7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs
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7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs

Hello readers! This month’s prompt of 2022 The Support Book Blogger Challenge has been four different topics out of which I found ‘Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs’ most interesting to write as I spend a lot of time reading book blogs. Might be the same amount of time I spend reading books. Might be to the point that it kind of has become a habit and part of my routine. There are many beneficial and important reasons why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs.

I could easily think of points I want to include and talk about and these points, in a way, also tell why book blogs are still important that we saw a lot around a lot. So here are 5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs –

If you haven’t heard about this challenge yet you can check out the details on Pages Unbound’s post here.

7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs

7 Reasons Why I Enjoy Reading Book Blogs

1. Discover new books

Isn’t it most common thing and so very obvious? I don’t know about others but I discover new books through blogs. I’m not always on social media, I have also stopped browsing NetGalley as that 80% ratio is already hard to manage. Blogs don’t just help me discover ARCs but also older books, books that I missed reading because I wasn’t a reader since childhood. Also, my city library doesn’t have a vast collection. I consider blogs a primary source to discover books.

2. So many book related content

I enjoy reading all kind of bookish content – from reviews to memes, discussion posts to lists and recommendations. If you google book blog post ideas you’ll find people giving you list of 50, 70, and 100s things to post! So just imagine how many different kind of book related content bloggers might be posting. Even if topics are same (like Top 10 Tuesdays or reviews or why blogging matters or take this post) every blogger has different answers to it, different opinions or perspectives. Two posts on same topic rarely turn out the same.

3. Detailed content

There are tons of posts why blogging world is not dead or won’t die even though people are leaning more towards social media and one thing social media can’t beat, and everyone agrees to it, is detailed content. We get so much space here and we all have so much to say about all kind of topics. I always enjoy detailed reviews and I prefer to write one too that doesn’t miss any point. Detailed content helps with interaction, keeping readers engaged and of course they get all points they are looking for. Also, it’s good for SEO and Google ranking.

4. Bloggers and their voice

Often the book blog is not just about books but the person behind the blog. Every blogger has a different voice and different perspective and I enjoy seeing the same book through a different lense. We also share so many things apart from love for book, most bloggers share life updates, what’s going on in their side of world that brings this community more close. I’m not someone who is always aware of what is happening in the world. I can’t say how many times I got to know about things happening in the world through updates bloggers share.

5. There is always something new to learn

Be it self-hosting, or blog graphics, tools for blog, social media, how to stay organized, how to write posts, how to get ARCs, SEO, and how to draw more traffic… Almost everything about blogging/bookblogging I learned by reading book blogs. There are so many resources, tips, and advices bloggers share and how it work differently for all of them. It’s is always interesting to read what works best for some and what doesn’t, and figure out my own things.

6. Improve interactions and visibility

The more you read book blogs the more you want to interact with other bloggers, get over that fear of starting interactions and once you take that step it also makes you and your blog visible in the blogosphere. You’re no longer that silent awkward person who just publishes the post and disappears and see the community from the outside. It instills confidence and makes me part of the community.

7. Source of motivation

I wouldn’t have started writing discussion posts if I wasn’t reading book blogs. I wouldn’t have changed my review formats if I wasn’t reading different types of reviews bloggers are writing. Reading book blogs help in more way than just acquiring knowledge. Other book bloggers’ passion and love for writing and keep continuing book blogging is really infectious. There is no lack of it.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

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Do you like to read book blogs? Why or why not?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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