Fantasy,  Fiction

Wandering Witch (Diary of Anna the Girl Witch #2) by Vic Connor

Diary of Anna the Girl Witch 2 VC - 600_edited

Published: January 9th 2016 by Helvetic House

Read date: June 18th 2017

Stars: 5/5

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This is total coincidence that I’m reviewing this book on father’s day. 🙂 The book in which Anna is going on adventure to save her father.

Wandering Witch is second book of the series ‘Diary of Anna the Girl Witch’.

Blurb (in my words):

Just after the few weeks of saving children of orphanage, while she was enjoying her vacation in Tuscany, Anna receives a letter from her uncle Misha saying that her father is in danger, only she can save him and for that she needs to return Siberia, her birthplace. Never met or known anything about her father before, family love she craved for all her life, leads her back to Siberia. And this time Lauraleigh, her best friend accompanies Anna on this adventure.

On arriving back to his uncles’ little cabin, she discovers that her father is captured by her evil granny, and come to know more about her father and her tragic family.

Will she able to save her father? How far Anna will go to save her loved ones? Will she let darkness take over her she was afraid of all this time?

My view:

When I read first book of the series, I loved how relaxing and yet entertaining and meaningful the book was. I wanted to read the whole series after that. I was so excited when publisher and author fulfilled my wish to read and review the next two books of the series. And after reading this book, I must say it didn’t disappoint me.

Characters– Initially, in first few chapters, Anna was still skeptical about her powers, seesawing between good and bad use of magic, I thought I really want her character develop now. As story progressed, I liked her even more and I could understand her better. Her granny was real complex character, she was unpredictable and difficult to understand throughout the book which made the book thrilling. In first book, I wished I could know more about Uncle Misha and I got it in this book. I loved him in this book. I liked all other secondary characters.

My favorite line from the book:

It’s not an ingredient you can add to a recipe. You can’t plan on it. You can’t trap love in a bottle and dole it out drop by drop. But when it happens, when it truly happens, when neither partner has any second thoughts and their love is as pure as your mother’s soul, it intensifies the power of a good spell or potion.

What I liked? First the journey of Anna and Lauraleigh from Tuscany to Siberia. Narration of this part was really good. This little portion included a small adventure in first few chapter that hooked me to book. I loved the combination of Russian fairy tale with the story of Anna’s family. Two main stories in this story- of her father and of her granny and mother- was mesmerizing and spellbinding, and was a good surprise in the book. The tragic family story made this book more interesting than I expected. I so loved father daughter reunion in this book.

Again, Anna’s thoughts in her diary was good read. In the first book they helped me in knowing Anna more, while in this book it was all about Anna’s thoughts on the situation. Oh! And little witch schooling of Anna was fun to read.

Magical objects in the book were fascinating especially Squire, an enchanted hand, was coolest in the book. I think all teens would love him the most in the book.

Morals in the story- about materialistic world, wisdom, and how anger and hatred increases the darkness in the person- was very nicely described in the book that every parents want their teens to learn from the book.

Unexpected twist and turns, I couldn’t guess how Anna was going to rescue her father till the climax and yet there was a surprise in the end. And was open-ended. I would like to see how her adventure is going to be in the next book- Fighting witch.

Wandering Witch was steady paced yet page turner, enchanting witch novel with beautiful illustrations. I loved this one more than the first book.

Who should read it? Teens, witch lovers would love to read the book.  


Author: Vic Connor

Illustrator: Raquel Barros

Publisher: Helvetic House

Review on Book 1: Diary of Anna the Girl Witch: Foundling Witch

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author.  I’m glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and review? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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