7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs
Hello readers! This month’s prompt of 2022 The Support Book Blogger Challenge has been four different topics out of which I found ‘Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs’ most interesting to write as I spend a lot of time reading book blogs. Might be the same amount of time I spend reading books. Might be to the point that it kind of has become a habit and part of my routine. There are many beneficial and important reasons why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs.
I could easily think of points I want to include and talk about and these points, in a way, also tell why book blogs are still important that we saw a lot around a lot. So here are 5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs –
If you haven’t heard about this challenge yet you can check out the details on Pages Unbound’s post here.

7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs
1. Discover new books
Isn’t it most common thing and so very obvious? I don’t know about others but I discover new books through blogs. I’m not always on social media, I have also stopped browsing NetGalley as that 80% ratio is already hard to manage. Blogs don’t just help me discover ARCs but also older books, books that I missed reading because I wasn’t a reader since childhood. Also, my city library doesn’t have a vast collection. I consider blogs a primary source to discover books.
2. So many book related content
I enjoy reading all kind of bookish content – from reviews to memes, discussion posts to lists and recommendations. If you google book blog post ideas you’ll find people giving you list of 50, 70, and 100s things to post! So just imagine how many different kind of book related content bloggers might be posting. Even if topics are same (like Top 10 Tuesdays or reviews or why blogging matters or take this post) every blogger has different answers to it, different opinions or perspectives. Two posts on same topic rarely turn out the same.
3. Detailed content
There are tons of posts why blogging world is not dead or won’t die even though people are leaning more towards social media and one thing social media can’t beat, and everyone agrees to it, is detailed content. We get so much space here and we all have so much to say about all kind of topics. I always enjoy detailed reviews and I prefer to write one too that doesn’t miss any point. Detailed content helps with interaction, keeping readers engaged and of course they get all points they are looking for. Also, it’s good for SEO and Google ranking.
4. Bloggers and their voice
Often the book blog is not just about books but the person behind the blog. Every blogger has a different voice and different perspective and I enjoy seeing the same book through a different lense. We also share so many things apart from love for book, most bloggers share life updates, what’s going on in their side of world that brings this community more close. I’m not someone who is always aware of what is happening in the world. I can’t say how many times I got to know about things happening in the world through updates bloggers share.
5. There is always something new to learn
Be it self-hosting, or blog graphics, tools for blog, social media, how to stay organized, how to write posts, how to get ARCs, SEO, and how to draw more traffic… Almost everything about blogging/bookblogging I learned by reading book blogs. There are so many resources, tips, and advices bloggers share and how it work differently for all of them. It’s is always interesting to read what works best for some and what doesn’t, and figure out my own things.
6. Improve interactions and visibility
The more you read book blogs the more you want to interact with other bloggers, get over that fear of starting interactions and once you take that step it also makes you and your blog visible in the blogosphere. You’re no longer that silent awkward person who just publishes the post and disappears and see the community from the outside. It instills confidence and makes me part of the community.
7. Source of motivation
I wouldn’t have started writing discussion posts if I wasn’t reading book blogs. I wouldn’t have changed my review formats if I wasn’t reading different types of reviews bloggers are writing. Reading book blogs help in more way than just acquiring knowledge. Other book bloggers’ passion and love for writing and keep continuing book blogging is really infectious. There is no lack of it.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,
What do you think about this post?
Do you like to read book blogs? Why or why not?

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thankyou for sharing nice information
I am very interested in your book. It has sparked my interest in life, and it has provided inspiration during a period of disappointment in my past. Now, my life is filled with passion and enthusiasm, and I wake up with a smile every day. Additionally, I would like to share with you a book I have recently read called ‘Still With You’ by Karrin. I love it because it brings me a sense of anticipation and longing for love.
Diana @ Thoughts on Papyrus
Good reasons! I so agree with you on the detailed content!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! 😃
Rae Longest
I have made some firm and lasting friendships from reading book blogs. That is the main reason I take my precious reading time to do so.
Books Teacup and Reviews
one of the best reasons. We discover so many amazing people out there who shares our love for books. It’s really amazing.
Rae Longest
It IS amazing!
What a fantastic post, I love this so much!❤️ There are so many wonderful things about reading book blogs. My TBR wouldn’t be what it is without other bloggers and yes! I just love seeing the incredible, diverse content bloggers are able to put out there, too. It’s always such a joy to read their work! 🙂
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you so much! 🥲❤️ Blogs are best resources for so many things and I love the community and seeing so many perspective. It never cease to amaze me.
