Miracles for the Maharaja by Aditi Krishnakumar
Review,  Fantasy,  Middle Grade,  Mystery

Miracles for the Maharaja by Aditi Krishnakumar – adventurous middle-grade mystery

Miracles for the Maharaja is entertaining and adventurous middle-grade mystery with the exploration of the world and amusing quirky characters.

adventurous middle-grade mystery

Miracles for the Maharaja (Meandering Magicians #3) by Aditi Krishnakumar

Publication Date : January 2, 2023

Publisher : Duckbill

Read Date : April 6, 2023

Genre : Middle-grade / Fantasy / Mystery

Pages : 256

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Previous books in Series –

The Magicians of Madh (Book 1)
Murder in Melucha (Book 2)

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Something strange is afoot in the kingdom of Pür.

The most favoured suitor at Princess Vasundhara’s swayamvara has disappeared …
A reclusive sorceress has emerged from the Eastern Isles …
The Inter-Realm Ambassador is furious …
A long-lost stone with dark powers must be found …
The Sprites are preparing for rebellion …

When dignitaries from all the Mortal Realms-and a few from the Inter-Realm-gather in Rajgir for a stressful swayamvara, only mayhem can ensue! Can Meenakshi and Kalban uncover Tara the Starchaser’s dark legacy and prevent a war between the Realms?

Book III in the Meandering Magicians series


entertaining and adventurous middle-grade mystery

Miracles for the Maharaja is an adventurous middle-grade fantasy and mystery in which Meenakshi and Kalban are at Kingdom of Pür where they have another mystery to solve.

Maharaja and Maharani of Pür has organized swayamvara of their grandaughter and future queen of Pür, Vasundhara. But she is in love with a sprite, Ravi. Mortal-immortal relationships are not kindly looked upon but still they go against everyone’s wishes and Ravi enters his name in swayamvara but just a day before the events start Ravi is kidnapped and the kidnapper has asked for ransom, a Fire of East, a gem that is class V forbidden magical artefact lost for past five hundred years.

If Pür or any licenced magician even managed to find the lost artefact and hand it over to a criminal Pür, they would be in violation of the accord. Their ultimate and natural solution is Meenakshi. She is an unlicensed magician, if she finds and retrieves the artefact it wouldn’t be a violation, just paperwork trouble. But artefact is said to turn any magician evil and Meenakshi is known to be a highly unpredictable most powerful young magician of her age so Kanban, the most sensible and cautious and Chitralekha, who knows a lot about Fire of East join the quest of finding the gem with Meenakshi. While powerful magicians present in Pür, along with authorities, go in search of the missing Sprite and the kidnapper.

The stakes are higher this time. If anything happened to Ravi the sprites will start war with magicians and celestial dancers that would end the inter-realm accord and if the kidnapper got the artefact it will be dangerous to whole world.

Writing is as entertaining and witty as previous books with third person narrative but this time it’s multiple perspectives by two groups that is conducting the investigation at different places at the same time and merge for the update on search periodically.

As you have guessed by this time there are lots of characters working on one case and not to mention there are other dignitaries present for swayamvara and all important people of free lands.

It was great to meet Kamakshi, Meenakshi’s mother, for the first time and I liked her instantly. I can see how powerful she is and at the same time is better with people skills. It was fun to see Persis out of Meluchan soil, enjoying the free use of magic and living up to her name for turning people into pigs (she didn’t turn anyone into pig but threats were not in scarcity). I delighted along with Kalban seeing Abhinav and Rati among more magicians and out of their power and comfort zone. I’m glad to see and know Nalini more. She is more in action in this book and I loved her no-nonsense attitude. Paras, Meenakshi’s father, was just as fabulous as Meenakshi.

Meenakshi just proved one more time how powerful magician she is. I felt for her when she has to answer every people’s doubt. Not many (I think except Paras because she is more like him) understand how naturally curious she is and there is never ill intention or temptation of getting more power in her bones. I loved how she figured out things related to Artefact.

At first, I felt Kalban was shadowed by Meenakshi and with everything else going on but author managed to make him as important as Meenakshi in the second half. Like Abhinav and Rati, I could see how comfortable and confident he was being among magicians. I still can’t see why Kalban feels intimidated by Rati. I hope he can stand up against her and everyone who doubts him in next books.

Chiltralekha was more in the background in this book. But still, it was just as good to see her as in previous books. Abhinav added more fun to story and I think after this book he gets Kalban more but it isn’t expressed that clearly.

What I loved most is the banter between the characters, the legend of Pür, the demography and geography of Pür, knowing a little more about other territories and characters, and the theme of power and greed.

Mystery is more complex in this book. Some twist and turns were predictable while some were well-written. I couldn’t guess the culprit till it was revealed. The climax is predictable but at the same time, I was curious to see what will they do next. The revelation of the culprit and explanations about it was interesting and I’m glad it was kept short. End is action-packed and satisfying. I was pleased to see all my negative points for the previous books were ameliorated in this one making this straight 5 star read.

Overall, Miracles for the Maharaja is entertaining, adventurous, and fast-paced middle-grade fantasy mystery with the exploration of the world and amusing quirky characters.

I recommend this if you like,
Middle-grade mystery
Inspired from Indian mythology
Adventurous plot
Many quirky characters
Fast pace
more exploration of world
Theme of power and greed
lots of banter

Book Links

Goodreads | Amazon.in | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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