weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap Up

Hello readers! Time for another Weekly Wrap Up! I hope you all are well and had a great week, enjoying that sunshine if you’re a spring person. For me, my least favorite time and season of the year starts at this time that lasts almost till September. It always feels there is no such thing as Spring here! Okay there is and it’s from mid Feb to mid April but come mid March and I always say it’s summer as temperature gets unbearable day by day. It’s already 90 here and this week temperature will be above 100. You can imagine how May will be. No need to go to hell to see the devil cooking poor souls. Thankgod for A.C. but we avoid looking at electricity bills.

As for personal life, my kid is speaking more than she was last year this time. There has been good improvement with her speech this month. But we are stuck with potty training. Nothing is working and I might leave it to when she is ready!

Last week has been good. I could read only one book but it has been an uneventful week. I finally made infographic that has been on my mind but I’m still not sure if it’s good enough. Maybe I’ll just post it and leave it to you all to judge from reaction how it has turned out. I also received an email with April eARCs. It arrived early this time and there are some interesting books that I would love to read before the publication date.

I watched movies with my kid. She saw some scenes that caught her attention and slept in middle of movie while I watched full movie and enjoying more than her! what can I say, I have always enjoyed animated movies even though my family says you are too old to enjoy them.

Last Week I Read

If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher

This is heartfelt and fun read. I finished in less than 24 hrs. I enjoyed characters. It was easy to root for Violet and cheer her as she vent her feelings by burning her cheating husband’s clothes, deliberately bumping new car of her monster-in-law who always demean her but yes things go too far sometimes and I loved how Violet rectifies her mistakes and learned to give life and love second chance. I absolutely loved hero, a hot and handsome firefighter, who had a sunshine personality. He had his baggage but he learned to deal with it and I loved how through helping Violet he was making sure what happened in his past don’t happen to her too. I’m still thinking if to rate this 4 or 4.5 but I have some days to decide before review goes up in April.

Currently Reading

At Least You Have Your Health by Madi Sinha

I’m at nearly 40% of the book and so far I like it but it’s a steady pace, a reason I couldn’t finish it in weekends. Steady paced books make me want to put it down for a while and pick it again when I’m mood. The story is about an Indian gynecologist married with three kids trying to juggle work and motherly duties and struggling in field dominated by men and white people. I liked representations of Indian immigrants, how Indian parents raise their kids and their expectations and how that affect second-generation Immigrants and how they live life. It’s very accurate and realistic. I can see many parents like that around me. Along with it there is social inequality, rich parents and their overly obsessive nature when it comes to their kids, women’s healthcare, and the healthcare system. In short, it involves many important topics and I love that most so far. I can’t wait to see where this is going.

Next I’m Reading

Mr. Wrong Number Lynn Painter

Things get textual when a steamy message from a random wrong number turns into an anonymous relationship in this hilarious rom-com by Lynn Painter.

Bad luck has always followed Olivia Marshall…or maybe she’s just the screw-up her family thinks she is. But when a “What are you wearing?” text from a random wrong number turns into the hottest, most entertaining—albeit anonymous—relationship of her life, she thinks things might be on the upswing….

Colin Beck has always considered Olivia his best friend’s annoying little sister, but when she moves in with them after one of her worst runs of luck, he realizes she’s turned into an altogether different and sexier distraction. He’s sure he can keep his distance, until the moment he discovers she’s the irresistible Miss Misdial he’s been sort of sexting for weeks—and now he has to decide whether to turn the heat up or ghost her before things get messy.

Set on You Amy Lea

A gym nemesis pushes a fitness influencer to the max in Amy Lea’s steamy debut romantic comedy.

Curvy fitness influencer Crystal Chen built her career shattering gym stereotypes and mostly ignoring the trolls. After her recent breakup, she has little stamina left for men, instead finding solace in the gym – her place of power and positivity.

Enter firefighter Scott Ritchie, the smug new gym patron who routinely steals her favorite squat rack. Sparks fly as these ultra-competitive foes battle for gym domination. But after a series of escalating jabs, the last thing they expect is to run into each other at their grandparents’ engagement party.