Amit Misra
I think all readers have different perspectives and experiences while reading the very same book, and their opinions are different. Reading book reviews helps us in appreciating any book from different points of view. They also bring to us the details which we might have missed in our reading. In a way, reading books is similar to looking at a piece of art.
Yes, book reviews are much more than book recommendations.
Books Teacup and Reviews
I totally agree and I agree reviews are more than just recommendatuons. Thank you for stopping by.
Lashaan Balasingam @ Roars and Echoes
Awesome post, Yesha! I agree with you with all these points. I especially love the “voice” element. It really justifies following anyone in the end! 😀
Books Teacup and Reviews
Yes, it makes any blog stand out in ocean of blogging world. Thank you, Lashaan! 😃
Excellent post!! I agree with all these points!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Wendy! ❤️
Excellent post! The reasons you listed are all true! Thank you for mentioning the importance of having other bookbloggers around! There are so many books to read and not enough time to get to them all. The more of us there are, the more books we can read, review, and share to everyone else!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! I can’t agree more. It’s always great to discover more bookblogs and read them to learn many things.
I just came back to blogging this week after an 8 year break. It’s taken a few days but I’m getting back into the swing of things. I like that I can make a review personal, explain why I’m reading a book, what it’s meant to me. I can’t do that with a character limit.
Books Teacup and Reviews
I’m glad you decided to come back to blogging. Social media can’t beat unlimited space and people here actually want to interact rather than just keep scrolling.
Totally agree about the voice of the blogger. I’ve stopped following people because what they wrote was so generic and vanilla that after a couple of months it sounded like something being produced by a robot. I realize not everyone is comfortable speaking out to those who are reading their blogs, but at least have an opinion once in a while! If a blogger is unmemorable, I usually end up unfollowing them.
And another great post. I feel like you’ve been on fire for the last year with your discussion posts and I hope you can keep it up. It really makes your blog “yours” 😀
Books Teacup and Reviews
Yes, no distinct voice makes readers tired after some time.
Thank you! 😃 I hope to keep it up too as I enjoy writing them. It’s lot of challenge, even more when I have to hunt the topic.
So true! Those are all great reasons to read book blogs!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you!
Sumedha @ the wordy habitat
I love reading book blogs because of 2 things—the way SO MUCH content can be created just from books and seeing how people absorb ideals from books. Different people take away different things and each person’s view is interesting.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Totally agree. It’s really amazing so many different perspectives and how many different things readers grasp from the same book.
Ash (@DarthLeaa)
Yes! I agree with all of these. I always think about switching to Insta or TikTok but I just can’t type as much as I can on my blog.
Ash @ Essentially Ash
Books Teacup and Reviews
Endless space is what makes blogs still important in social media age. Thank you!
Briana | Pages Unbound
I love finding new books too! It’s almost hard to remember how I found books before I started blogging. Like I just walked into the store or library and grabbed random stuff off the shelves and decided if it looked interesting??
Books Teacup and Reviews
I get that. If we have read about book in blog posts, we can say when we see it next time if the book has positive or negative review. While without reading about book in blogs it’s like cover buying or borrowing.
Teri Polen
Great post, Yesha! I agree with all of these. I’ve made so many online friends and enjoy not only keeping up with their lives, but also discovering new books.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Teri! Life updates makes blog more part of life. And we make so many friends.
Lady Tessa
I agree with all of these! Excellent post ❤️
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you!😀❤️
Susy's Cozy World
I wholeheartedly agree with all your points!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Susy! ❤️
I love and concur with all your reasons and thoughts behind them, Yesha. I think #1 is the biggest reason for me. I have read a lot of books I never would have picked up, if not for blogger recommendations. I read more genres than ever.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Yes, it’s biggest reason for me to and that’s why I kept it on the top. I wish to know if book I’m getting is worth buying or reading or not and like I said it helps in discovering books. Thank you, Carla! ❤️
nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog
Love this post Yesha and agree with al of these! xx
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Nicki! 😃❤️
Very true! A big thing for me is the fact a lot of my friends aren’t big readers so it’s a space for me to talk books and hopefully get some interaction back
Books Teacup and Reviews
It’s same for me. This is my place to talk about books and reading other blogs help me making the way I do it better. And if we get interaction even better. Thank you!
Swirl and Thread
All so very true!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! 😃