perfect read for all seasons
Review,  Romance

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert – perfect read for all seasons

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club is an absolute delight. I’m kicking myself for not reading it earlier. It’s impossible not fall in love with this book. It is perfect read for all seasons.

perfect read for all seasons

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

Publication Date : April 20th 2021

Publisher : Berkley

Genre : Romance

Pages : 336

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Disclaimer : Many thanks to publisher for providing e-copy via NetGalley.


Jobless and forced home to Wisconsin, journalist Sabrina Monroe can tolerate reunions with frenemies and kisses from old boyfriends, but not the literal ghosts that greet her in this heartwarming tale of the power of love and connection from acclaimed author Amy E. Reichert.

For Sabrina Monroe, moving back home to the Wisconsin Dells–the self-described Waterpark Capital of the World–means returning to the Monroe family curse: the women in her family can see spirits who come to them for help with unfinished business. But Sabrina’s always redirected the needy spirits to her mom, who’s much better suited for the job. The one exception has always been Molly, a bubbly rom-com loving ghost, who stuck by Sabrina’s side all through her lonely childhood.

Her personal life starts looking up when Ray, the new local restaurateur, invites Sabrina to his supper club, where he flirts with her over his famous Brandy Old-Fashioneds. He’s charming and handsome, but Sabrina tells herself she doesn’t have time for romance–she needs to focus on finding a job. Except the longer she’s in the Dells, the harder it is to resist her feelings for Ray. Who can turn down a cute guy with a fondness for rescue dogs and an obsession with perfecting his fried cheese curds recipe?

When the Dells starts to feel like home for the first time and with Ray in her corner, Sabrina begins to realize that she can make a difference and help others wherever she is.


adorable romance; perfect read for all seasons

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club is hearwarming and adorable romance that revolves around Sabrina and Ray who has been in Dell for different reasons and finds connection and love. The story is about family, trust, heartbreak, acceptance, kindness, family secrets, ghost stories, anxiety, importance of taking care of mental health, hope, and love.

TW- death of loved ones, panic attacks, anxiety, bullying

Writing is beautiful, feel good, cozy and entertaining that made me smile, laugh and feel everything the characters felt in this story that has more than just romance. The story is written in third person narrative from alternate perspectives of Sabrina and Ray, and occasional narration from ghost, Molly.

I tried to write summery in my own words and then deleted it as I ended up writing evrything which definitely will ruin the fun of reading it all on your own so I guess I will skip this part and just will tell this story is utterly delightful, a mix of cliches and still original (if that’s possible, and you’ll find it is) with meet-cute, chance encounters, fake dating, and friends to lovers trope that I’m sure fans of this genre will love. And to make it more charming there are ghosts, quirky characters, and little bit of mystery. It’s impossible not fall in love with this book.

Sabrina is lovely. She is introvert journalist. I get why she chose the field that doesn’t align with her nature. Regretting choosing the wrong field is something most people can relate to. Her anxiety, nervousness, not defending herself against bully of her life make her look vulnerable but I loved how being with Ray she realized her these weaknesse somehow gave her power and control too. She is amazing at organizing things. I enjoyed reading her love for stationery. I admired her many small act of kindness. Her story behind how random kindness started and why made me like her even more. It was lovely how she found safety and comfort in Ray. it was great to read how she realised seeing ghosts is not curse but gift and she doesn’t have put so much pressure in hiding it and worry about what other will think and say.

Ray is utterly charming, so patient, and total gentleman. I like him for being true from the beginning. He is observant and is great at reading Sabrina and undersatnding she is different. I admired him for seeing extraordinary triats and found it interesting while others saw weakness and wierdness. I also enjoyed reading his side of story, his family issues, family secrets, and reason why he is in Winsconsin Dells and want to be in small country and grow roots. His foodie hobbie and inventions are charming. His small gestures, idea of voice notes, and the way he apologised made me wish him to be real.

I enjoyed both Monroe and Jasper family dynamics. I loved Sabrina’s mother. She is amazing with whole ghost business and it was interesting to read what she did to help all ghosts without caring what community thought about her and her family. Ray’s parents are not likable and his family is so different from Sabrina’s but they still made story interesting and dramatic.

Molly is sure my second favorite. She is lively ghost and brought story to life. Her occasional perspective is breath of fresh air. I could see why Sabrina admired her and wished she was more like her. It isn’t easy to feel betrayed and die and not let that affect the afterlife. She is amazing at seeing good in everything, not dwelling on bad things and enjoy every moment of life afterlife.

Best thing in story is back story of characters and the way author dealt with mental health and anxiety. It’s big part in story and the way author showed how Sabrina handled it, is amazing and realistic. I also loved how importance of therapy and taking care of mental health is discussed. There is also layer of bullying and dealing with death through ghosts.

Romance is another favorite part. It’s slow burn, with friends to lover and fake dating trope. Chemistry between Sabrina and Ray is perfect. There is no misunderstanding trope or conversation gap which I liked most. I also loved the version happily ever after in book. Also, we get two love stories in one.

Mystery of Ray’s great grenadfather is interesting. It was intriguing to read what happened through missing pages. Climax is great. I liked how Sabrina’s secret is revealed, how she relaised her mistake. and made her take step towards acceptance. End is amazingly perfect. I agreed with all that is said about some people who never change, about love and hope and what’s happily ever after in real life.

Overall, The Kindred Spirits Supper Club is fun, charming, delightful, entertaining, sweet and emotive romance. It is perfect read for all seasons.

I highly recommend this if you like,
A lovely meet-cute
A foodie hero
quirky characters
family secret
fake dating trope
friends to lovers
heroine who loves stationery
Introvert heroine
ghosts in romance that definitely adds supernatural element
theme of acceptance, hope, and love
feel good and slow burn romance
Random and fascinating Wisconsin facts

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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