March 2024 wrap-up

March 2024 Wrap Up

Hello Readers! I hope you all are well and March treated you well. For me, March wasn’t much different than previous months but it wasn’t lacking in inspiration and productivity. Check out March Highlights, book I read and what I watched in this March 2024 Wrap Up post.

March 2024 wrap-up

March Highlights

  • We went on weekend trips for two weekends this month. One was to my in-law’s in Mumbai to attend birthday party and other was to Daman.

    If you don’t know Daman is a city in the union territory of Daman and Diu, on India’s west coast. Beach in Daman was black and dirty and unfortunately our visit coincided with low tide, limiting our beach time (high tide times were either in early mornings, afternoon or after midnight – totally inconvenient), but we enjoyed cool, breezy weather.

    There weren’t many places to visit but I liked the city. It was clean and peaceful, food was amazing and prices were good. We booked an apartment for weekend. Neighbors of our apartment were loud party people that interrupted quiet sleep at night but otherwise it was good getaway.
  • It was 15 day break after the end of the term in my kid’s school. I thought she would have great time with kids in colony but one day she came crying telling kids are not playing with her. I was surprised as her happily joining in their games.

    Upon closer observation, it became clear that she was being deliberately excluded. One child even expressed disdain upon her arrival! When I approached a kid who is sensible, she said “my kid doesn’t get game rules and ruins our game, so my friends are not letting her play even though I tell them not to do that “.

    I tried to explain my kid about game rules but she is not getting that and her exclusion persisted, kind of bordering on scapegoating. I didn’t want to do this but I had to intervene, explaining to my kid that those children aren’t her true friends. I encouraged her to play with girls who actually wanted to be friends and play with her and turns out those girls also experienced the same from that group of kids.

    It just left me wondering how 6-8 yrs kids learn to be like this!
  • This month I could manage my time much better. I started blocking time for certain activities. Of course, I often had to make adjustments but it worked well. I still couldn’t read more but I think once I get into this time block routine, i might manage to read more too.
  • I’m watching more kids’ series with my kid. As it’s term break, I’m tired of her watching Peppa Pig and Fireman Sam all day so I decided I would rather make her watch something new and that means I also have sit with her throughout the episode or season. My husband often teases, questioning whether it’s truly me or our kid who watches the show. Well, little kid in me never grew up. You can check out what we watched below.

March 2024 In Reading

Books Read : 11 (2 novels + 1 Anthology + 2 Children’s book + 6 Novella)
Total Pages read : 1397
Goodreads Challenge : 22/80

Books Read


Ready or Not is lovely heartwarming and realistic contemporary romance with Friends to lovers trope and most realistic portrayal of surprise pregnancy. I enjoyed characters and theme and layers in this but I think this would be much better audiobook than physical or e-book format.

If You Give a Single Dad a Nanny is delightful and heartwarming opposite attracts romance with an engaging plot, endearing characters, and a plethora of tropes that all romance readers will love.

Ostrich girl amazing and lovely children’s fiction about wildlife conservation with  many serious and important topics to discuss with young readers.

The Adventures of Maya is imaginative, easy-to-read STEM book for kids that feed the curiosity of young mind and encourage them to be whatever they wants to be.

The Exception to the Rule is a lovely, delightful, cute, and sweet romance novella, first in The Improbable Meet Cute Collection. It’s the perfect novella to kick off what promises to be an amazing series.

Worst Wingman Ever is beautifully crafted, heartwarming, and touching romance leaving readers with a sense of warmth and fulfillment. Loved theme of loss and the journey towards reclaiming one’s own happiness.

With Any Luck is delightful, entertaining, and heartwarming second chance romance with amazing premises. I liked dual timeline format that created a little suspense making me wonder what happened on the day before wedding. (Review will be up on Wednesday)


The Later Adventures of Hanuman is imaginative and adventurous collection of 40 mythical tales of Hanuman’s Post-Ramayana adventures that offers timeless journey filled with wonder, wisdom, and the enduring spirit of Hanuman.

Rosie and the Dreamboat is a bit entertaining, a bit serious, heartwarming and lovely installment in series. It wasn’t the best like previous novellas of series but definitely is enjoyable.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On is enjoyable, interesting, and well written romance. What I didn’t like is the cliched behavior of Harris who didn’t know how to show his real emotion that created misunderstanding. But looking at length of 40 pages, author’s work was commendable. (Review will be up on Wednesday)

Royal Valentine is lovely, heartwarming royalty romance with clichéd plot. I didn’t like Callum’s reaction to the revelation of their true identities. My favorite part was theme and layers in the story. (Review will be up on Wednesday)

25 Books for Women’s History Month

What I Watched

This was definitely fun and also it was interesting to see different worlds all in one series. My kid also liked this. I’m not sure she gets it all but I can tell she was fascinated by Veruca’s tone and she also remembers all characters’ name.

Enjoyed this. There was a tad more drama and emotions but it was fun.

This was good with theme and message of friendship, good vs evil and working in team. My kid loves unicorn so this was the best show for her.

Plans for April

Going to mood read.

There isn’t any social events this month so more time for me to read. School reopens for 15 days before the summer break in May. They are going to reshuffle classes so I hope my kid adjust with new classmates.

I’m going to research more on content writing and might do one of those online free courses. If you have any tips on where to start with content writing please share it with me.

March 2024 Wrap Up – Check out March Highlights, book I read and what I watched in this #March2024WrapUp post. #Marchinreading #Marchhighlights Share on X
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How was your March?
Have you read any of these or plan to read?
Let me know the best book you read in March in the comments

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


  • Carla

    It sounds like you had a busy month, Yesha. It’s great to get away, but too bad your trip to the coast wasn’t as good as it could have been. Kudos to you for timeblocking. When my kids were young, I did barely any reading, or had time to myself, it is difficult. Kids can be mean for sure. I don’t know how they learn it when they are young, but it is definitely a missed opportunity for parents to nip it in the bud. My grandson struggles with this as well, especially the rules of the game thing. You did a great job, the way you dealt with it. I hope April has been a great month so far.

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Thank you, Carla! Yes so many things happened and I’m also surprised how kids learn to be mean and parents fail to notice it but they can totally notice if some other kid misbehaves. I think if my kid regularly plays those games she might get it in some time. I’m letting her go by her own pace. April was a bit busy and I couldn’t follow time blocking half the time but like you said with kid in the house I have to shuffle it often and sometimes forget about it altogether.

  • Tessa Pulyer

    It’s so heartbreaking when kids act like that, especially when it’s hurting your child. Hopefully her new class will be a good fit. Otherwise, it sounds like you had a very full month in all regards.

  • Teri Polen

    Kids can be cruel, something that never changes, sadly. I’m glad your daughter found some other friends to spend time with. Hope you have a great month of reading, Yesha!

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