In the lead up to their grandparents’ wedding, Crystal discovers there’s a soft heart under Scott’s muscled exterior. Bonding over family, fitness, and cheesy pick-up lines, she just might have found her swolemate. But when a photo of them goes viral, savage internet trolls put their budding relationship to the ultimate test of strength.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

Have you read any of these books or added to TBR? 
What are you planning to read this week?

QOTW – How often do you try to change your blog, either look or content? What you wanted to try for long time?


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Just in case you missed

The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley – Book Review
Sadie on a Plate by Amanda Elliot – Book Review

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


  • Rosepoint Publishing

    ouch! sorry about those temps already this early in the year, Yesha. We have a few moderate days (in the 60s), then back to really cold days (middle 30s days and below at night) and will until about the end of April. Not comfortable planting my garden until May as it can still frost and kill everything. Your daughter–yes–doesn’t sound like she is ready and maybe not worth the battle (tho heaven knows I remember it well!). Hate to attempt and insist on sticking to it, then laying off awhile, but sometimes that’s what it takes. Now cartoons? Perhaps we are never too old. Thinking my favorite of all was the original Shrek–and that because of my memories with my motorcycle buddies trying to find a cool place to go in July in Redding, California. Redding summers can hit 114 degrees F.

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Thank you, Virginia! It’s already 107 F here so it feels 114 in summer isn’t much. Summers are terrible here and they last longest. We don’t wish to leave our A.C. rooms and if we decide to go out we make sure the place has A.C. Yes, I have left her potty training to time, I try to tell her where to go but don’t force her as it makes things more difficult. I hope you have great week. Happy Reading!

  • Inge | The Belgian Reviewer

    We’re having the first warm days this week (that’s 19 or 20° degrees in other metric system) and we are coming alive here! People’s moods change, there’s more color in clothes and it’s great for so many things.. I know it’s too hot but still, I’m a little jealous ☺️ Also, I love animated movies too but I hate when they dub it in my own language, I like the English versions best.

  • confessionsofayareader

    That sucks that your weather is already so hot. Our spring (and fall) seem so much shorter now, but I’m happy that we still get a bit of a break on temperatures. We’re in the mid 60’s here, but it will cool down again later this week and get below freezing at night. I’ll be happy when we’re consistently in the 70’s.

  • Teri Polen

    Such high temps there already! I’m miserable when it’s that warm, but as you said, thank God for the AC. Happy to hear your daughter’s vocabulary is improving! Sure don’t miss those potty training days, lol. Have a great week, Yesha!

  • Lady Tessa

    Potty training was hard with both of my girls. Not my favorite thing to go through at all. But it is so good your daughter’s vocabulary has improved so much. So sorry it’s already so hot. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Yes, it’s most helpless and unpleasant task. I’m at point I ask every other mother how do you potty train. It’s gets embrassing and feels like my kid just doesn’t want to listen when it comes to potty training. It’s a releif she now at least saying what she wants than constantly tugging and standing mute at place from where she needs something. Have a great week, Tessa!

  • Carla

    You’re never too old to watch animated movies, Yesha! I am almost 65 and I still watch and enjoy them. Enjoy your upcoming books!

  • Mischenko

    Yesha, I’m with you on this time of the year. Spring goes straight into summer, and then it’s nothing but air conditioning right into fall. I know it’s way worse for you though with your climate.

    Happy to hear your daughter is picking up more speech! Fun times on the potty training. We always did sticker charts, so they received a sticker for their chart on the wall every time they went. It helped tremendously. Good luck!

    Happy reading this week ❤️

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Yes, weather gets horrible when full summer hits and we get so many heat waves in May. It isn’t shocking when I say winter is my favorite season.

      Well it’s same problem, she refuse to sit and is extremly afraid of potty seat. I don’t know how to help her fighting that fear.

      Have a great week and happy reading!

      • Mischenko

        Aww, I understand. It’s so frustrating. Every one of my kids was different with it. We ended up sticking with the insert that sits on top of the toilet rather than a totally separate unit. Maybe that might help? I feel for you. Good luck. ❤️

  • Reading Tonic

    Hope you can still enjoy some real spring days without too much heat! I would like to see Secret Magic Control Agency with my kid hope he won’t fall asleep 10 minutes into the film, you never know 🙂 Thank you for your recommendation!
    I also have Mr Wrong Number on my tbr… Loved her previous book Better Than The Movies. Happy Reading!

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