

  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.

I will keep this sweet and short.

Questions by Stephanie

  1. What’s the funniest book you’ve ever read or movie/tv show you’ve ever watched? Or both?

Book- Percy Jackson series. I love smart witty characters and this series was the first one that made me laugh after I started reading. So, I will love this character and book forever.
Tv show- Tom & Jerry. Obvious!

  1. What is something that you’ve always dreamed of doing but never have?

World tour or at least Europe trip. I don’t have that much money though. Dreaming is free! 😉

  1. What author, living or dead, would you like to spend an entire day with? Why?

Ok that’s tough one. I will choose my favorite ones. JRR Tolkien, Rick Riorden, Cassandra Clare, Marissa Meyer. Because they are my favorites. Duh. And also because they created some witty and unique characters so I will enjoy company of their witty brains.

Questions by Dawlyn and Krista

  1. What inspired you to start your blog?

Goodreads. I love this reading community and it introduced me to this blogging world.

  1. What advice do you have for new bloggers?

Whenever I come across new blogger, whether book bloggers or any other kind, first thing I check is about section and I have seen some do not write it.  When I see it’s just themed text, I instantly feel I don’t want to follow this blog. So, guys please write at least what your blog is about, even just one line. It will give your blog positive impression.
Keep up quality post you will get followers. Even if the no of followers is less they will appreciate your work.

  1. Name a book that you’ve read or want to read that you heard about from the blogosphere?

Damn there are so many books. But, one book I want to read so desperately is Roshni choksi’s The Star-Touched Queen. Most probably I will purchase her books on my birthday this year.

Questions by Mischenko

  1. If you were to write a non-fiction book, what would be your subject of choice?

Live and Let Live.

  1. Name a book that you extremely disliked this year, or last?

Time Traveler’s Wife and Strungball.

  1. Which author would you enjoy meeting the most? Doesn’t have to be living.

Third answer of Stephanie’s questions.

My questions:

  1. What type of content makes you read post without delay? and why? {discussion/ review/ interview/ blitz/ guest post/ any other (specify)} Also, mention a blogger whose posts you feel are irresistible. 😉
  2. What in the book makes you blindly request/purchase the book (without even checking ratings/reviews)?
  3. We all love blogging (that’s why we are here, obvious!) but is there something that annoys you about blogging/blogger?

I nominate-

@ Book Princess Reviews –
@ BrizzleLass –
@ Angie Dokos –
@ This Is My Truth Now –
@Rambling Lisa’s Book Reviews-
@ Diary of a Bookfiend –
@ Two Gals and a Book –
@ Bookmark Your Thoughts –
All bloggers are unique in their own way. So, if you come across this post and would like to participate, consider yourself awarded. 😉

Happy Reading! 🙂



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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