feel-good month

March was a feel-good month #MarchWrapUp

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had a marvelous march. For me, March was a feel-good month.

feel-good month

March Highlights

As I said last month, I have been busy, a lot was going on with the term-end break in my kid’s school and meetings with the interior and deciding the layout of the interior… it was a hectic month and it’s so hard to keep my kid engaged! I wish we could find some activity class for her as I don’t want to watch Frozen any more! We watched it four times this month I swear I can speak dialogues in my sleep and somehow I can’t convince her to try some other movie! She is obsessed with Frozen.

Anyway, it was still a good month as I could find time to read. Actually, I’m staying up to read as I don’t have to wake up early because of a break from school routine so I’m back to being a night owl reading peacefully and blissfully undisturbed when my kid and husband sleep. I so missed having that time. I was also disappearing from the blog and social media to binge-read and watch Netflix shows and I don’t regret it as again I missed that.

Worry not when school starts on April 13th I’ll be back to some kind of routine I had before this feel-good month. Just like we pick up a dark fantasy or twisted thriller after the feel-good romance or contemporary. But dark fantasy is my favorite so I’m not complaining! I wouldn’t have blissful reading time, but with the start of school, I wouldn’t have to think about 1000 ways to keep my kid engaged. (there should be a book on that)

It’s been two years since I switched to self-hosted site and I have to say I’m very happy with it so I renewed the self-hosting plan for the next four years. Nope, I’m not going back to free WP or paid WP.

March was also a month of many book mails.

I took a break from exercise this month as I injured my knee. I overdid it! I need to be careful from now on and need to change my plans and form.

I also started embroidery again. Here is what I made –

And I plan to start with this –

And I hope when i finish it look something like this. Mine can’t be this perfect but I will try to make it look better –

Book Stats

Book read : 8 (7 novel, 1 children’s book)
Pages read : 2355

Book Read in March

Stone Cold Fox by Rachel Koller Croft – clever, thrilling, and wicked page-turning con artist thriller with an amazing cat-and-mouse chase that kept me on edge till the end. I honestly thought I wouldn’t like this as I’m not into thrillers lately and I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Not So Perfect Strangers by L.S. Stratton – intriguing, tense, and relatable domestic thriller with heavy themes and layers. I enjoyed the plot, writing, and characters’ backstory but Tasha a little frustrating at times and I didn’t get the psychology behind her son loving his abusive father more than Tasha. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Hoarder’s Widow (Widows, #1) by Allie Cresswell – touching contemporary about compulsive hoarding and how that affects the lives of people living with the hoarder with a well-written theme and layers. I absolutely loved the concept and theme of the book but I had hard time getting into the book and it was too slow for my liking. ⭐⭐⭐

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne – entertaining, sexy and adorable hate-to-love workplace romance. Now I know why this book is so popular among romance fans and it’s worth all the hype. I wish to read more books by the author now. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Weeza’s Great Escape by Katherine Cobb – touching and hopeful story of a dog who escaped an abusive owner and found her forever home. This is a heartfelt story of the fears, courage, and hope of a dog who went through hunger, was bullied by other dogs, and had a hard time trusting other humans and feeling safe. I loved the illustrations that brought the story to life. Even for kids who cannot read all the words, images tell the story itself. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

White Trash Warlock (Adam Binder, #1) by David R. Slayton – intriguing, heartfelt, fast-paced and dark paranormal urban fantasy with a complicated plot and imaginative world. There was a little repetitiveness in the chapters with Robert’s perspective but I loved LGBTQ rep, theme, layers and magical realm in urban setting. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Trailer Park Trickster (Adam Binder, #2) by David R. Slayton – intriguing, entertaining, fast-paced, and dark paranormal urban fantasy about secrets and family drama with complicated plot and relationships. This was even better than the first book. This series is totally addictive. I highly recommend this to fans of urban fantasy. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Magicians of Madh (The Magicians of Madh ) by Aditi Krishnakuma – entertaining, amusing, witty middle-grade fantasy and mystery set in the magical city and royal academy. As the first book there is lots of information and character introduction that made this short book slow to read and also I wasn’t impressed with the motive of the villain but otherwise, this was really good MG fantasy mystery. Review will be up this week and I’ll rate it ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Other Posts

Why I didn’t like Mal in the Grisha Trilogy

Best book of the Month

Best Character of the Month

Josh in The Hating Game
Adam in Adam Binder series
Bea in Stone Cold Fox

Blog Stats

Views – 8601
Visits – 6974
Likes – 287
Comments – 152

This unexpected traffic was because of Shadow and Bone season 2. Apparently, many people are visiting my Siege and Storm review. They must be wanting to see what happens next or what happened in the book. I think once the hype of the show dies down, the traffic will come down to normal. But look at the likes (it’s even less than last month), people are just interested in visiting, I wonder why can’t they see the like button or comment box. 🤔

Movies and shows

I enjoyed this one. It’s addictive and now I wish I have read the book.

This was lovely. A story about finding family lost during the war but even more about hope and belief with the message of belief is much more stronger and anything is possible if you believe. I just hope kids don’t do those impossible tasks Peter did in the movie otherwise it’s fun with a good message.

We wen to watch this in the multiplex. A really good movie of Shah Rukh Khan after a long time. Looks like I love these agent movies and shows nowadays.

Plans forApril

We thought we would get the keys of the house in March but it’s delayed for some reason but the builder has guaranteed to hand over the keys this month and the furniture work and everything will start before the month’s end.

School will be starting in the middle of the month for 15 days but before that, we need to go to school for uniform and books purchase.

I’m hoping my reading month is just as good as March.

I thought I would write review of the show I watched in March but couldn’t so hopefully I would try that in April.

I’m trying to plan Instagram content a week ahead. I know I’m not really good at planning but I want to see if it works for me or not.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How was your March?
Have you read any of these books or show? Do you plan to?
What are your plans for April?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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