Book Tag/Award

Liebster Award 2 & 3


I was nominated for this award by Annalee @ Buttons Book Reviews  and Claire @ BrizzleLass Books. They write beautiful and honest reviews that I love to read. Please visit their blogs. You can also read their answers to this award (by Annalee here) and (by clair Here).

Thank you for nominating me! You both are awesome. <3 <3

Libester is a German word meaning beloved or dearest. The Libester Award is for your favorite or beloved bloggers who deserve some live in their lives. It is a fun way to get to know your favorite bloggers. And to learn about the blogger behind the blog. You can also promote other bloggers through this award. 

Here Are The Rules For This Award

  • Share the link of the blogger who nominated you. (That’s me, Annalee at Buttons Book Reviews)
  • Answer the 11 questions.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the same award in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family.
  • Ask them 11 questions that you are dying for the answer to. 

Answers to Annalee’s Questions:

  1. What is your least favorite character type? (you cannot say the villians)

  • Whiny. Who doesn’t stand up for themselves and then keep crying that character did this to me. Ughh!
  • Bullies
  • Girl / boy in love who lose brain with heart.
  • Character that don’t speak their mind/ hear/ whatever and then regret (Open your mouth a little and say it and get over it!) and then cry over it.

2. What is a book that you hate but everyone else seems to love?

I don’t know!!! But I will never read Game of Thrones that everyone seems to love.

3. If you could travel to a place in time for 1 hour what would it be?

Book store! 😀

4. What is your Patronus? (If you do not know take the test on Pottermore)

White Mare


5. If you could jump into any book in the world, what would it be and why?

Percy Jackson’s world. That world is funny and adventurous with Percy but I will stay away from Gods, what if one of the Gods get mad at me!!

6. If you could have any pet in world, real or fictional, what would it be and why?

Cats. I love cats. Right now I’m reading book series on Egyptian mythology and I love Egyptian Mau in that, they seem so smart.

Image result for egyptian mau meaning

7. If you suddenly had to leave and you could only take one item with you, what would it be and why? 

Laptop with unlimited books and my blog.

8. What movie or TV show would you turn into a YA book or series?

Mission Impossible in YA book series would be amazing.

9. If you had to turn your life into a book what would the book be called?

Tough one! Ummm… ‘Hermit’ Yeah I like solitary life. (Once you read my ever increasing list of annoying habit of other people below, it will make sense)

10. Paperback or ebook?

I’m comfortable with both format but if I have to choose one, Paperback.

11. Cat or Dog?


Answers to Claire ‘s Questions:

  1. What are your favourite hobbies?

Reading, movies, badminton (I’m not pro but I can play for fun)

2. What job do you think you’d be terrible at?

Acting. I can’t fake emotions or hide the real one.

As counselor for anger management. I myself will fail in that. 😀

Image result for i failed anger management

3. What is the most annoying habit that other people have?

  • Chewing with open mouth and making irritating sound.
  • Keep on telling things repetitively (Give it a break I got it on the first time).
  • Nonstop chattering when I’m obviously not interested.
  • Checking on other’s things (phone/ purse/ something personal) I literally want to shout at them ‘Manners people!’.
  • Talking with me like they own me. (Some relatives do have this habit and that’s really irritating. Sometimes I feel like I’ll tell them on face that I’m individual person you don’t have any rights on me, but I don’t because they’re relatives.)

There can be more but for now that’s it.

4. What’s your favourite drink?

Tea, lemonade.

5. What songs have you completely memorised?

Many Hindi songs but my favorite that I completely memorised is – Agar Tum Saath Ho. Enjoy-

6. What pets do you have?

I don’t have one but I wish I could have kitten.

7. Who’s your go to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to?

The Chainsmokers

8. What TV shows are you into now, or have been in the past?

In past, The Kapil Sharma Show. That is also because my husband used to watch, I had no choice.

9. What would be your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Movie at multiplex then window shopping at mall, (Most of the time I’ll spend in crossword bookstore 😀 ) then dinner and back to home.

10. What’s your favorite holiday?

Diwali. Because I love firecrackers and light of Oil lamp in and around the house.


Image result for diwali 5 days festival

This one is more accurate-

Image result for diwali 5 days of diwali

11. What’s your favorite movie?

All marvel and Disney movies. Most fav- Iron Man and Frozen.

Image result for frozenImage result for iron man movie

My questions –

I’m really bad at coming up with creative question (consider this as answer to job I’m terrible at) so I’m mixing some questions given to me that are—

  1. About yourself.
  2. What’s your favorite holiday?
  3. What is the most annoying habit that other people have?
  4. If you suddenly had to leave and you could only take one item with you, what would it be and why? 
  5. What is your least favorite character type? (you cannot say the villains)
  6. If you could jump into any book in the world, what would it be and why?
  7. What job do you think you’d be terrible at?
  8. What movie or TV show would you turn into a YA book or series?
  9. If you had to turn your life into a book what would the book be called?
  10. What would be your ideal way to spend a weekend?
  11. Date you started your blog.

Ok I’m tagging some new bloggers whom I haven’t tagged before-

@ Literary Weaponry

@ Secret Library

@ The Misstery

@ A little bit about me!

@ Hannahs Beautiful Fantasy

@ The Belgian Reviewer

@ The Well-Thumbed Reader

@ Kelly’s Rambles

@ Linda’s Book Bag

@ Books & Munches

And whoever would like to participate in award consider yourself nominated.

Do we share any similar answers?

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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