romance with infertility and infidelity
Review,  Contemporary,  Romance

If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher – contemporary romance dealing with infertility and infidelity

If You Ask Me is relatable, heartfelt, and uplifting contemporary romance dealing with infertility and infidelity also with many light moments.

romance dealing with infertility and infidelity

If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher

Publication Date : March 8, 2022

Publisher : Berkley

Genre : Romance

Pages : 368

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Tea for this book : Overall this gives a positive feeling, so Indian Masala Chai (my favorite)

Disclaimer – Many thanks to publisher for e-ARC via NetGalley.


When an advice columnist’s picture-perfect life implodes, she opts to go rogue in this hilarious, heartwarming romance from the author of Meet Me in Paradise.

Violet Covington pens Dear Sweetie, the most popular advice column in the state of North Carolina. She has an answer for how to politely handle any difficult situation…until she discovers her husband, Sam, has been cheating on her. Furious and out of sensible solutions, Violet leaves her filter at the door and turns to her column to air her own frustrations. The new, brutally honest Dear Sweetie goes viral, sending more shock waves through Violet’s life. When she burns Sam’s belongings in a front-yard, late-night bonfire, a smoking-hot firefighter named Dez shows up to douse the flames, and an unexpected fling quickly shows potential to become something longer lasting.

A lot of people want to see the old polished Violet return—including her boss, who finds her unpredictability hard to manage, and Sam, who’s begging for another chance. But Dez appreciates Violet just the way she is—in fact, he can’t get enough of her. The right answers don’t come easily when Violet finds herself at her own personal crossroads. But maybe, by getting real, Violet can write her own happy ending.


contemporary romance dealing with infertility and infidelity

If You Ask Me is entertaining and relatable contemporary romance that revolved around advice columnist, Violet, who learns to love and trust again and follow her own advice after her picture perfect life is imploded by her cheating husband. The story is about love, friendship, family, trust, betrayal, heartbreak, self-discovery, learn to take chance and find happiness, along with layers of infertility, infidelity, miscarraige, and anxiety.

Writing is gripping, entertaining, and fast-paced. The story is written in first person narrative from Violet’s perspective. Her voice is relatable and fresh and as Violet is an advice columnist we see her columns in this as well which was fun to read. I finished this book in less than 24 hrs, it’s that gripping and fun.

Plot is fantastic. It started with Violet having her picture perfect life, getting big news at job that she wanted to share with her husband, Sam, and so went home early only to find him in her bed with another woman. She is usually calm and composed person but the betrayal rattled her so much that on drunken night she burned Sam’s priced suits in middle of street making neighbor to call fire department. And that’s how she meets handsome and lovely firefighter, Dez. Many chance encounters bring them closer but Violet is mess, unpredictable and ambivalent about this new relationship and she is no long sweet columnist but blaze and blunt who is lately rage writing her columns, and she reaches to the point where she herself needs advice.

It was great to see what Violet will do about her cheating husband, will her new persona affect her job and advice column, how she will get out of the heartbreak, is Dez just distraction or much more, where things are going between her and Dez, and if she will give this new relationship a chance or not.

All characters are interesting, realistic and relatable. I enjoyed secondary characters. Kyra– Violet’s best friend and boss is amazing. She is wise, honest and with no-nonsense personality and at the same time is fun to be around. I enjoyed reading her and Violet’s friendship. They knew each other so well. I also liked Wyne, Violet’s mother. She is amazing lady, a wedding planner who taught Violet many things and was a supportive and loving mother. There is a jealous colleague, a nosy and bitchy neighbor, a jogger who slept with Sam, Bunco ladies, other firefighters working with Dez, and mother monster-in-law. They all made diverse and fun cast. Sam doesn’t deserve to talk about so let’s just leave him. He was so selfish and mama’s boy (I don’t like mama’s boys in books. We have them enough in real life!) who thought he could get away with anything.

Violet is most relatable. I rooted for her from the beginning. She has gone through a lot and it was easy to sympathize with her. I even loved her more with her blazing and raging attitude. I laughed so much when she burnt Sam’s clothes, damaged her mother monster-in-law’s new car, and did everything that her cheating husband didn’t like or approve of. I was cheering her for everything but yes, there comes a time when you go too far and so did Violet but thank god there are friends like Kyra in her life.

Violet is kind, caring and lovely person and it didn’t take her long to see what she did was wrong, felt guilty, and found a way to rectify her mistakes. Her intentions weren’t wrong and I understand her actions and reactions as I could see myself doing the same in her situation (As I’m far from composed and blatant and blazing is my infamous middle name). I loved how she learned to let out her emotions, show vulnerability, it’s okay to fall apart in front of someone, how to stand up again, and give life, happiness, and moreover herself another chance.

Dez is so so lovely. I don’t blame Violet for getting into another relationship so soon..! He is caring, loving, empathetic, supportive, and filled with sunshine. (I never read a male character who had sunshine personality and attitude. So Immediate Plus Point!) Sounds so good to be true, right? But it wasn’t like he never had problems or never faced loss and grief in life which made me like him even more. It was great to see his unwavering support to Violet, being realistic, and understanding when she needed space or when he felt she wasn’t ready for more. I so wish he was real (we all need person like him more in this world).

Best part of the book is Violet’s advice column and the topics author covered through it, infertility, infidelity, body shaming, parental support, and relationships. Miscarriage and relatives hammering for wanting kids is close to home and I have faced it bitterly. So yes, I loved those columns and cheered Violet for giving amazing answers to all letters she received.

Romance is fast here. Things go fast between Violet and Dez like it was a fling and their feelings also develop really fast which was a little unbelievable as I wouldn’t want any man in my life if I was in Violet’s situation but that’s just me and at the same time I feel if the person is like Dez, I will throw caution out of window. Anyway, I enjoyed their chance meetings and their time together. It was lovely to see them together, getting to know each other, and Dez bringing out best in Violet.

Climax is interesting with that douche (let’s be decent) Sam trying to get back in Violet’s life, things getting sideway, Violet getting cold feet, and making stupid decisions… Lots of things happened here. I’m glad nothing was rushed. Violet’s interview was best to read in this part. I loved how she realized her mistake, finally realized she lives in advance world and there are lots of ways to make family and there is thing like found family out there, give life and love a chance, and see where it’s going. End is lovely, uplifting and feel good.

Why 4.5 Stars-

Just a small thing- like I said romance between Violet and Dez went too fast to be believable. One can easily overlook it. It’s safe to say this book is very close to perfect.

Overall, If You Ask Me is entertaining, relatable, heartfelt, and uplifting contemporary romance with many light moments and also serious topics.

I highly recommend this if you like,
Sexy firefighter hero
Advice columns
relatable heroine
diverse cast
fast pace
entertaining plot
So many light moments but also serious topics
Layer of infertility and infidelity

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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