Summer At The Little Duck Pond Cafe
Contemporary,  Review

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe by Rosie Green- delightful chick-lit pack plenty entertainment

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe is lovely, delightful and refreshing chick-lit that pack plenty entertainment in just few pages.

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe

Summer At The Little Duck Pond Cafe

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe (The Little Duck Pond Cafe #2) by Rosie Green

Publication Date : June 18, 2018

Read Date : December 30, 2023

Genre : Chick-Lit

Pages : 138

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Disclaimer/Source : Kindle Unlimited
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Previous Book in Series –

Spring at the Little Duck Pond Cafe (Book 1)


Jaz Winters stuck a pin in a map and fled to the village of Sunnybrook, looking for a brand new life – and after a rocky start, it’s beginning to look as if she made the right decision. Her blossoming friendship with Ellie and Fen has seen her through some dark times, and she’s managed to land two jobs – waitressing at The Little Duck Pond Café and working as a weekend tour guide at Brambleberry Manor, the country house that’s been in Fen’s family for generations.

Sure, life isn’t totally perfect. There’s the irritating know-it-all guy who keeps popping up on her manor tours, for a start. He seems determined to get under Jaz’s skin whether she likes it or not. But she supposes he’s a small price to pay for the relative peace she’s found, living in Sunnybrook.

But just as Jaz is beginning to think rosier times are on the horizon, a shock encounter looks set to shatter her fragile happiness.

Will she be forced to flee from Sunnybrook and everyone she’s grown so fond of? Or will she find the strength to stand her ground and finally face up to the nightmares of the past?


Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe is heartwarming and lovely second novella in The Little Duck Pond Cafe series that follows the story of Jaz who appeared in first book a little melancholic and strong with her reaction.

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe starts six months before Jaz’s arrival at Sunnybrook. It tells about her terrible experience with her boyfriend, Grant, who locked her out on Christmas eve and also took half of her money. She had fights with him but she was holding onto relationship more because of his daughter, Titch, whom she loved like her own daughter.

When Grant stopped her meeting Titch she followed her best friend’s advice to live far but close enough that she can still secretly see Titch at her weekly horse riding lessons that take her to Sunnybrook. She thought it will be temporary situation until Grant come around but that takes six months and she has come to love Sunnybrook, its people and her life here.

But she is quickly losing her savings, she is afraid of her secret is going to come out, and she wouldn’t want to leave Sunnybrook that lands her job as tour guide that take her closer to Harry the photographer on Sunnybrook who she didn’t like when she arrived to Sunnybrook.

+ Writing is as delightful as previous book. I loved Sunnybrook in this and also the Fen’s Brambleberry Manor. It provide great backdrop to story. I loved optimistic tone throughout the book.

+ There are many characters with enough background story. Both old and new characters were amazing. I enjoyed reading more about Jaz and her life and how moving to Sunnybrook transformed her into more confident and brave person. It was lovely to meet Fen’s family. They made the story more refreshing and I enjoyed reading her family drama.

+/- Harry’s story is touching but I wish there was more about him here. While I liked Jaz and I rooted for her, I didn’t like her knee herk reaction to move back to Grant in the climax. I get her love for Titch but I don’t get how moving back with him would make things better, also I didn’t like her lack of confrontation when he demanded money or not involving her friends was her biggest mistake.

+ Climax was super interesting and surprising. I loved how things turned out in Jaz favour. End is delightful HEA.

Overall, Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe is lovely, delightful and refreshing chick-lit that pack plenty entertainment in just few pages.

Summer at The Little Duck Pond Cafe by Rosie Green is lovely, delightful and refreshing chick-lit that pack plenty entertainment in just few pages. #Chicklit #contemporary #TheLittleDuckPondCafe ⭐⭐⭐⭐Check out full review here- Share on X

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