
Running Beyond Empty by Ben Kruser

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Published: November 10th 2016 by Petra Books

Read Date: May 16th 2017

Stars: 5/5

This is book very motivating and inspiring for young women.

Blurb (in my words)

The story is about struggling mother and daughter- Dinah and Selah. Dinah is fitness person who likes to run that helps her in believing in herself, while her daughter Selah is intelligent and sassy high school girl. Because of the Dinah’s husband, Dinah lost her job and Selah has to leave private high school and has move to Storm king village with her mother. Even with all problems in life, they live by their principles. But, it’s not easy in the world full of haughty immoral people. During this struggling period they meet new friends Bill and Norm and some mysterious persons, Johnny Pancakes and Blackie, who help them in getting over their life.

How the journey of life will be for these mother and daughter? What difficulties are still waiting for them in life? How things will turn out at the end?

My view:

Favorite Line from the book:

Don’t grow up to be a noun. Don’t settle for being an ordinary person, place or, God forbid, a thing. Don’t grow up to be an adjective. Don’t become a description of somebody else. Grow up to be yourself. Become a person of action, someone who has the courage to change the world. Grow up to be a verb.

Welcome to the 32 miles race of this book! – That’s table of content. I liked this unique style of writing index.

Meet characters who are going to run in this race –

Dinah– live life by her rules and principles, resilient by nature. I loved her the way she was fighting her way through difficult life. Such an amazing mother. (I wish I could finish this book earlier so that I could have posted this on mother’s day.)

Selah– Daughter of Dinah. Smart, intelligent and sassy. Stand up to bullies of the school and very kind by nature.

Bill and Norm– I thought something might go in the end the way they were living in secrecy. But, they were really great in this book.

Johnny and Blackie– Entertainment of the book. They were funny and mysterious duo. I’m still scratching my head and I really want to know more about them. Little ones in the book were so lovely. I’m in love with characters of this book.

What I like in this book.

First of all I loved the concept of this book. Meaningful plot. This book was fun and entertaining. I liked how story progress in this book. Difficulties arises in the life of characters and how they deal with it. Another thing I liked was, how different characters with different background come to know and help each other in the small village. Even the forest mystery was intriguing. I enjoyed reading running practices and tips in the book.

In every chapter there is some motivating inspirational lines. — A simple thing – (Life is race, a marathon, there will be difficulties in path, just keep going) – is well described in this book.  Another most inspiring thing that mentioned throughout the book was that, there is little voice is always inside you that will guide you through good and bad times of life, don’t ignore it, listen and follow it. — If I start writing all the morals and great things written in the book (minus characters) then I think I’ll end up writing almost half of the book again. So, long story short. I loved ‘morals’ behind the story. End of the book was really good.

Importance of- running, principles, environment, friends and living life fully- was all this book was about. I could see skills of author in this book.

Overall, it was entreating and fun to read. As I said very inspiring.

Who should read it? Everyone can enjoy reading this book.

cover credit: Jenny-Lee Brunet.

Author: Ben Kruser

Read interview with author⇒ HERE .

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to publisher and author for providing me copy via LibraryThing. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do think about the book and my review? Have you read this book before? I’m not running anywhere so I will happily hear your thoughts. Post it below in the comment-box.

Happy reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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