Book rating
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Book Rating and Tea for Every Mood of Book

Hello readers! I hope you’re all well. I have seen everyone discussing the rating system and giving it their own touch to it but I never talked about it as I’m used to keep simple and uncomplicated star ratings –

5 ⭐- Best book, I thoroughly enjoyed
4 ⭐- I really enjoyed the books but felt something missing or I have small issue with it
3 ⭐- I have mixed feelings. not great but not bad either
2 ⭐- I have many issues and I struggled reading it
1 ⭐- I wish I had DNFed it

I want to rate books and will keep the star rating as I believe it is as important as a detailed review in deciding how good or bad the book is. Why I say that because when I read reviews without star rating sometimes it gets confusing and I don’t understand whether they enjoyed the book or not. (nothing against readers who prefer not to rate, it’s just what I feel) I get it star rating is subjective but so is my reviews. I also feel, for me, it’s not that difficult to decide rating as after finishing the book I’m sure I know what I didn’t like or didn’t enjoy, what ruined that enjoyment and over time I have got better at it.

Recently, I wanted to try this new idea, add a tea for every mood of book along with rating. It stayed an idea for long time as I wasn’t sure about it. Also, it isn’t something brilliant thing as I’ve read about teas for different moods on the internet and there are posts on it everywhere but I wanted to make it work with books. The problem I had was how do I make a list and of course a book usually has lots of emotions. But then I just stopped overthinking and keep it simple like my rating system. What I plan is, focus on major emotions like happy, poignant, angry, dull, and so on and if there is a combination I’ll just name more than one kind of tea. I’m not a tea expert so this is just for fun. Like some reviewers add spice factor, I’ll add a tea!

Here is chart/infographic with tea for every mood of Book

Tea for every mood of Book

Let me know what you think about this? yay or nay?

I can still make changes with this. So, let me know if I missed any emotions or should add something more to it, a book type I missed for a particular emotion.

What are you thoughts on book rating?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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