
Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2017

wrap-up september

Hello Everyone! Here ends the September and it’s wrap up time. Honestly this month was little slow than usual. I decided to read 10 books, but read only 8 and so I’m behind schedule and damn I have to finish at least 3 or 4 books before I go on vacation this month on 15th. I hope I can manage that.

As I’m going on vacation this month, I have lot of books to finish, I might not be that active this month so please don’t judge me for that.

Books I read in last month:


Promises of a Firefly

Promise of Fireflies by Anupam Patra

Stars: 4.5/5

Beautiful collection of stories.

Mystery / Young Adult

KH New Cover

Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold (Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency #1) by Iain Reading

Stars: 5/5

adventurous, entertaining book that will take you back in the Gold Rush era with lot of information and stories. Loved this, it was easy 5 star book.

Mythology / Romance:

Main character was the only problem with both of this book.

Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1) by Kelsey Ketch

Stars: 4/5

interesting mythical stories, thrilling forbidden romance and scary chaotic antagonists.

Son of Set (Descendants of Isis #2) by Kelsey Ketch

Stars: 4.5/5

More Mythology, more action. Unnerving, nail-biting with interesting Egyptian mythology and bittersweet romance.


In both books, main characters were actors working in movie and had a close look to movie industry.

Lose Me. by M.C. Frank

Stars: 4.5/5

fabulous contemporary, Movie in the book was Pride and Prejudice adaptation but book is not re-imagining of P&P. very different. P&P lovers will enjoy it for sure.

A Little of Chantelle Rose by Cristina Hodgson

Stars: 4/5

interesting, different, keep you on the edge, dramatic plot and ending.


Tareh Chronicles: King’s Promise by Michael Stott

Stars: 3.5/5

Little Slow. all about Neanderthals and ancient ways, surviving techniques. Some unique world building. Not so drastic climax and twist or turning points. It was ok. 

The Ninth Circle, Book 1: Fire (The Ninth Circle #1) by C.A. Harland

Stars: 4/5

Fast paced, interesting and brilliant world building and suspense with family drama.

Short Story Reviews:

  1. Saturday Short-Story Review: 1. A Tale of Two Daddies and 2. A Tale of Two Mommies – by Vanita Oelschlager.
  2. Deadman’s Tome Final Contact by Eric S Brown, James Grim Desborough, David M Hoenig, Brian Melechy Quinn, Candace Robinson, Nadeleine Swann, Dj Tyrer, Kristofer Velasquez.
  3. Saturday Short-Story Review: The Frightened Little Flower Bud by Renée Paule, G.R. Hewitt.
  4. Secret Agent Josephine in Paris by Brenda Ponnay.
  5. Saturday Short Story Review: Little Red Wolf by Amélie Fléchais

Other posts:

Social Media- Update


Author Interview: Iain Reading- Author of Kitty Hawk series.

Author Interview: H.A. Leuschel – Author of Manipulated Lives.

Author Interview: Richa Sambhy Mediratta, author of #GoanChase.

Blitz and Cover Reveal:

#BookBlitz & #Giveaway: Ugly Beautiful Girl by Tracy Krimmer.

Book Blitz: Once in a Lifetime by Kathryn R. Biel.

Cover Reveal: Willow Harbor Series.

Awards / tags:

The Versatile Blogger Award.

Cocktails and Dreams Tag

Liebster Award 2 & 3

So overall September was like this-


How was you month in reading and blogging? Have you read any of this books or planning to read in future? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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