Fantasy,  YA

Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault (Glass Vault #1) by Candace Robinson


Published: May 16th 2017 by CreateSpace

Read Date: May 28th 2017

Stars: 4/5

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault” is first book of the “Glass Vault” series. It’s thrilling horror book, narrated by protagonist, that you would love to read. Here is the blurb and my views.

Blurb (in my words)-

Story revolves around Perrie, 18-yr-old, living in town of Deer Park, Texas.
Some weird things are happening in the town. People are disappearing. Glass Vault museum appears in the town from nowhere.
Till now, Perrie was only worried about future and college, but when her ex-boyfriend, Neven, hit the list of disappeared people, Perrie becomes panicky. Things become even worse when her best friend and cousin, Maisie, takes a job at this weird museum and never returns home. Perrie takes her only reliable friend August to that weird museum to find out about her friend and Neven.
Will they able to find out their disappeared friends? What’s the mystery behind this museum? And who is this Quinsey?

My View:

First of all the prologue of the book was really creepy. I like the start of the book. Characters are most important part of the book and another important part was glass museum.
Characters – They were okay at their place. They were fine as author has portrayed. I am not too attached and not too detached with them. Character I loved the most was Maisie. She was smart and unusual character. I really liked her eye patches and I was amazed for her creativeness. Antagonist was a surprise package- Dark and horrible and uniquely created.
What I liked? Museum was wonderfully written.  That display line for the museum -“Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault – a glass museum and not for the faint of heart”- that was really nice and exactly goes for the book. The displays in the museum and description of them in the book was creepy and cool.
I liked how story was progressing, turning all fantasy into dark and twisted world. From the concept of book to the characters everything was very unique and interesting. The book kept me on the edge and I was constantly thinking what is going to happen next.

The twist and the end! Brilliant! I didn’t see it coming. If I can give all stars I will give it to this part. If author has not win my heart during the book, she won it for this part by writing this amazing twist and cliffhanger.
I really want to read next book of the series, and want to see what’s going to happen next.

Why 4 stars? Only thing I didn’t like was, combining past and present life of character in first 20% of the book. It was good and helped to know character more. But I feel, past life was coming so sudden while reading the present life. If that past part was in ‘italic’ then it could be easy to go with the flow, for me.
Overall, It’s fast paced book, will keep you on the edge, something different to read. I like it. YA lovers would love to read it.
Note: Expected publication for the next book of the series is October 2017.

Author: Candace Robinson

To know more about her click⇒ here.

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author.  ***
Have you read this book already? What do you feel about book and my review? I am definitely not scary so don’t fear from sharing your thought in the comment-box below. 😉
Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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