#BookReview : A Wolf for a Spell by Karah Sutton / / magical, beautiful, imaginative, and well written middle grade fantasy

A Wolf for a Spell by Karah Sutton
Publication Date : December 1st 2020
Publisher : Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Genre : Middle Grade / Fantasy
Pages : 320

The Girl Who Drank the Moon meets Pax in this fantastical tale of a wolf who forms an unlikely alliance with Baba Yaga to save the forest from a wicked tsar.
Since she was a pup, Zima has been taught to fear humans—especially witches—but when her family is threatened, she has no choice but to seek help from the witch Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga never does magic for free, but it just so happens that she needs a wolf’s keen nose for a secret plan she’s brewing… Before Zima knows what’s happening, the witch has cast a switching spell and run off into the woods, while Zima is left behind in Baba Yaga’s hut—and Baba Yaga’s body!
Meanwhile, a young village girl named Nadya is also seeking the witch’s help, and when she meets Zima (in Baba Yaga’s form), they discover that they face a common enemy. With danger closing in, Zima must unite the wolves, the witches and the villagers against an evil that threatens them all.
“Karah Sutton has crafted a vivid and rollicking adventure that proves a wolf doesn’t have to be big or bad to win the day!” —Rosanne Parry, New York Times bestselling author of A Wolf Called Wander
*** Note: I received e-copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to PRHGlobal for free copy. ***

A Wolf for a Spell was great middle grade fantasy based on Russian folklore that revolved around a wolf-Zima, a human-Nadya, and a witch-Baba Yaga. It was about facing fears and not let it overpower you, doing right things, it’s okay to be different, friendship, belongingness, family, trust, and good vs evil.
Writing was easy, gripping and mesmerising with short chapters. It was third person narrative from Zima, Nadya and Baba Yaga’s perspective that worked perfectly here telling readers about each main characters’ life and what they thought about each other and their situation more clearly. I never felt confused with switch between perspectives. It was easy to follow and didn’t distract me from story of each characters.
Plot was interesting. It had Red Riding Hood feel. I’m not going to repeat the plot as synopsis said it well- how it started, how three different characters had their own issues and goals, and how the body switching spell made things complicated that gave a new twist to their goals and changed their life and perspective. It was interesting to find out what was Baba Yaga’s plan, why she needed a grey wolf for it, how their path connected with each other, and how both Nadya and Zima will face the enemy and make things right.
All three main female characters were flawed, realistic, and relatable and they all developed wonderfully throughout the story. They all were my favourite but I loved Zima and Nadya’s story more.
Zima was brave, strong, fiercely protective of her family and resilient wolf but at the same time she feared and worried a lot for being different than her pack. Her voice and emotions were well portrayed. It was hard for her to voice her thought when it was not appreciated and then meeting Baba Yaga and sparing human life didn’t help her case. But I liked how after being in human body she learned things quickly and how it changed her perspective towards the witch and humans. She saw differences and similarities and found things to learn from humans as well. I admired her determination and how even after all the mess she created, she tried harder to make things right without thinking about dangers arounds her. She developed to be grateful towards her leader and learned to voice her thoughts in right way.
Nadya was kind, lovely, and free-spirited girl. She didn’t like the chores of orphanage and never was good at sewing or any other activities but she loved to wander in forest, she knew forest like home and never feared the dangers of it or from wolves. I felt sad for her when orphanage keeper threatened to send her as servant girl. I could see why she was desperate to go with Katerina and at the same time I admired her bravery for going to Baba Yaga even though she never heard anything good about the witch. I liked how she formed her own opinion after meeting the witch, helped Katerina despite of all the dangers around her and did right thing. I liked her development, how she learned to stood up for herself, realised nobody is perfect, everyone had their own issue in life, and found home and family she was looking for all this time.
Baba Yaga was interesting character. We know most of her story and how she had powers through Zima and her attempt in knowing what was her plan. This formidable old witch was strong and wise yet she was not very different from Zima and Nadya. She too lived a lonely life because of her past mistakes and let fear overpower her life for so many years. But her journey through forest changed her a lot, she realised she had to make things right on her own rather than depending on others or making others do it for her. She was infamous but definitely was amazing and every young reader would love her.
World was fascinating with witches, animals and villagers all living in and around the magical forest. I enjoyed reading how the forest seemed all consuming and dangerous with deadly streams, poisonous plants, and hidden dark holes to caves in ground that could trap anyone for days and yet it helped everybody living in and around it, gave power and protection to all creatures. Baba Yaga’s loyal egoistic hut was fun to read. Snow storms, evil villain and forbidding palace and its corridors added tension to story. Despite of this dark world it never felt heavy and gloomy as characters were not affected or harmed by it which made it perfect for middle grade readers.
Twist and turns were good. I couldn’t guess if Baba Yaga would arrive back in time and how they were going to fight their common enemy. Climax was interesting. I was glad to see Zima take control over things and lead witches, humans and wolves in right direction and how they fought against evil together. End was sad but they all found what they were missing in life.
One thing I would like to mention was there was minor pacing issue. Some readers found second half slow I found the middle part a bit slow but there wasn’t any major negative point so it definitely can be overlooked.
Overall, A Wolf for a Spell magical, beautiful, imaginative, and well written middle grade fantasy based on Russian folklore with classic good vs evil theme and perfect middle grade and young readers.
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Lashaan Balasingam @ Bookidote
What a beautiful book that sounds like it has a really good story, great twists, and awesome characters! Another winner! 😀 Great review, Yesha! 😀
Books Teacup and Reviews
It was all of that with well balanced world and characters. Absolutely perfect for young readers. Thank you, Lashaan! 😀
What a lovely review, Yesha! Sounds like the world-building is excellent. I expected Baba Yaga to be a negative character- should have read the description more carefully… Your reviews are always so well-structured and up to the point!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Oh, thank you so much, Toni! I’m not really great or creative with words. I like things straight forward and to-the-point.
I read one book around Baba Yaga before so in my experience from what little I read, including this, is her character is infamous and people fear her but deep within she is not bad and highly misunderstood. Here she play by rule of forest that gave her power, respect it, and would do anything to protect it and its creature.
Thank you for this review! So well written. I alsp really enjoyed this, and love to recommendit to MG readers. Happy reading 🙂
Books Teacup and Reviews
I’m glad you enjoyed this book and like my review as well. I appreciate the comment. Happy Reading!
Teri Polen
I just finished another book about a retelling of Russian folklore that was fantastic. Looks like this is another good one. Awesome review, Yesha!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Teri! I don’t know original folklores but retellings are really interesting.