February 2024 in life and books

February 2024 in life and books #MonthlyWrapUp

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had a lovely February. It’s been a super busy month for me and I’m glad it’s finally over. Check out how my February 2024 in life and books was in this post –

February Highlights

This was the month of attending social functions. There was a family wedding and another social function that we had to attend. As you all have noticed it sure affected my reading and blogging time and schedule but I could never say no to “No Cooking” days. On the plus side, I could enjoy all the juicy drama and it was nice to get out of the house and meet people to some extent.

There was a good amount of office work this month. I had some relaxing days but it keeps increasing as the days pass. I don’t like how little I get for reading and blogging but I have to do it to lessen the financial burden for my husband. Also, I get money to buy books so no complaining but it’s clear I don’t like the pressure of the job.

I’m so happy to see the back of certain people. Even though I shouldn’t be surprised by now but wow, some people possess an enormous ego and pride, only acting in their self-interest. It’s ironic that they have the audacity to label us as selfish and irresponsible. We cannot control their behavior, but I am learning to overlook and disregard those who thrive by looking down on us.

I’m thrilled my child spoke the prepared line about an air hostess on Community Helper Day at school. There were a few days of regression after the social functions but I’m glad to see her back on track now.

February 2024 in life and books

Reading Stats

Books Read – 5
Pages Read – 1716
Format – 1 Paperback, 4 eBooks
Goodreads Challenge – 10/80

Books Read in February


The Lily of Ludgate Hill is a captivating, delightful, slow-burn, second-chance, friends-lover-enemies-lovers Victorian romance. I enjoyed reading Ann and Felix’s story. I loved the themes of grief, forgiveness, familial duty, and growth. Romance is filled with angst, tension, banter, and pining. It was a little slow but I could easily overlook it.

The Fake Out is fun, delightful, heartwarming and spicy fake dating hockey romance. I loved knowing the characters and their growth was really good. Romance was the best part with hot chemistry, many spicy scenes, and lots of lovely adorable moments. 

3 Children’s Concept Books of Smartypants series by Anushka Ravishankar – 1) Set Theory for Smartypants, 2) Rocket Science for Smartypants, 3) Cell Theory for Smartypants – are perfect for kids age 7 or more who are curious like a cat in this series to learn mathematical and scientific concepts. In all books concepts are explained in a simple language with the visual conversational method. All illustrations are beautiful and the antics and conversations of the cat with narrator is funny.


Better Than Fiction

Better Than Fiction has been on my TBR for some time and now that I’m trying to clear old NetGalley widget I thought I would pick this up after reading the author’s Next-Door Nemesis I read last month which was amazing. I just finished the book and haven’t gathered my thoughts yet but I really enjoyed this. It was pretty close to perfect book but somehow I still feel stuck between 5 or 4 stars. I loved plot and characters and Drew’s support system and Jasper is pretty amazing. I wish there was more about him in the book but it focused on Drew and her grief of losing her grandmother which was portrayed beautifully. Full review will be up next week.


Whimsical Folktales from Manipur

Feathers Fools and Farts: Folktales from Manipur is a delightful, entertaining and whimsical folktales that give a glimpse of cultural heritage of Manipur. I enjoyed most of the stories, they were imaginative filled with magic, humor, and wisdom. There wasn’t lots of cultural thing as I expected but still it was fun.


Behind the Net

Behind the Net is enjoyable, slow burn hockey romance with amazing character development but it didn’t wow me. I’m still reading the second book as I liked Hazel and Rory in this book and I have a feeling it will be much better than this.

Blog Stats

Views – 5798
visits – 4453
comments -50

I’m surprised to see stats down this month.

Plans for March

There are two long weekends this month. On one we are going to Mumbai and on the other, we might go somewhere nearby.

Check out my February 2024 in life and books #MonthlyWrapUp ⬇️ Share on X
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How was your February?
Have you read any of these or plan to read?
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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