2024 Reading and Blogging Goals
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2024 Reading and Blogging Goals

Hello readers! How are you all doing and how was your 2023? Have you set 2024 Reading and Blogging Goals? For me, after a whole year of many life changes, I’m just eager to start 2024 having a normal routine with normal stress-free days, certain people out of my space, and some plans that I need to help me organize four major things in life – 1) Life (read my kid, she takes my most of time and is a huge part of my life) 2) Reading 3) blog 4) job.

Even though I’m not a goal person as I never follow them but now that I have to manage so many things I think it’s high time to set some goals and follow them.

So here are my 2024 Reading and Blogging Goals –

2024 Reading and Blogging Goals

Life Goals

As my daughter has achieved all major milestones in 2023, this year my only goal for her is to read her regularly. Lately, she is more hooked to playing games (my husband is responsible for that) which has taken away her reading time. I hope to change that and make her want to read books more than just playing games

Recently I have got a routine of walking for an hour every night when my kid is playing with other kids. I hope to maintain that.

Ok, this one I may or may not follow – Apart from reading journal I have started keeping a Bullet Journal. Mostly to keep things organized and also to take notes of important things/events and reflect on them. As it’s a newish thing I’m not sure how long I’m going to follow it but I’m adding it to my goals.

Reading Goals

Read 60 Books
Again I’m keeping it less even though I can easily read 100 books a year just to keep it less stressful.

Daily goals
Read 5 chaps or 50 pages

Monthly goal
Read at least 1 or 2 physical books either from the shelf/ received to review
2 KU books
2 NetGalley books

Challenges (I’m not going to write a separate post for this but here is the list of challenges I’m sure participating in and will keep track of)
A to Z challenge
12 books from 12 friends

Read 5-10 Classics

Read 5 Authors I wanted to read for ages but haven’t yet
– Brandon Sanderson
– Sarah J. Maas
– Agatha Christie
– Emily Henry
– V. E Schwab

Read and complete 5 Series
Definitely has to be on the list for a series lover.

Blogging Goals

I’m going to reduce blogging time this year as I honestly cannot keep up with my job and whatever little time have I I want to use that to read more. It sure affects my stats but I have to set priorities and that’s not on the top of the list. So here they are,

Post 2 times a week
most probably Mon and Thus. If I cannot post on that particular day, I will post the next days that’s, Tues and Fri.

Blog Hop alternate days or whenever I have time
I cannot guarantee this as I have missed many posts last couple of months and many days I don’t have time to open WordPress but I will catch up on posts of readers I regularly follow.

No creating Blog graphics/media except for Pinterest
I’m really tired of making blog graphics mostly because I don’t have time and another reason is broken images in the final post that is happening pretty frequently lately and it takes lots of tries to correct which is time-consuming and annoying. I would rather just post the book cover as a featured image than waste my time just so it makes my blog look good.

Write drafts in Weekends

12 interactive posts
I see I haven’t written any other post than book reviews and monthly wrap-ups lately and I’m itching for that to change. It will be challenging but I guess I can think of at least 1 post every month or might join some blogging prompts or challenge for that.

Bookish Separator

Have you set goals this year?
What are your reading or blogging goals in 2024?
Link your post on 2024 goals in the comments

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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