Cover reveal

#CoverReveal : A Beast so Beautiful by Carlyle Labuschagne @AuthorCarlyle @Shalini_G26

Hello Readers! I’, excited to be part of the cover reveal for A Beast so Beautiful by Carlyle Labuschagne, organized by Shalini @Digital Reads Blog Tours. Please check out the book details and beautiful cover in this post.

A Beast so Beautiful by Carlyle Labuschagne
Expected publication: April 20th 2021
Genre: Fantasy


darkness falls over the land when the Queen of Rurith dies.

Consumed with grief, King Ivar blames their son, Prince Leif, for her demise, and locks him away in the forgotten tower of the castle.

The Prince is left in total despair, until a girl, with hair the colour of a red sunset and green eyes shows him mercy.

For six years she visits him in secret, giving him hope where none existed before.

But Ruith hides many treacherous things that threaten to bring the Kingdom to its knees.

Until the Prince and his beastly curse are released. 






Book Links:

Amazon USA

Amazon UK



Carlyle is a USA Today Bestselling, international bestselling and international award winning South African author – with a flair and passion for mixing genres, adding loads of drama to every story she creates. Carlyle has traveled the world with her books in hopes of connecting with all kinds of book loving people, to learn as much as she can from other book cultures with the hopes of bringing the knowledge back to her home country.

Her goal as an author is to touch people’s lives, and help others love their differences and one another by delivering strong messages of faith, love and hope within every outrageous world she writes about. Carlyle uses writing as a healing tool, and that is why she has started her very own writers support event – SAIR Book Festival.

Founder of SAIR Book Festival
Co-Founder of Fire Quill Publishing.
Founder of Help build a library in South Africa.




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What do you think about the cover and the book? Are you going to add it to TBR? Have you read any other book by the same author?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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