things I love in books
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6 things I love in books apart from main story

things I love in books

6 things I love in books apart from main story

Hello readers! Have you ever paid attention to other things in book that are part of the book often very important than just the main story? This just randomly came in mind a week or two before but I wasn’t sure where to start it, more precisely, what to write for each points as I could list things instantly but I needed time to write post that I hardly have these days. I couldn’t also find anyone writing something similar as well (Let me know of I’m wrong, I would to check more such posts). So I hope you enjoy this post on things I love in book apart from main story.


I’m huge fan of fantasy maps. I’m not exactly good at direction in real life but I like to see which direction characters take in books and of course they make the idea of world even better. I sometimes check snippet on Amazon or Goodreads just to see if the book has a map or not. I even bought Priory of Orange Tree just because I loved its map, it’s different matter the book turned as good as the map and I ended up loving it.

Dedication /epigraph

Who doesn’t love an amazing dedication that is something different than to family or teacher or friends! (No offence to authors who dedicate book to families or person that matters to them most) When it’s something different it sets a vibe even before story started.

To my wonderful readers:
Sorry about that last cliff-hanger.
Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA.
But seriously, I love you guys.

“For anyone who has ever dreamed of finding a body in the library”

“For those who need a reminder to make every day count”

Bonus material

Inspiration story, interviews, short story, character guide, character art, letters… these are all amazing things I enjoy reading after finishing the book and it’s even better when I don’t have to find them online and can have in the back of the book.


They are my new favorites these days. I’m not good at baking, we didn’t have oven until recently so I like to read them and try the easiest one at home.


They are huge relief when there is big cast and author has created new world with its own vocabulary. They are books’ personal dictionary and I love dictionaries.

Author’s note

I love this part, specially in historical fictions. I haven’t seen them frequently in other genres but I love to read what research author did, what in book was factual or fictional and reference and links to browse.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

What do you think about this post? What do you love/enjoy most in books apart from main story?


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Just in case you missed,,,

This is part of Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa challenge

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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